Appeal filed in the Supreme Court in Ireland in 2024 and 2025
concerning case to halt the covid19 vaccinations of children in Ireland until Full Informed Consent can be given by Parents or Guardians. Obtaining Informed Consent by Non Disclosure, False Pretences, and Deception. Role of the Precautionary Principle.
Supreme Court Papers Filed in 2024 and 2025
Our Evidence for the Court from the HPRA, the state Regulator in Ireland
Pleaded in Court
' 21,000 Irish people suffered injuries, illnesses, disabilities or deaths from the covid19 vaccines according to the HPRA. I refer the Court to Exhibit HPRA. By May 2024, VAERS of CDC reported that the covid19 vaccines had killed 37,647 people and injured 1.6 million people in the USA. Many of these injuries and illnesses were serious and life threatening requiring hospitalizations and life altering. I refer the Court to Exhibit VAERS 2024. By February 2023, Eudravigilance of the European Medicines Agency in Europe reported that the covid19 vaccines had killed over 50,000 people and injured over 5 million people. Many of these injuries and illnesses were serious and life threatening requiring hospitalizations and life altering. I refer the Court to Exhibit Eudravigilance 2024.
As this has led to harm, loss and injury to over twenty one thousand living men, women and children in Ireland, and serious breaches of international human rights and Irish Constitutional rights at articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution encompassing fundamental rights and unenumerated rights, this matter must as a matter of urgency proceed to full Supreme Court hearings.
Admission of Liability and Admission of Guilt by the Irish government and state
To corroborate this, the Irish government has publicly stated in 2023 and 2024 that it will set up a covid19 vaccination compensation programme to compensate the many thousands of Irish people injured, made ill or disabled by the covid19 vaccine or suffered the loss of a loved one. Other governments have already implemented such programmes. This is an admission of liability and an admission of guilt in law by the Irish government and state.
News reports about Irish government compensation programme for covid19 vaccination victims.
An admission of guilt in law by the Irish government and state. This is very serious as the evidence shows that there was no Informed Consent for these vaccinations and there was a breach of the Precautionary Principle in Irish law and EU law.
These facts above including the admission of guilt by the Irish government and state has had a major effect on this court case and it vindicates the cause of action, the pleadings, the evidence, the standing, and the bono fides of the Plaintiffs in this court case and it vindicates the good name and reputation of the Plaintiffs. The Supreme Court has a legal, lawful and Constitutional duty to hold full Supreme Court hearings of this appeal so that the breaches of Informed Consent and the Precautionary Principle and accompanying breaches of the Common Good and breaches of Fundamental rights and Unenumerated rights and Natural Law rights as defined in the Irish Constitution can be pleaded in Court and evidence and witness testimonies submitted to the Court and explanations provided for the loss, harm and injury caused to over twenty one thousands Irish men, women and children provided to the Court.
This court case involves life and death issues in addition to serious injuries to thousands of living Irish men, women and children. As this has led to harm, loss and injury to over twenty one thousand living men, women and children in Ireland, and serious breaches of international human rights and Irish Constitutional rights at articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution encompassing fundamental rights and unenumerated rights, this matter must as a matter of urgency proceed to full Supreme Court hearings.
Admission of Guilt by Pfizer which means Pfizer is vulnerable to an Admission of Liability
Evidence from Pfizer and it's covid19 vaccine trial documents which we presented to the Court
This evidence we provided to the Court details the injuries, illnesses, disabilities and types of death caused by the covid19 vaccine which was known to Pfizer in November 2020 and known to all state Regulators including those in Ireland and the EU by late December 2020, but this not reveled to vaccine recipients prior to and during covid19 vaccinations. This was deliberately concealed and hidden from covid19 vaccine recipients and was only released under Federal court order in the USA in 2022. There was no Informed Consent for the covid19 vaccinations. This was a breach of Informed Consent and the Precautionary Principle in Irish law and EU law.
By March 2021 there was enough medical and scientific evidence to show that the covid19 vaccinations caused serious injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths but this was not revealed to vaccine recipients and the vaccines were not withdrawn in accordance with the Precautionary Principle in Irish law and EU law. There was no Informed Consent for the covid19 vaccinations. This was a breach of Informed Consent and the Precautionary Principle in Irish law and EU law. I refer to the following Exhibits:
As this has led to harm, loss and injury to over twenty one thousand living men, women and children in Ireland, and serious breaches of international human rights and Irish Constitutional rights at articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution encompassing fundamental rights and unenumerated rights, this matter must as a matter of urgency proceed to full Supreme Court hearings.
Admission by the medical profession that No Informed Consent was given for the covid19 vaccinations
Dr. Renata Moon a highly experienced medical doctor and Paediatrician and Professor in the USA testified before the US Senate on December 7th 2022 and stated that the information leaflet which accompanied covid19 vaccines was totally blank. She stated that this was NOT Informed Consent and the Senate and other medical doctors agreed with her. This was part of our prima facie evidence given to the High Court in December 2022 and January 2023. Click on the picture or link below to view this US Senate testimony :
As this has led to harm, loss and injury to over twenty one thousand living men, women and children in Ireland, and serious breaches of international human rights and Irish Constitutional rights at articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution encompassing fundamental rights and unenumerated rights, this matter must as a matter of urgency proceed to full Supreme Court hearings.
More admissions of Guilt and Liability from Pfizer :
Evidence from Pfizer’s Internal Documents regarding the vaccine. A book based on Pfizer’s
internal documents and Over 90 Pfizer reports based on Pfizer documents and data released
to the public under a Federal Court in the USA issued in January 2022
We provided other scientific papers from Pfizer’s covid19 vaccine trial and post authorisation reports to prove that informed consent was not being given for these vaccines. These documents show that Pfizer knew by November 2020 at the earliest and by March 1 2021 at the very latest that the covid19
vaccines were not safe and not effective. And Pfizer filed these reports with the Regulators including
the FDA, EMA, HPRA, MHRA and others in November 2020 and got emergency authorisation by
December 2020, so the Regulators knew by mid December 2020 at the earliest and by March 1 2021 at
the latest that the covid19 vaccines were not safe and not effective. Yet this was NOT disclosed to the
general public and vaccinees. The Regulators and the Defendants and government had a legal duty and
Constitutional duty to disclose this to the public but refused to do so.
I cite from our sworn affidavit filed in the High Court in January 2023 and given to the Defendants and High Court
‘ 19a. Pfizer Internal documents support our legal claims and evidence in the High Court
I further state that the Pfizer internal documents which were supposed to be covered up and not
released to the general public for 75 years but were released under federal court order in the USA in
2022 have been analysed by experts and put into a new book. The Pfizer internal documents reveal that
the covid19 vaccine is very dangerous to human health and can cause many types of serious illness or
disability and premature deaths and this has serious implications for the USA, Ireland, Britain and many
other highly vaccinated countries. And these Pfizer documents were filed with and known to the FDA in
the USA and the EMA in Europe and the regulatory authorities in Ireland in 2020 and 2021 but they
refused to inform the general public and refused to protect the general public. This completely
undermined informed decision making and informed consent.
Dr. Naomi Wolf led this team of scientists, academics, researchers, and doctors who went through the
Pfizer internal documents which were released under Federal Court order in the USA in 2022. They
published a book titled
‘Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports’
and was Exhibit 67 for this High Court case and there is a link to the book here at‘
This book is Exhibit Pfizer Book for this Supreme court case and is on the memory stick.
This book uses primary source material from Pfizer itself and it’s vaccine trial documents and post trial
documents. These reports are on the Internet on and this is Exhibit 15 for the court. They detail many hundreds of illnesses, disabilities and types of
death already caused by the covid19 vaccines. A significant amount of this was known to Pfizer and the
regulatory authorities by March 1 2021 and by April 2021, yet there was NO disclosure to the public
and no measures taken to protect the public. This includes many hundreds of serious illnesses,
disabilities and types of death NOT revealed to the general public and vaccine recipients.
To further elucidate this issue of grave national importance for the court, Exhibit Naomi is a link to Dr.
Naomi Wolf’s lecture about these Pfizer vaccine trial documents and data at Hillsdale college in 2023.#
Dr. Naomi Wolf made the following points about the Pfizer vaccine trial documents:
#1: Pfizer knew their vaccine had negative efficacy as early as November 2020
#2: Shortly after the release of the COVID injections, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time employees to process the paperwork of the injured
#3: Pfizer and the FDA withheld information that the shots cause heart damage in youth for four months while an aggressive propaganda campaign drove many thousands to get injected
#4: Rather than staying in the injection site, Pfizer knew the shot’s dangerous lipid nanoparticles quickly distribute throughout the body to the brain, liver, and adrenals, and accumulate in the ovaries
#5: Pfizer documents acknowledge more than 42,000 adverse events, including 1,200 deaths, in just the first three months, including strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia, guillain-barré, bell’s palsy, myalgia, and more
“there’s industrial scale strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia-type disorders. Guillain-Barré, Bell’s Palsy [and more].”
#6: Prior to it being legal, more than 1,000 children were injected, and Pfizer’s documents indicate a high rate of serious injury
#7:Available records of study participants who conceived children show 80% lost their babies
#8: Pfizer knew there was a danger to fertility. Lipid Nanoparticles damage the placenta during pregnancy, causing early deliveries
#9: Pfizer docs show that lipid nanoparticles also enter breast milk, stunting, injuring, and sometimes killing babies
#10: Pfizer docs show 3 to 1 of AEs sustained by women, 16% ‘reproductive disorders.’ ‘What kind of monsters look at 16% reproductive disorders and keepgoing?’ Results: ‘13% to 20% drop in live births'
#11 Pfizer documents reveal that LNPs “degrade baby boys in utero” by traversing “the testes of fetal baby boys” and damaging “the Sertoli cells and the Leydig cells, which are basically the factories of masculinity”
This was not disclosed by the Irish government authorities and state bodies to Irish general public and
vaccine recipients. They just claimed the vaccines were “safe and effective”.
From a legal viewpoint, the most important issue here is that this was not disclosed by Pfizer, and the
Irish government authorities and state bodies to the Irish general public and vaccine recipients. This
was known to Pfizer and the FDA, CDC, NIH in the USA and the EMA in Europe and HPRA and Irish
government and health authorities in Ireland by mid December 2020 at the earliest and March 1st 2021
at the very latest yet it was NOT released to the general public and vaccine recipients. They just claimed
the vaccines were “safe and effective”.
There was No Informed Consent given by vaccine recipients and the general public for these vaccines.
Dr. Naomi Wolf led a team of scientists, academics, researchers, and doctors who went through the Pfizer internal documents which were released under Federal Court order in the USA in 2022. Here is a link to her lecture about this at Hillsdale college in 2023, click on the picture below
As this has led to harm, loss and injury to over twenty one thousand living men, women and children in Ireland, and serious breaches of international human rights and Irish Constitutional rights at articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution encompassing fundamental rights and unenumerated rights, this matter must as a matter of urgency proceed to full Supreme Court hearings.
Our Evidence for the Court in the form of a US Congressional Report in 2024 into covid19, lockdowns, masks and covid19 vaccines
The official US Congressional Report into covid19 titled ‘AFTER ACTION REVIEW OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward’ released on December 4, 2024 fully corroborates the evidence we presented to the High Court in 2022, 2023 and now to the Supreme Court in 2024 and 2025. This is conclusive and irrefutable evidence from the US Congress which fully backs up our claims, pleadings and evidence presented to the High Court. I refer to Exhibit US Congressional Report.
Our Pleadings and Evidence in the Irish Supreme Court
Our Evidence for the Court showing Autopsy Evidence and Pathology Evidence
The published Autopsy paper which scientifically proves that the covid19 vaccines killed people This scientific paper was censored by a few journals in 2023 and 2024. In November 2024 it was published in a top journal.
Dr. Arne Burkhardt was one of the top Pathologists in Germany and he examined many covid19 vaccine deaths. One can read the Dr Arne Burkhardt Autopsy Protocols and Autopsy evidence for covid19 vaccine deaths in Exhibit 7a and Exhibit Pathology and Exhibit Pathology 1 for the High Court and also below which were given to the High Court as evidence in affidavits but ignored by Twomey J.. These Protocols are long and detailed and can be viewed at
Our Evidence for the Court showing Contamination of Covid19 vaccines
Published Scientific Study from Japanshowing contamination of the covid19 vaccines
A new published scientific study from Japan has found further contamination of the covid19 vaccines. This contamination relates to the discovery of self assembling units or nanotechnology inside the Pfizer and Moderna covid19 vaccines and in vaccinated blood. This corroborates our evieence presented to the High Court showing nanotechnology inside the cvoid19 vaccines and in vaccinated blood. I refer to the scientific study below:
Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study
Lee et al. 2024
I quote from this scientific paper:
‘ From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals.
In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous —on the order of 3~4 x106per milliliter of the injectable—visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1to 100μm, or greater, of many different shapes.
There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth.
All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures.
As time progressed during incubation, simple one-and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions.
They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin,flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains.
Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time.Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables’
There was no informed consent for this. This contamination of the covid19 vaccines and of vaccinated blood is a health hazard for blood banks and blood transfusion services.
Thus requires immediate and comprehensive scientific studies in Ireland to examine this contamination of the covid19 vaccines in the interests of Irish national security.
Dr. Ian Brighthope, a medical doctor for over 35 years and a University Professor in Australia provided an excellent lecture on the relationship between covid19 vaccinations and boosters and new cancers including "turrbo cancers" and cancers returning after many years and other illnesses caused by the covid19 vaccination and boosters.
Scientists and medical doctors believe that these new type of Cancers are linked to the distribution of mRNA and spike proteins and contaminants to all body organs and all body parts in humans and to DNA and genetic damage.
Our Evidence for the Court showing covid19 vaccines have negative efficacy against covid19 infection
Many scientific studies are cited in our evidence for the High Court and Supreme Court.
One scientific study below proves the point@
Our Evidence for the Court showing the The Hope Accord signed by 2,000 medical doctors and 6,000 medical professionals and over 2,000 scientists
The Hope Accord calls for a withdrawal of the covid19 vaccines and for compensation and restitution for those people made ill and disabled or killed by these vaccines and full accountability for those who created, promoted, profited from and injected these vaccines into people. See links below:
Medical and scientific evidence about injuries, illnesses, disabilities and sudden deaths caused by the covid19 vaccinaitons presented by a medical doctor, Dr Philip McMillan
Our Evidence for the Court showing Dr. Tony Fauci ex head of the NIH in the USA lied about covid19 vaccines and boosters and he is a liar
Dr. Tony Fauci ex head of the NIH in the USA falsely claimed that the covid19 vaccines and boosters were effective and prevented covid19 infection, yet he publicly stated (in video below) that he got several covid19 infections after getting covid19 vaccinations and boosters. He has proven himself to be liar who deceived the public about covid19 vaccines.
Our Speech delivered to the High Court at the end of High Court Proceedings in 2023 Notice of our appeal to the Supreme Court in Ireland delivered by Sharon Browne, Plaintiff, to the High Court on July 12th 2023
' Your Honour,
we are appealing the judgment today and
appealing the refusal of the judge to address the main issue of this High Court case that being an Injunction based on deprivation of Informed Consent for parents and guardians and
appealing the refusal of the Judge to accept our prima facie evidence and our expert witnesses who are scientists and medical professionals and court witnesses who are seriously ill vaccine victims in full court hearings and
appealing the refusal of the Judge to recuse himself due to among other things objective bias, confirmation bias, inaccuracies, and lack of judicial independence in his costs judgment and
appealing the costs judgment of the 25th April 2023.
We are appealing all of this to the Supreme Court on points of law, points of evidence, points of judicial procedures and superior court rules, and points of the Irish Constitution and points of international Human Rights law. '
Defence of Informed Consent and Protection of Children are the grounds for this court case