High Court Results
and Appeal to Supreme Court in Ireland concerning case to halt the covid19 vaccinations of children in Ireland until Full Informed Consent can be given by Parents or Guardians. Obtaining Informed Consent by Non Disclosure, False Pretences, and Deception. Role of the Precautionary Principle.


Press Release

Last High Court Hearings July 2023. Notice of Appeal to the Supreme Court

Speech delivered to the High Court at the end of High Court Proceedings on 12th July 2023
Notice of our appeal to the Supreme Court in Ireland delivered by Sharon Browne, Plaintiff, to the High Court on July 12th 2023

' Your Honour,
we are appealing the judgment today and
appealing the refusal of the judge to address the main issue of this High Court case that being an Injunction based on deprivation of Informed Consent for parents and guardians  and
appealing the refusal of the Judge to accept our prima facie evidence and our expert witnesses who are scientists and medical professionals and court witnesses who are seriously ill vaccine victims in full court hearings and
appealing the refusal of the Judge to recuse himself due to among other things objective bias, confirmation bias, inaccuracies, and lack of judicial independence in his costs judgment and
appealing the costs judgment of the 25th April 2023.
We are appealing all of this to the Supreme Court on points of law, points of evidence, points of judicial procedures and superior court rules, and points of the Irish Constitution and points of international Human Rights law. '

Defence of Informed Consent and Protection of Children are the grounds for this court case

a conditional Injunction until such time as full Informed Consent could be given by parents or guardians of children for the covid19 vaccines in line with their Constitutional rights, Human Rights and the Precautionary Principle. And a Protective Costs Order as the case is a Public Interest case involving Constitutional rights, Human Rights and the Precautionary Principle and some elements of the Arhus Convention. .

Result in court:
We were denied a Protective Costs Order. In the costs judgment the judge pre-judged and prejudiced the scheduled and future court hearings on Informed Consent and the Injunction and the Precautionary Principle making them impossible to hear in court. The scheduled court hearings on Informed Consent and the Injunction and the Precautionary Principle were not heard in court and were blocked by Judge Michael Twomey. An Appeal to the Supreme Court was necessary and is in process.

Protective Costs Orders are normally given for cases like this which are Public Interest court cases and involve Constitutional rights of Informed Consent and Human Rights and the Precautionary Principle, the right to bodily integrity and the right to life, Constitutional breaches and Human Rights breaches and Environmental protection breaches which adversely affect the Common Good but the judge has gone against court rules, laws and precedents, and imposed costs. In fact, costs have been imposed without a full hearing of the court case ; there were no full court hearings on a conditional Injunction until such time as full Informed Consent can be given by parents and guardians. And the Precautionary Principle fully complied with. The judgment on costs has pre-judged, prejudiced and blocked scheduled, future court hearings on Informed Consent and the Injunction and the Precautionary Principle

Our Evidence for the Court showing no Informed Consent for covid19 vaccinations and boosters. And breach of the Precautionary Principle in Irish Law and EU Law

Our prima facie evidence included evidence from Pfizer itself and it’s vaccine trial and post trial data,  government bodies worldwide, the HSE, 3,400 published  scientific studies, Forensic and Pathology evidence, our expert witnesses who are scientists and medical doctors and medical professionals, and our witnesses who are vaccine victims. We were denied the presentation of this in court, and these were breaches of our Constitutional rights and European Human Rights (ECHR) to due process, a fair hearing, fair procedures, equality of arms, and audi alteram partem.

On the substantive issue of Informed Consent, the Judge refused to accept as prima facie evidence the 9 pages from Pfizer showing 1,100 types of illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by the covid19 vaccine which was filed with the FDA in the USA and EMA in Europe and was released under US federal Court order in 2022. This is in Exhibit 1 (word format) which was handed to a Judge in the High Court in Ireland in March 2023. Also Pfizer document Exhibit 2 (word format) was handed to a judge in the High Court in Ireland in March 2023. This document showed 1,223 people had died and 25,000 people suffered nervous system disorders, 8,800 suffered respiratory disorders, 17,000 suffered gastrointestinal disorders, and over 42,000 people had suffered injuries, disabilities and illnesses caused by the vaccine within the first 90 days of the vaccine being given to the general public.

But, this information which Pfizer and the FDA in the USA and the EMA in Europe and the HPRA in Ireland had was NOT given to covid19 vaccine recipients in the USA and in the European Union and not given to parents and guardians. There was a deliberate attempt to hide and conceal this information from the general public including vaccine recipient according to court findings in the USA in 2021, 2022 and 2023. This was and is a clear and obvious breach of Informed Consent for these covid19 vaccinations. A point ignored by the High Court judge but which will be put directly to the judges in the Supreme Court, during the appeal.

The full listing of prima facie evidence given to the High Court and for our Supreme Court case in Ireland can be viewed by clicking on the following link :
Scientific Evidence: Evidence.pdf

Our Evidence for the Court showing No Informed Consent
Dr. Renata Moon a highly experienced medical doctor and Paediatrician and Professor in the USA testified before the US Senate on December 7th 2022 and stated that the information leaflet which accompanied covid19 vaccines was totally blank. She stated that this was NOT Informed Consent and the Senate and other medical doctors agreed with her. This was part of our prima facie evidence given to the High Court in December 2022 and January 2023. Click on the picture or link below to view this US Senate testimony :


US Senate full hearings

Our Evidence for the Court showing the failed and dangerous Pfizer covid19 vaccine trial for children, June 2022

The report from the covid19 vaccine trial for children released on June 15th 2022 showed the following facts:
(a)  3,000 of the 4,500 children dropped out of the trial. Two thirds of children dropped out of the trial and no explanation was given by Pfizer. This in itself was grounds for ending the trial and declaring it null and void.
(b) more vaccinated children got covid19 than unvaccinated children. These covid19 infections occurred after the first dose, the second dose and third dose of the vaccine. This showed the vaccine was ineffective and had negative efficacy.
(c) 11 vaccinated children got covid19 twice and 1 unvaccinated child got covid19 twice
(d) Some of the vaccinated children needed to be hospitalised.  
(e) After six weeks the Placebo group was vaccinated. This breached trial protocols and safety controls and ethics.
 I refer the court to Exhibit Child Experiments which is a folder on the USB stick. 
None of this vaccine trial information was provided to the parents of children in the USA, Ireland and other countries. This information was deliberately hidden and withheld while the HPRA, NIAC, HSE, CMO, NPHET and Department of Health publicly declared that these covid19 vaccines were “safe and effective” for children. This was reckless endangerment of children in Ireland and was a breach of the criminal law and civil law. This was particularly relevant to our High Court case and now the Supreme appeal.
There was NO informed consent for these vaccines.

The following video interview of Dr. Clare Craig, a top Pathologist based in Britain elucidates this point. Click on the picture link below

Link: https://rumble.com/v18s66i-bombshell-dr.-clare-craig-exposes-how-pfizer-twisted-their-clinical-trial-d.html


Our Evidence for the Court showing Pfizer's own documents from the covid19 vaccine trial and post trial monitoring released under Federal Court order in the USA in 2022
which proves that there was No Informed Consent for the covid19 vaccinations and boosters

Dr. Naomi Wolf led a team of scientists, academics, researchers, and doctors who went through the Pfizer internal documents which were released under Federal Court order in the USA in 2022. Here is a link to her lecture about this at Hillsdale college in 2023, click on the picture below

Link : https://rumble.com/v2hpryu-naomi-wolf-whats-in-the-pfizer-documents.html
News report : https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/the-greatest-crime-against-humanity-in-history-naomi-wolfs-11-revelations-from-pfizer-vaccine-documents/

Dr. Naomi Wolf made the following points about the Pfizer documents:

#1: Pfizer knew their vaccine had negative efficacy as early as November 2020

#2: Shortly after the release of the COVID injections, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time employees to process the paperwork of the injured

#3: Pfizer and the FDA withheld information that the shots cause heart damage in youth for four months while an aggressive propaganda campaign drove many thousands to get injected

#4: Rather than staying in the injection site, Pfizer knew the shot’s dangerous lipid nanoparticles quickly distribute throughout the body to the brain, liver, and adrenals, and accumulate in the ovaries

#5: Pfizer documents acknowledge more than 42,000 adverse events, including 1,200 deaths, in just the first three months, including strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia, guillain-barré, bell’s palsy, myalgia, and more
“there’s industrial scale strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia-type disorders. Guillain-Barré, Bell’s Palsy [and more].”

#6: Prior to it being legal, more than 1,000 children were injected, and Pfizer’s documents indicate a high rate of serious injury

#7:Available records of study participants who conceived children show 80% lost their babies

#8: Pfizer knew there was a danger to fertility. Lipid Nanoparticles damage the placenta during pregnancy, causing early deliveries

#9: Pfizer docs show that lipid nanoparticles also enter breast milk, stunting, injuring, and sometimes killing babies

#10: Pfizer docs show 3 to 1 of AEs sustained by women, 16% ‘reproductive disorders.’ ‘What kind of monsters look at 16% reproductive disorders and keep going?’ Results: ‘13% to 20% drop in live births'

#11 Pfizer documents reveal that LNPs “degrade baby boys in utero” by traversing “the testes of fetal baby boys” and damaging “the Sertoli cells and the Leydig cells, which are basically the factories of masculinity”

There was No Informed Consent given by vacccine recipients and the general public for this.

This is deeply shocking and will shock many people and will be presented to the Supreme Court judges in the Supreme Court in Ireland. We will also seek to have Dr. Naomi Wolf appear in the Supreme Court as an expert witness.

Our Evidence for the Court showing Contamination of the covid19 vaccines
Scientific evidence of contamination of the Pfizer and Moderna covid19 vaccines with pDNA and sv-40 which causes many types of cancer and the fact that this was not communicated to vaccine recipients and the general public and as a result of this Informed Consent was not given was also ignored by the judge. Link here to Vaccine Contamination
. This is detailed below in relation to European MEP's exposing this fact in the EU Parliament in October 2023. And  Dr. Kevin McKernan, a scientist based in Boston in the USA found dangerous levels of DNA and sv-40 in covid19 vaccines and this poses serious health risks to humans which were nver revealed to the general public and those people who got vaccinated. See https://yandex.com/search/?text=Dr.+Kevin+McKernan+covid19+vaccine

The Expert Witness Testimony of Dr. Aseem Malhotra (pictured above), a top Cardiologist with over 20 years experience in Britain and abroad to the District Court in Helsinki, Finland on April 12th 2024 in the following court case:

Mika Vauhkala v Fazer restauarant, Finland and the Finish Government
Record number: 706 / 2022 / 1504
District Court Helsinki
Court Hearings:  2023 and 2024

corroborates and confirms our evidence about the covid19 vaccines given to the High Court and the Supreme Court. We have a transcript of his testimony in court. This testimony in court in Finland is available to the public on the Internet at https://www.aussie17.com/p/dr-aseem-malhotras-explosive-court
and details of the court case and litigants is at https://casecovidpass.com/

This testimony Dr. Aseem Malhotra included the following statement in court
 “ The conclusions of that paper were really very disturbing. The original trials that led to the drug regulatory approval of these vaccines revealed that you were more likely to suffer serious harm from taking the vaccine, specifically hospitalization, life changing event or disability, than you were to be hospitalized with COVID That rate of harm at two months was very high at 1 in 800.”

On December 6th 2023, the Surgeon General of Florida Dr. Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD, made an official request to the FDA in the USA to provide him and the general public with information about this contamination of the covid19 vaccines and the consequences for human health. In particular, the risk of DNA integration and of sv-40 which are known to cause cancers.  On January 3rd 2024, the Surgeon General of Florida Dr. Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD, publicly called on healthcare providers to halt the use of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, citing health risks from the vaccines.  The Surgeon General of Florida Dr. Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD was trained in Harvard University and is considered one of the top medical doctors in the USA. The following tweet from him in January 2024 is relevant here

There was no informed consent for contaminated covid19 vaccines.
This evidence from McKernan and Ladapo is Exhibit 10 for the Supreme Court.
Dr. Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD and Dr. Kevin McKernan, will be Expert Witnesses for the Supreme Court in Ireland and for the European Court of Human Rights if this becomes necessary.

The full listing of prima facie evidence for our Supreme Court case in Ireland can be viewed by clicking on the following link :

This is outrageous when one considers that Informed Consent is a Constitutional right, a fundamental right and an unenumerated right closely linked to bodily integrity and the right to life which are also Constittutional rights, under articles 40 to 44, and the basis of our High Court case and our appeal to the Supreme Court. The judge has set a dangerous new precedent for the courts, that being costs can be imposed without full court hearings and without an event. This dangerous new precedent is also promoting breaches of Constitutional rights,  Natural Law rights, EU and UN Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental rights,  the Rule of Law and breaches of EU law and Irish law, denial of audi alteram partem, fair procedures, fair hearings, due process and equality of arms and Superior Court rules and standard court procedures for many years into the future. This is indeed a dangeorus new precedent. This dangerous new precedent will be examined and adjudicated on in the Supreme Court, during the appeal.

Our Evidence to the Court showing serious illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by hte covid19 vaccinations and boosters

Our demand for court hearings on Full Informed Consent the Precautionary Principle and the provision of full information about the covid19 vaccines was vitally important in this High Court case as it is now a widely known fact that many thousands of people around Ireland have been struck down with covid19 vaccine injuries, illnesses, disabilities and "sudden deaths", over 21,000 people according to the HPRA. Young and old are being struck down. Exhibit 13 for the Court provides evidence from the HPRA web site.

Published scientific research in February 2024 using 99 million vaccinated people in  several countries confirms and corroborates the evidence we presented to the High Court and Supreme Court.  This study found some of the injuries, illnesses, disabilities and types of death associated with the covid19 vaccines which we provided to the courts, and the duration of the study was short at 42 days. Rates of myocarditis, pericarditis, guiilan barre syndrome and neurological illnesses were significantly increased after vaccination.  I cite the study below.
COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals
Faksova et al. 2024.   Vaccine.   PMID: 38350768   DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2024.01.100
The chart below is from this scientific study and shows the risks and dangers from this vaccine. This chart was published in an article in the Daily Mail newspaper in Britain on 19 February 2024 and is viewable at  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13100755/Largest-Covid-vaccine-study-finds-shots-linked-small-increased-risk-neurological-blood-heart-disorders-extremely-rare.html

Interview with medical doctor and Cardiologist about these scientific findings at


Official Statistics from Government Bodies
By May 2024, VAERS of CDC  reported that the covid19 vaccines had killed 37,647 people and injured 1.6 million people in the USA. Many of these injuries and illnesses were serious and life threatening requiring hospitalizations and life altering. I refer the Supreme Court to Exhibit VAERS 2024.  By February 2023, Eudravigilance of the European Medicines Agency in Europe reported that the covid19 vaccines had killed over 50,000 people and injured over 5 million people. Many of these injuries and illnesses were serious and life threatening requiring hospitalizations and life altering. I refer the Supreme Court to Exhibit Eudravigilance 2024.

The evidence shows that these vaccines were NOT safe and effective. If full Informed Consent had been given and the Precautionary Principle applied, this number could have been much lower or possibly zero, thus the Precautionary Principle applies in this court case. This breach of the Precautionary Principle is serious in Irish Law and in EU Law. This will be analysed in a section below.

Large rise in Excess Mortality in Ireland from May 2021 up to 2024, after and during mass covid19 vaccinations, according to Eurostat, CSO and GRO

See official statistical reports compiled by an Accountant based in Kilkenny, Ireland, Patrick Walsh, at

and https://patrickewalsh.substack.com/p/eurostat-irish-excess-deaths-written

This official report shows that Irish excess mortality is above the EU average for every month from March 2022 until May 2023 except July 2022 (EU 17.1% Ireland 16.4%). These are official Irish figures supplied to Eurostat by the GRO and we are entitled to assume the Irish government is aware of their existence and import. Taoseach Leo Varadakar lied to Dail Eireann in July 2023 by claiming there was no excess mortality in Ireland in the period 2021 to 2023.

Official statistical evidence from the GRO in Ireland and Eurostat in the EU showing a large increase in excess mortality In Ireland for over 24 months after mass covid19 vaccinations. This is presented in Exhibit 20 for the Supreme Court and in the two charts below :

Source:  Eurostat,  https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/demo_mexrt/default/table?lang=en 
and   https://patrickewalsh.substack.com/p/eurostat-excess-deaths-april-2024

  • Ireland is showing 11.8% EXCESS DEATHS per EUROSTAT for April 2024
  • Ireland has excess mortality in ALL 27 months since February 2022
  • 9 out of the last 12 months, Ireland has had excess mortality greater than 10%.
  • Since July 2021 Ireland has excess mortality in 33 out of 34 months

Statistics from RIP.ie show a large rise in excess morlaity after mass covid19 vaccinations, reaching 18,800 by June 2024

Source: RIP.ie  and Patrick E Walsh, Accountant,

Irish News report about this at

Data from the web site RIP.ie which registers deaths in Ireland every day
This corroborates the other statistical findings mentioned above.
Excess Mortality 2021 : 14.8 %
Excess Mortality 2022 : 18.4 %
Excess Mortality by July 2023 : 18.4 %
Excess Mortality by August 2023 : 19.7 %
The excess rate for August was 30%, up from 23% in July which was up from 20% in June.

Rip.ie www.rip.ie and https://irelandexcessdeaths.com/excessdeaths/ and https://patrickewalsh.substack.com/p/ripie-august-2023-excess-deaths

The above are the up to date excess death figures for Ireland (26 counties) from rip.ie to August 2023 using the 5 year baseline 2015-2019 for comparative purposes

  • Total Deaths to August 24,956

  • Excess Deaths YTD to August 4,100

  • Rate of Excess Deaths YTD 19.7%

  • 14,600 EXTRA deaths since 2021

  • Rip.ie is ‘real time’ mortality data and has been verified by CSO.

This is 4,100 EXTRA DEATHS in 8 months when compared to the 5 year average 2015 to 2019 ie pre Pandemic and Covid Vaccination.

The rate for 2020, the full Pandemic YEAR was 5%; 1600 deaths approx. At the end of August 2023 we have nearly 2.5 times the number of excess deaths that we had in the full year of the Pandemic, 2020, when we couldn’t open our ears or eyes without being bombarded with the death toll every day, every hour.

The total death figures for 2021 and 2022 are the highest since the 1930's according to CSO figures. There have been over 15,000 excess deaths since May 2021 to the end of 2023.

Shocking CSO Finding for Quarter 1 of 2023
The 10,205 deaths in the first quarter of 2023 is the highest since the 1930's. See CSO charts below:


Deaths in the 15-24 age group in Ireland
Deaths in the 15-24 age cohort are up 29% since 2020, according to Central Statistics Office (CSO) data. These figures represent people in the prime of their lives. Young. Fit. Healthy. This trend requires investigation by health authorities. Deaths in this age group are extremely unusual.

Analysis of these CSO statistics by Accountant, Patrick E Walsh:
and https://rumble.com/v3eo1it-patrick-e-walsh-on-irelands-shocking-excess-death-figures.html
and https://patrickewalsh.substack.com/p/excess-deaths-linked-to-covid-19

Ongoing Mortality (or Killing) Results

I cite from sworn affidavit filed in the High Court in December 2022 and given to defendants and handed to the Judge in court on March 10th 2023

" Eurostat an official body of the European Union found an excess mortality of 16% for 2022 in the EU. The excess mortality for Europe ranges from 10% to 55% for 2022. The data shows low excess mortality for lowly covid vaccinated countries and high excess mortality figures for highly covid vaccinated countries
Ireland has had a 16% increase in excess mortality in 2022 while highly vaccinated Iceland has had a 55% increase in excess mortality and Spain has had a 37% increase in excess mortality in 2022.  I present the following increase in excess mortality statistics for European countries for 2022.
Iceland, + 55.8%
Spain   +37%
Cyprus  +33%
Greece  +31%
Portugal  +28.8%
Switzerland  +25.9%
Italy   + 24.9%
Ireland   16.3%
Austria   + 17.5%
Slovenia  + 16.5%
Germany  +15.2
Norway + 14.8%
Netherlands  + 14.7%
Croatia  + 14.6%
France   + 14.1%
Estonia  + 12.3%
Luxemburg  + 11.%%
Denmark   +10.3%

There was very Low Excess Mortality in countries with very low covid19 vaccination rates
Bulgaria  + 1.4%     
Romania   + 2.4%
I present this shocking graph from Eurostat to the court now. This is Exhibit 9. "

Exhibit 9 is a map of Excess Deaths in Europe for 2022, by country, provided by Eurostat. Download by clicking on this link

Official UK government data shows a sudden and massive increase in serious illnesses and disabilities in 2022 and into 2023 in the UK. This has been compiled by Ed Dowd an investment analyst and financial analyst who worked in Wall Street and in Blackrock for decades. Official government data from the USA shows a similar massive rise in serious illnesses and disabilities and "sudden deaths" in 2022 and 2023. This is corroborated by Life Insurance data for 2022 and 2023 in the USA, the UK, Germany and other countries. This is now the subject of UK and US government investigations. This provides more evidence of No Informed Consent for these covid19 vacinations.
News interviews : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyujh-fNQjk
Phinance Technologies (Ed Dowd's scientific and statistical research projects) : https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/Humanity%20Projects.asp

16  European countries - http://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/yearly%20Excess%20Death%20Rate%20Analysis%20-%20Eurostat.htm
USA - http://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/yearly%20Excess%20Death%20Rate%20Analysis%20-%20US.htm
Britain - http://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/yearly%20Excess%20Death%20Rate%20Analysis%20-%20UK.htm
Australia - http://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/yearly%20Excess%20Death%20Rate%20Analysis%20-%20AU.htm
Ireland - https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/Projects.htm#Nav_VDamage

New scientific study on Excess Mortality Associated with covid19 vaccinations
A study published on July 19, 2024 analysed excess mortality across the world during the covid years of 2020 to 2023.  It was conducted by researchers from the Canadian non-profit Correlation Research in the Public Interest and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières.
The paper, titled
‘Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions’,
By Denis Rancourt, Joseph Hickey and Christian Linard

At 521 pages it is a comprehensive report containing hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries, comprising approximately 2.7 billion people which is about 35% of the world’s population. Using the data from 78 countries the researchers calculated the population-wide risk of death per covid19 injection.  From this, they estimated the global all-ages excess mortality associated with covid19 vaccines up to 30 December 2022.  They calculated that the deaths, globally, associated with covid19 vaccines up to 30 December 2022 was 16.9 million people. The investigation determined that pandemic-related restrictions resulted in 30 million deaths globally and that 16.9 million deaths can be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. John Campbell presented an excellent video about this excess mortality.


Massive increase in hospital waiting lists in Ireland since May 2021
Since May 2021 , NEW CASES (< 6 months) on the waiting list have gone through the roof with a 71% (9,204) rise since May 2021 and a 26% (4,585) rise in the 7 months of 2023 alone. The same has occurred in other highly covid vaccinated countries, since May 2021, according to statistical evidence Edward Dowd in the USA.

Expert Witness Testimonies and Debates in Parliaments, Congresses and Senates which were part of our evidence for the High Court and Supreme Court showing that there was No Informed Consent

The full listing of prima facie evidence for the Supreme Court can be viewed by clicking on the following link :

Testimony of Expert Witnesses, including top medical doctors, scientists, pathologists, medical professionals, and statisticians provided testimony and evidence
There was a Summit in the European Union Parliament titled ‘International Covid Summit III’ on May 9th 2023 hosted by European MEP’s where top scientists and medical doctors and experts from around the world provided expert testimonies about covid19 vaccines to the European Union Parliament. The EU Parliament have a video about this at

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Lvb3HWfmPvu1/ (Part 1)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/YGfjUKZMNJgU/ (Part 2)

UK Parliament, December 4th 2023

MEP's in the EU Parliament exposing frauds and crimes related to the covid19 vaccines and vaccinations
In October 2023, several European MEP's from the European Parliament contacted the EMA for information and facts about the covid19 vaccinations. The MEPs letter sent to EMA on 4 October stated:

' We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, want to convey our deep concerns regarding the safety and ineffectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and we believe it is imperative that immediate and resolute actions should be taken.

We therefore request the direct suspension of the marketing authorizations of the following COVID-19 vaccines:
- Conditional Marketing Authorisation Pfizer (Comirnaty) dated 21 December 2020.

Conditional Marketing Authorisation Moderna (Spikevax) dated 6 January 2021.
Renewal of Marketing Authorisation Pfizer (Comirnaty-tozinameran) dated 31 August 2023.
Renewal Marketing Authorisation Moderna (Spikevax-elasomeran) dated 15 September 2023.

In this letter, we aim to provide a comprehensive, though not exhaustive, rationale for our urgent plea.

The discourse surrounding covid-19 vaccines has been marked by a disconcerting upsurge in reported side effects, and, astonishingly, there have even been alarming reports of excess mortality. All of this has unfolded beneath a veil of unwarranted secrecy. '
Request for the direct suspension of marketing authorisations, 2 October 2023

The response from the EMA clearly showed that the Irish government and other governments in Europe lied to their peoples about the covid19 vaccines and vaccinations. The evidence from the EMA shows the Irish government lied and committed fraud. There was no informed consent given for these vaccinations.
Video of European MEP's from the European Parliament below, choose English subtitles

“By circumventing and ignoring several laws, the committee knowingly introduced potentially lethal injections onto the market. The batch dependency due to the side effects has been admitted, as has the DNA contamination.” EU/FvD Press Conference November 21, 2023

The EMA explicitly states that it has exclusively allowed the corona vaccines on the market for individual immunisations. And absolutely not for the control of infection and absolutely not for preventing or reducing infections. And this is devastating for governments that have gone full circle with the message that you are doing it for someone else Not only did the EMA not allow the vaccines at all to go against infections, the EMA goes even further. It explains in its answer, and I quote "The EMA's assessment reports on the admission of vaccines emphasise the lack of data on contagiousness" In other words, the vaccines were not intended to prevent infections and there are no data at all that substantiates that the vaccines help against infections. In fact, the EMA states that the exposure to the virus increases the chance of infections even in those vaccinated.

The mass government campaigns to vaccinate yourself, to protect your parents, your neighbors, the weaker in society, were not only unauthorized, but also completely nonsense and not based on facts. The EMA says that the vaccines are only for the protection of the vaccinated individual. The vaccine passports administered by the Irish government was based on lies and fraud.

And before the individual, the patient, is vaccinated, all safety information must, and I quote the EMA again, "Be taken into account when administering or recommending a vaccination". So you were only allowed to make a recommendation for a vaccination after a doctor had determined that this was sensible in your case. And because almost no one under the age of 60 had a chance of serious complications due to the coronavirus, no one, but also no one under the age of 60 should be vaccinated after a single exception. So the sports halls full of vaccine prickers were completely in conflict with the use of which the vaccines had been administered by the EMA.

To assess the safety of the vaccines, it was essential for the EMA that side effects would be properly registered. And the EMA says about this, we expect many reports of side effects that occur during or shortly after vaccination. And that means that the complaints must be reported especially in the first period immediately following vaccination. The government supported a policy in which these complaints were not reported the first 14 days after vaccination, because the vaccine would need 10 to 14 days to become effective. All complaints in that period were written to the coronavirus, and that is not only fraudulent, but that is deliberately endangering people's lives. More lies, deception and fraud by the Irish government and health and regulator authorities.

The scientific evidence shows that the mRNA vaccines were a GMO and should not have been authorised as an ordinary vaccine. The EU has specific laws limiting the use of GMO's and these were breached, in addition to breach of laws authorising medicines and vaccines in EU. This is another fraud.

The government knew that the vaccines would not protect against the spread of the virus, but did not share this information with the citizens. On the contrary, it forced the vaccines to our citizens with lies, obscured the side effects and thus brought the health of everyone who had taken such a vaccine into danger.

Debate in the Irish Parliament (Dail Eireann) about the big rise in Excess Deaths and Calls for an Independent Public Inquiry
Several elected politicians in the Irish Parliament (Dail Eireann) raised the issue of the big rise in Excess Deaths in Ireland from mid 2021 to October 2023 on the 18th of October 2023. The politicians demanded an Independent Public Inquiry into this.
News report about this below:
and https://patrickewalsh.substack.com/p/excess-deaths-john-mcguinness-td

Debate in the British Parliament about the big rise in Excess Deaths there from 2021 to 2023 on 16th January 2024
This debate and the facts and evidence provided to the British Parliament  corroborates our evidence presented to the High Court.

The Precautionary Principle in EU Law and Irish Law and its use in this High Court case

Measures were NOT put in place to comply with EMA recommendations to assess injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths immediately after covid19 vaccinations that is within 24 hours of getting the vaccination and continuing up to several months after getting the vaccination. This was a deliberate attempt NOT to immediately measure the adverse effects of the covid19 vaccinationswithin 24 hours of getting the vaccination and continuing up to several months after getting the vaccination in Ireland. These same people fraudulently parroted the words "safe and effective" to the general public.

Measures were NOT put in place to protect Public Health and the general public from the negative, harmful and deadly effects of the covid19 vaccines. This was not done from Spring 2021 onwards when this became widely known to Regulators and government authorities and state bodies. The profit motive and economic interests of certain parties named above took precedence over Public Health and this was a direct breach of The Precautionary Principle and EU Law. This breach of the Precautionary Principle in EU law and Irish law, and breach of the Irish Constitution at articles 40 to 44, encompassing the right to full informed consent, bodily integrity and the right to life carries both civil liability and criminal liability.

At least 21,000 Irish people have been injured, made ill, disabled or suffered death including “sudden deaths” as a result of the covid19 vaccinations according to the HPRA in Ireland.  The people who promoted these vaccines, including Regulators and government authorities and state bodies and the vaccine companies have not been made financially liable for the damage caused. The consequences of this breach of the Precautionary Principle has had far reaching consequences, as there is no state compensation program for those many thousands of Irish people injured, ill and disabled by the covid19 vaccines and the relatives of those people killed by the covid19 vaccines. Other countries have a state compensation program for this but NOT Ireland.
This is a national disgrance for Ireland and has tarnished Ireland's image internationally.

The British government has had a vaccine injury compensation program in place for many years now and those people who got injured, made ill, disabled and killed by the covid19 vaccines are entitled to £120,000 in compensation. The US government has had a vaccine injury compensation program since the 1980’s. Furthermore deprivation of Informed Consent which leads to harm or damage or death of a person or many people constitutes the tort of battery and assault and the criminal offences of poisoning,  grievous bodily harm, assault, manslaughter or murder. Judge Twomey refused to accept these basic facts in his judgments.

And the illegal and unlawful withholding and banning of safe and effective medical drugs for treating covid19 and other illnesses, which placed the lives of many people in danger, which has been corroborated by medical doctors, consultants and scientists worldwide was presented in evidence to the High Court. This was also ignored by the judge in his judgment. All of this will be addressed in the Supreme Court. Precision is the key factor in all of this.

Matters of life and death and breaches of Constittutional rights and Human Rights are of the utmost importance in High Court cases and Supreme Court cases and European Court cases. We have a Book of Authorities for Informed Consent and the Precautionary Principle ready for the Supreme Court.

The Motion lodged in the High Court by the Plaintiffs relating to a conditional Injunction until such time as full Informed Consent could be given by parents and guardians was not allowed to be presented and argued in full court hearings by Judge Michael Twomey. Thus the whole basis of the court case was not allowed to take place by the aforementioned judge.

A second Motion lodged in court to address
- the denial of protective costs to us
- the use of the judgment on costs to pre-judge and prejuidice and effectively block any court hearings on Informed Consent and the Injunction which was the basis of the whole court case
- the recusal of the Judge for bias. Breach of Judicial Council Act 2019, Judicial Guidelines, Bangalore Principles on Judicial Conduct and superior court rules and and the Irish Constitution and ECHR
- the denial of full hearings on Informed Consent and the Precautionary Principle and the Injunction
- the refusal to accept and test the prima facie evidence, the expert witnesses and witnesses who are vaccine victims in court hearings

was not allowed to be fully presented and argued in full court hearings by Judge Michael Twomey. Only two of the eleven
Preliminary Issues within this Motion were allowed to be partially presented. Thus the Motion stands as un-presented to the High Court and there can be no final judgment of it. This matter will be rectified via appeal to the Supreme Court. There was a denial of the right to 'audi alteram partem' and to due process, equality of arms, fair proceedings, and the presentation of prima facie evidence, expert witnesses and witnesses in court, and this fatally affected the outcome of the High Court case. These were serious breaches of the Irish Constitution of 1937 and national and international human rights laws and Judicial Council Act 2019, Judicial Guidelines, Bangalore Principles on Judicial Conduct and superior court rules and ECHR, this is the subject of our appeal to the Supreme Court

Prima Facie Evidence

The full listing of prima facie evidence for the Supreme Court can be viewed by clicking on the following link :

On the substantive issue of Informed Consent, the Judge again refused to accept as prima facie evidence the 9 pages from Pfizer showing 1,100 types of illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by the covid19 vaccine which was filed with the FDA in the USA and EMA in Europe and was released under US federal Court order in 2022. This is in Exhibit 1 (word format) which was handed to a Judge in the High Court in Ireland in March 2023. Also Pfizer document Exhibit 2 (word format) was handed to a judge in the High Court in Ireland in March 2023. This document showed 1,223 people had died and 25,000 people suffered nervous system disorders, 8,800 suffered respiratory disorders, 17,000 suffered gastrointestinal disorders, and over 42,000 people had suffered injuries, disabilities and illnesses caused by the vaccine within the first 90 days of the vaccine being given to the general public.

But, this information which Pfizer and the FDA in the USA and the EMA in Europe and the HPRA in Ireland had was NOT given to covid19 vaccine recipients in the USA and in the European Union and not given to parents and guardians. There was a deliberate attempt to hide and conceal this information from the general public including vaccine recipient according to court findings in the USA in 2021, 2022 and 2023. This was and is a clear and obvious breach of Informed Consent for these covid19 vaccinations. A point ignored by the High Court judge but which will be put directly to the judges in the Supreme Court, during the appeal.

Scientific evidence of contamination of the Pfizer and Moderna covid19 vaccines with pDNA and sv-40 which causes many types of cancer and the fact that this was not communicated to vaccine recipients and the general public and as a result of this Informed Consent was not given was also ignored by the judge. Link here to Exhibit Contamination

Our affidavits and exhibits and submissions filed in the High Court in 2022 and 2023 and given to the defendants provide many other examples of the FDA in the USA and the EMA in Europe and the HPRA in Ireland not giving important information about the covid19 vaccine to vaccine recipients in the USA and in the European Union, including not giving it to parents and guardians. There was a deliberate attempt to hide and conceal this information from the general public including vaccine recipient according to court findings in the USA in 2021, 2022 and 2023. This was and is a clear and obvious breach of Informed Consent for these covid19 vaccinations. A point ignored by the High Court Judge Twomey but which will be put directly to the learned Judges in the Supreme Court, during the appeal.

Other covid19 vaccine companies including Moderna, Astrazeneca, Janssen and Novovax also tried to hide these same adverse effects from the general public and vaccine recipients. This was and is Not Informed Consent for these covid19 vaccines.

I cite the following from Preliminary Issue 3 of the Motion

" Preliminary Issue 3 :  Informed Consent and the Prima Facie evidence from Pfizer which materially affected Informed Consent and the fact that this was not addressed in the Judge’s ruling
I say that I am raising a Preliminary Issue herein in relation to the Judge’s Ruling on costs being in error in fact and in law . I say the ruling on costs is predicated on the allegation of “conspiracy theories”. We believe this allegation to be false.  I say that for the purposes of showing deprivation of Informed Consent for these vaccinations, that on March 10th 2023,  I personally handed the learned Judge Michael Twomey  Exhibit 1 of our Prima Facie evidence in the court. This Exhibit 1 was Pfizer’s 9 pages of over 1,100 illnesses, disabilities and types of death caused by the covid19 vaccine. This was compiled by Pfizer during the covid19 vaccine trial and in the period of mass roll out of the vaccine to the general public.  And I also personally handed Exhibit 2 to the learned Judge Michael Twomey  in court. This showed 1,223 people had died and 25,000 people suffered nervous system disorders, 8,800 suffered respiratory disorders, 17,000 suffered gastrointestinal disorders, and over 42,000 people had suffered injuries, disabilities and illnesses caused by the vaccine within the first 90 days of the vaccine being given to the general public.  This was a massive number of deaths and illnesses and disabilities  inside a short space of time. Most of these illnesses and disabilities are serious and life changing and indeed life threatening. There are issues concerning breaches of bodily integrity and the right to life here, which are breaches of articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution also known as fundamental rights and un-enumerated rights, and also breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights.  

I now present a submission to the court titled Exhibit 1z which is a Federal Court order in the USA for Pfizer to release their documents to the public, which they had planned to keep hidden from the general public forever.  I will ask the court and the learned Judge why Pfizer would wish to conceal and hide these documents forever ?

I ask the learned Judge and the court for a Court Declaration  on Exhibit 1 and  Exhibit 2  and Exhibit 1z on whether these are facts or are they a conspiracy theory ? I ask for this Court Declaration in the High Court on June 13th 2023. "

The Judge did not give time in court for this to be presented to the court. This is another ground for our appeal to the Supreme Court

I cite from our sworn affidavit filed in the High Court in January 2023 and given to the Defendants

" 19a.  Pfizer Internal documents support our legal claims and evidence in the High Court
I further state that the Pfizer internal documents which were supposed to be covered up and not released to the general public for 75 years but were released under federal court order in the USA in 2022 have been analysed by experts and put into a new book. The Pfizer internal documents  reveal that the covid19 vaccine is very dangerous to human health and can cause many types of serious illness or disability and premature deaths and this has serious implications for the USA, Ireland, Britain and many other highly vaccinated countries. And these Pfizer documents were filed with and known to the FDA in the USA and the EMA in Europe and the regulatory authorities in Ireland in 2020 and 2021 but they refused to inform the general public and refused to protect the general public. This completely undermined informed decision making and informed consent.

This book is titled ‘Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports’ and is Exhibit 67 for this High Court case and there is a link to the book here at

The Judge did not give time in court for this to be presented to the court. This is another ground for our appeal to the Supreme Court. This had devastating effects on the health and lives of many thousands of men, women and children in Ireland and millions of people worldwide.

Our Evidence for the Court showing No Informed Consent
Dr. Renata Moon a highly experienced medical doctor and Paediatrician and Professor in the USA testified before the US Senate on December 7th 2022 and stated that the information leaflet which accompanied covid19 vaccines was totally blank. She stated that this was NOT Informed Consent and the Senate and other medical doctors agreed with her. This was part of our prima facie evidence given to the High Court in December 2022 and January 2023. Click on the picture or link below to view this US Senate testimony :


US Senate full hearings

I cite from Submission 5  –  dealing with Preliminary Issue 3 of the Motion (given to the High Court)
This addresses the deprivation of full Informed Consent for vaccine recipients and for parents and guardians

"The following was stated in the grounding affidavit for the Motion:
‘ In  December 2022 I filed an affidavit in the High Court as part of my evidence for this court case. This affidavit contained evidence from Vigiaccess the vaccine injuries database of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and has 100 pages for covid19 vaccine side effects, illnesses, disabilities and deaths.  This is viewable on https://www.vigiaccess.org and the Vigiaccess web site and is also viewable at
https://www.data-analytica.org/side-effects2.pdf  and continued on
Vaccine recipients were not told about the dangerous side effects and types of illnesses and deaths that these vaccines cause amounting to over 100 pages. This was not Informed Consent for these vaccines. 
I will seek a Court Declaration from the learned Judge on June 13th 2023  on whether the information about covid19 vaccines on the Vigiaccess database is a fact or a “conspiracy theory” ? ‘
This 100 pages showing covid19 vaccine side effects, illnesses, disabilities and deaths from Vigiaccess from the World Health organisation is Exhibit 558 for the High Court which I present to the court in dvd format now in court.  I now ask the Judge to declare in court whether this is fact or a conspiracy theory ? A yes or no answer will suffice."

"To further support our evidence before the court and the breach of The Precautionary Principle stated above, we now present evidence from the VAERS database of the CDC in the USA which show a high number of injuries, illnesses, disabilities, hospitalisations and deaths caused to children by the covid19 vaccines. This is Exhibit 556 (word format). This is extremely relevant to our High Court case as we are requesting an Injunction to stop covid19 vaccinations of children until such time as full Informed Consent can be given by parents or guardians. I now ask the Judge to declare in court whether this is fact or a conspiracy theory ? A yes or no answer will suffice. "

"In respect of Exhibit 6e mentioned in the grounding affidavit, the evidence has increased from 1,200 published scientific studies to 3,400 published scientific studies showing serious injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by the covid19 vaccines. I enclose this as Exhibit 6ee in a dvd for the High Court. I now ask the judge to declare in court whether this is fact or a conspiracy theory. A yes or no answer will suffice."

" We have already stated in our evidence to the court that for these covid19 vaccines the evidence from Pfizer itself and from the regulators such as the EMA in Europe, the FDA in the USA and the HPRA in Ireland shows that for the covid19 vaccines there were
- no toxicity studies
- no genotoxicity studies
- no  reproductive toxicity studies
- no cardio toxicity studies
- no autoimmunity studies
- no juvenile paediatric studies
- no immuno toxicology studies
- no fully published pregnancy studies with full findings
- no carcinogenic studies and no tumorgenicity studies
This breached standard testing requirements for new vaccines and drugs. And there were no medium term and long term safety tests carried out on the covid19 vaccines and boosters. All government, health authority and regulator claims about the covid19 vaccines being “safe” were NOT backed up by scientific and medical evidence and were fraudulent.  This makes the EMA and HPRA authorisation for the covid19 vaccines fraudulent as they were based on fraudulent claims. I now ask the judge to declare in court whether this is fact or a conspiracy theory ? A yes or no answer will suffice."

Comparison of hundreds of millions of covid19 vaccinations to hundreds of millions of flu vaccinations and hundreds of millions of vaccinations for other diseases
In our sworn affidavit lodged in the High Court December 2022, the findings of this scientific study were stated:

' They also compared the coivd19 vaccines to medical products which hundreds of millions of people consume regularly every year and they found that covid19 have far more side effects and cause more illnesses and disabilities and deaths.
I present this report from the World Council for Health (WCH)  as Exhibit 6a to the court. This is an extremely important report which should be read by the judges of this High court and by the opposing party, the defendants and by members of the general public. '

Download Exhibit 6a
This showed that the covid19 vaccines were far more dangerous than all other vaccines. This important evidence was ignored by Judge Michael Twomey in his judgment.

" In response to serious allegations denying vaccine injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths in the judgment on costs, I present the following scientific evidence showing that not all batches of the Pfizer covid19 vaccine were consistent, the same, safety checked, and quality controlled as required by law.  Some batches of the Pfizer covid19 vaccine produced very serious adverse events leading to serious illnesses, disabilities and deaths, while other batches led to illnesses and disabilities, while other batches had no adverse events and behaved like a placebo. This has completely undermined the HSE, the Minister for Health and Department of Health and the Irish government and shows that the covid19 vaccines were NOT safe and effective. Their false claim of “safe and effective” is proven to be a lie and this lie  enticed many people in Ireland to get the covid19 vaccinations and made them vulnerable to these illnesses, disabilities and deaths, and the evidence from the HPRA in Ireland and other sources shows that thousands of people have been struck down with vaccine injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths. There has been no accountability by the HSE, the Minister for Health and Department of Health and the Irish government. This makes the costs judgment in error in fact, in law and in precedent and thus null and void in law.
I cite the published and peer reviewed scientific study below. This is Exhibit 560 for the court

Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
Schmeling et al. 2023
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eci.13998 "

Graph from this scientific study showing three vaccinated groups. One with no adverse events (yellow line), another group with a moderate level of serious adverse events (green line), and another group with a very high level of serious adverse events including death (blue line):

Vaccinated people did not give their full Informed Consent for this, as they were not informed. This is very sinister and is criminal. The Judge did not give time in court for this to be presented to the court. This is another ground for our appeal to the Supreme Court.

Our Evidence for the Court showing 3,400 Published Scientific Studies
Of the 3,400 published scientific studies, one landmark scientific study stands out and has been quoted by many scientists and medical doctors. In our sworn affidavit lodged in the High Court December 2022, the findings of this scientific study were stated:  

' An important  published and peer reviewed scientific study into the effects of the covid19 vaccines in 2022 presents these risks and dangers to the public , it is titled
‘Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults’
by Fraiman et al. 2022 and published in the journal ‘Vaccine’
and online at  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877 

it found that a person was more likely to suffer a serious adverse effect including illness, disability or hospitalisation from the covid19 vaccine than suffer hospitalisation from the covid19 infection. The risk is as high as 1 in 800 according to this study and Dr. Asseem Malhotra, a top Cardiologist based in Britain. 
Here is a summary of the findings:
“Results: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an increased risk of serious adverse events of special interest, with an absolute risk increase of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 (95% CI -0.4 to 20.6 and -3.6 to 33.8), respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an absolute risk increase of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 (95% CI 2.1 to 22.9). The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group in both Pfizer and Moderna trials (2.3 and 6.4 per 10,000 participants, respectively).
Discussion: The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes such as hospitalization or death”

This is an important landmark study showing the dangers of these covid19 vaccines. '

The following legal documents gives one an insight into the important issues raised in the High Court in June and July 2023 which were raised in the Public Interest and for the Common Good. The release of these documents to the general public is in the Public Interest and for the Common Good.

Motion for the court (word format)
Grounding affidavit for the Motion
(word format)
Submissions document for the Motion for the court (word format)

The Judge did not give time in court for these to be presented in full to the court. Thus they are un-presented to the court, yet filed in the court, delivered to the court and defendants and a part of court proceedings including the appeal to the Supreme Court. The facts were not even considered in court or the judgment. Facts were replaced by biased and prejudiced findings in the judgment which breached the important Hay v O'Grady Principles set in the Supreme Court several years ago. This is another ground for our appeal to the Supreme Court.

Our Evidence for the Court showing the covid19 vaccines are not safe and effective
The following data from the Australian government authorities clearly shows that the covid19 vaccines are not safe when compared to other vaccines over many years. This corroborates all of the other evidence from government and state authorities and scientists around the world presented to the High Court.
Click on the link below to view the Australian government data.

Adverse events for vaccinations prior to covid19 vaccination and after covid19 vaccination in Western Australia. Covid19 vaccinations began in 2021.

Our evidence also includes live news footage of news presenters and celebrities dropping dead or getting heart attacks after getting their covid19 vaccinations / boosters. These same news presenters falsely claimed that the covid19 vaccines were “safe and effective” in live news broadcasts. They have been proven wrong, and their own deaths or heart attacks live on television being the best form of evidence  :  this is Exhibit – Deaths for the Supreme Court and is in video format.

A Callous and Cruel Disregard for Human Lives in the Judge’s Judgments
The Judgments in their blocking of hearings on Informed Consent and an Injunction and the Precautionary Principle and in their denigration of vaccine victims who were our witnesses for the court showed a complete disregard and disrespect for the 21,000 people injured, made seriously ill, disabled or dead or likely to suffer premature deaths from the covid19 vaccines. The HPRA has confirmed the 21,000 figure, though this is an underestimate according to scientific studies worldwide including one from Harvard University in 2010. The real figures are believed to be 5 to 10 times higher. We had vaccine victims ready to testify as witnesses in the High Court but the Judge blocked this. Furthermore, the official statistics from the CSO, GRO and RIP.ie and Eurostat and Euromomo show a massive rise in excess mortality figures shortly after mass covid19 vaccinations began in 2021. This has been the case from May 2021 to the present in 2023.  There are many press and media reports about this including one at https://www.data-analytica.org/high-court.htm#excess    Several governments worldwide including the US Congress and Senate are carrying investigations and hearings into this excess mortality and the injuries, illnesses, disabilities an deaths caused by the covid19 vaccines.

Furthermore, there is no state compensation programme for those many thousands of Irish people injured, made ill or disabled by the covid19 vaccines and those who lost loved ones from the covid19 vaccine. This is a national disgrace for Ireland, and has disgraced Ireland internationally. Furthermore our case deals with protecting Irish children who are legally considered to a be a vulnerable group in Irish society. Our prima facie evidence showing serious injuries, illnesses, disabilities and premature deaths to children from these vaccines from official government sources worldwide and published scientific studies, including myocarditis and pericarditis in young children and our scientific research file for the court titled ‘Reckless Endangerment of Children’ was given to the High Court. Our reasonable request for the application of Informed Consent and the Precautionary Principle to save children’s lives and adult’s lives was relevant and appropriate in these circumstances.  Judge Michael Twomey dismissed all of this as “conspiracy theories” in a cruel and callous manner which has undermined his credibility as a judge.  

Furthermore safe and medical drugs to treat covid19 were blocked and banned since May 2020 according to leading medical doctors and scientists. There was no genuine concern with saving lives from the covid19 infection. The sole concern of the defendants and others was to maximise profits from the sale of covid19 vaccines and to ignore and hide vaccine injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths. This is a national disgrace for Ireland, and has disgraced Ireland internationally.

The Law developed and evolved over centuries and millennia as a result of the tension and conflict between Order and Chaos. The law in Ireland evolved from this and continues to evolve. It is not for any Judge to ignore chaos, to promote chaos, to facilitate chaos, to legitimise chaos. There are many thousands of people in Ireland and several million people worldwide trapped in the chaos caused by the covid19 vaccines. Accountability will be enforced under the Irish Constitution and international Human Rights law, regardless of the biases and prejudices and corruptions which exist to block Accountability.

Our Forensic Evidence and Autopsy Evidence for the Court showing scientific and medical evidence of deaths caused by covid19 vaccines which was refused in court

The Judge refused to have these presented in court, and he totally ignored them in his judgment. This is another ground for our appeal to the Supreme Court. This is cited from the affidavit filed in the High Court in December 2022

' To further corroborate this testimony and evidence, and show that covid19 vaccines have serious consequences, deadly consequences, and are causing premature deaths,  I draw the courts attention to the autopsy findings of Pathologists Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Professor Dr. Walter Lang in Germany who have found autopsy evidence  that covid19 vaccines are causing deaths in people. And that the spike protein which is produced by the covid vaccine is responsible for this.
I now present a link to these autopsy findings in Germany. This is Exhibit 7a.

There is corroboration of this as the Chief Pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, Dr. Peter Schirmacher, has made similar findings. In Summer 2021, his team conducted 40 autopsies of people who had died within two weeks of vaccination and concluded that 30-40% of them died from the vaccine. There are indications of a cover up of these vaccine deaths as The Federal Association of German Pathologists in March 2021 sent a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn requesting that German state governments instruct health authorities to order autopsies on site. This letter has remained unanswered and no directions for autopsies have been given. Some governments are refusing to carry out autopsies on dead covid19 vaccinated people, but they have not disclosed why ? are they covering up something ? and if there is a cover up, then what is the reason for this ?  this will be analysed later. '

' 11. Published Peer Reviewed Scientific Studies

I cite a very important published scientific study about the damage and harms being caused by the covid19 vaccines, published in November 2022.
Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination’
by Schwab et al. published in Clinical Research in Cardiology
November 27th 2022

In this recently published peer reviewed scientific study, scientists and pathologists found microscope and photographic  evidence of myocarditis and serious injury to the hearts of vaccinated people caused by the covid19 vaccines. This is autopsy evidence and clarifies the dangers of these particular vaccines and the spike proteins they generate and distribute all over the body.  Of 35 fatalities within 20 days of injection, 10 were ruled out as clearly not due to the vaccine (eg drug overdose).  The remaining 25, that is 71% had final diagnoses consistent with a vaccine injury syndrome including myocardial infarction, worsening heart failure, vascular aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, fatal stroke, and vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.  Interestingly, 5 cases had acute myocarditis as the cause of death with the histopathology in the heart muscle showing patchy inflammation very similar to what was seen in the deltoid muscle were the mRNA vaccine was injected.  71% is a very high number of people afflicted with heart damage and new heart conditions and illnesses as a result of covid19 vaccination.

I now present Exhibit 21 to the court which contains microscope and photographic evidence of this serious damage to the heart caused by the covid19 vaccine and the scientific paper itself. And I present Exhibit 21a which is a link to an important video lecture by Dr. John Campbell explaining this scientific paper and its consequences for the general public ; this is at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_DdSMn55cA

Fox news in the USA broadcasted these scientific findings in the news on December 8th, 2022 and interviewed some medical doctors about this. I submit a link to this news broadcast to the court  - https://rumble.com/v1zph35-autopsies-prove-sudden-deaths-attributable-to-covid-vaccines.html '

Read the full Dr Arne Burkhardt Autopsy Protocols below which were given to the High Court as evidence in affidavits but ignored:

These Protocols are long and detailed
Download Dr Arne Burkhardt Autopsy Protocols

It should be added here that the covid19 vaccine through its many adverse reactions in the human body can worsen or exacerbate an existing illness. And this worsening or exacerbation of an existing illness can lead to the rapid deterioration of a person, to permanent disability, to hospitalisation and to sudden death. This can afflict both the young and old. One example of this is top Oncologists (cancer doctors) around the world including Dr. Angus Dalglish in London in Britain have found a correlation between covid19 vaccinations and boosters and the development of "turbo cancers", which are new more aggressive cancers. They are also seeing cancers suddenly coming out of remission after several years and becoming "turbo cancers". Other examples involve reactivation of Shingles, autoimmune illnesses, worsening heart problems and circulation problems, cirrhosis of liver and liver diseases, and a worsening of many types of illness. The data from government sources worldwide confirms this.

This was also NOT communicated to the general public and to vaccine recipients and to parents and guardians. This provides more evidence showing there was not and is not full Informed Consent for these covid19 vaccines. Ignorance and cover ups have informed and controlled official government policy in Ireland. The so called "experts" including some (high level) medical professionals in Ireland have failed in their duty of care to the Irish people and nation.
We need new Structures of Accountability to impose full accountability and safeguard the Constitutional rights and Human Rights of the Irish people and nation.

Important Case in Ireland
The important Pathology Protocols above developed by some of the world's top Pathologists were NOT used in the autopsy and Coroner Investigation into the death of a child named Joseph McGinty in Mayo in Ireland in 2022, who died suddenly after getting a covid19 vaccination. As our High Court case and appeal to the Supreme Court case involves children and covid19 vaccinations this will be raised in the Supreme Court and put to the Supreme Court judges. Parents of dead children have the option to bring cases to the High Court and Supreme Court and to the European Court of Human Rights.
News reports from Mayo : https://louiseroseingrave.substack.com/p/autopsy-methods-investigating-vaccine
and https://louiseroseingrave.substack.com/p/pfizers-vaccines-director-gives-evidence


Supreme Court Proceedings

Click on this link to view the legal papers being filed for the Supreme Court appeal

Our Evidence for the Court showing the crime of Reckless Endangerment of Children.
The following statistics were presented in evidence to the High Court and will be presented in the appeal to the Supreme Court. These statistics are from official government bodies around Europe and were compiled by Euromomo which is an official statistical source for the European Union government and authorities and is used by many governments and statisticians worldwide, and it clearly shows that the covid19 vaccines are NOT safe for children. This is prima facie evidence. This is corroboated by over 3,400 published scientific studies, given to the High Court, showing a high risk for serious illnesses, including Myocarditis and Pericarditis for children from covid19 vaccines.
Exhibit - Children.pdf

The High Court was told that no child under 18 died of covid19 during the pandemic, according to the Central Statistics Office (CSO). This was Exhibit 0 for the court. The scientific and medical evidence shows that children were not at risk of dying from covid19 due to their natural immunity and furthermore there were re-purposed medical drugs available to treat covid19 since May 2020, but they were illegaly and unlawfully blocked and banned. The following published scientific study provided international statistics by top statisticians and scientists shows an Infection Fatality rate of 0.0003% for people aged 0-19 years old.

Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population
Pezzullo etal. 2023

The facts and prima facie evidence amounting to thousands of scientific and statistical studies and reports shows that covid19 vaccinations are reckless endangerment of children.

Our Evidence for the court showing similar court cases in other countries and jurisdictions

I draw the learned and honourable Supreme Court Judges’ attention to the facts and evidence in a major criminal case in Switzerland where similar evidence to ours is being presented to the Swiss Prosecution authorities and criminal court by a law firm named Philip Kruse on behalf of six people injured by covid19 vaccines and thirty seven people adversely affected by these same crimes. Their criminal case is against Swissmedic, a Swiss government body. Two separate criminal reports and statements were made on
July 14, 2022
February 7, 2024
I refer the court to Exhibit Swiss Crimes.  They have put their criminal reports and evidence on the Internet  at  https://corona-complaint.ch/
Their evidence is very long and detailed and precise, and is very similar to the evidence we presented to the High Court and now to the Supreme Court. The criminal burden of proof is being used in both cases in Switzerland and Ireland. Many of the breaches of informed consent detailed in our grounding affidavit for this SC-17 application to the Supreme Court are cited by Philip Kruse and his legal team and the resulting crimes caused by this lack of informed consent including assault, battery, poisoning, grievous bodily harm, serious injury, disablement, public endangerment,  financial loss, and manslaughter are also stated. The same covid19 vaccines injure, main, disable, and kill Swiss people in much the same way as they injure, main, disable and kill Irish people. Human beings tend to have the same physiology in countries around the world.  Accountability is necessary in both legal terms and Constitutional terms. These two cases contain both breaches of the criminal law and the civil law including Constitutional law, tort law and human rights law. The Supreme Court is obliged to adjudicate on all the facts and evidence in our case, including those which have been obtained from abroad and apply here in Ireland, and to defend the Irish Constitution and Irish Constitutional rights which are being breached and attacked in this case.

Supreme Court Proceedings

Click on this link to view the legal papers being filed for the Supreme Court appeal

Our Evidence for the Court exposing Lies
Leo Varadkar as a Defendant in this court case, lied to Dail Eireann and lied to the People of Ireland on July 11th 2023 when he stated there was no excess mortality over the last few years. Official government evidence and evidence from official EU government bodies which we presented to the High Court clearly show that there has been a big rise in excess mortality in Ireland from May 2021 to the present in 2023.  Dail Eireann video can be viewed at 
and https://patrickewalsh.substack.com/p/eurostat-irish-excess-deaths-written

Leo Varadkar as a Defendant in this court case, lied to Dail Eireann and lied to the People of Ireland on July 11th 2023 while there were proceedings against him in the High Court. And he lied about one of the main issues in this High Court case, that being Excess Mortality figures. And his lies had a material effect on the outcome of the court case. In these court proceedings we the Plaintiffs provided prima facie evidence to the court that there was a big rise in excess mortality in Ireland from 2021 to the present in 2023, and this was from official Irish government sources and EU government sources, but this was wrongly dismissed as “conspiracy theories” in the judge’s judgment. The lies of Leo Varadkar were believed by the judge.

Leo Varadkar  has committed "misfeasanse in public office" against We, the people of Ireland" as Plaintiffs in this court case. Leo Varadkar misled both Dail Eireann and the High Court on July 11th 2023. In regard to  Accountability  he has breached  article 6   of the Irish Constitution and breached the legal Principle of the Presumption of Regularity  and in regard to Informed Consent, the Precautionary Principle, the right to bodily integrity and the right to life, he has breached articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution  and breached the "Good Neighbour legal principle" and he has breached superior court rules concerning the provision of lies to the court or misleading the court.

I cite a definition of ‘misfeasance’
"Generally, a civil defendant will be liable for misfeasance if the defendant owed a duty of care toward the plaintiff, the defendant breached that duty of care by improperly performing a legal act, and the improper performance resulted in harm to the plaintiff"
The harm to the Plaintiffs is substantial. It has led to errors in a court judgment and to perversion of justice, and to defamation and slanders and loss of reputation and income for the Plaintiffs.

Our Evidence for the Court showing European MEP's calling for an end to the covid19 vaccinations as they claim the approval for them was illegal
Several MEP's have written to the EMA demanding an end to the covid19 vaccinations as they were illegally approved and there is evidence to show they are unsafe. There is evidence of criminality. Click on their letter below
Letter from MEP's to the EMA

News video about this from the European Parliament in Brussels, in Belgium

Our Evidence for the Court showing the Rise in "Sudden Deaths"
Damage to hearts and and the large rise in "sudden deaths" of children, young adults and middle aged vaccinated people

New Scientific studies in 2023 show a high rate of Myocarditis, Pericarditis, damage to hearts, and development of new heart problems and illnesses caused by the covid19 vaccines. This is serious and can lead to "sudden deaths".

The high rates of Myocarditis being found in children and in young adults under 40 years old is serious and has become a Public Health threat. Debrillators have been installed in Elementary schools and High Schools all over the USA since 2021 for use by children who suffer Myocarditis, Pericarditis, heart abnormalities, heart attacks, strokes, and "sudden deaths" since 2021 (after mass covid19 vaccinations). The Cleveland Clinic, one of the top medical clinics in North America and the world issued the following warning about Myocarditis:

' For some people, myocarditis can lead to dilated cardiomyopathy and they may need a heart transplant. Almost 20% of sudden deaths in young people have a connection to myocarditis.

The survival rate for myocarditis is 80% one year after having it and 50% five years later '

Source: The Cleveland Clinic, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22129-myocarditis

Recent Research findings regarding Myocarditis and the vaccine:

A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination
Alexander et al. 2023
Findings: Many different autopsies and autopsy papers were analysed. The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Recently Hulscher et al. have conclusively shown by autopsy that COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis can be fatal.

Autopsy Proven Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis
Hulscher et al. 2023
The temporal relationship, internal and external consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis, its pathobiological mechanisms and related excess death, complemented with autopsy confirmation, independent adjudication, and application of the Bradford Hill criteria to the overall epidemiology of vaccine myocarditis, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from suspected myocarditis in cases where sudden, unexpected death has occurred in a vaccinated person. Urgent investigation is required for the purpose of risk stratification and mitigation in order to reduce the population occurrence of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis.

US News Reports: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/new-covid-vaccine-bombshell-emerges-facts-matter-5422680

Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination
Buergin et al. 2023

777 participants Median age 37 years, 69.5% women
40 participants (5.1%) had elevated high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T concentration on day 3 (Taken as above the 99th percentile for age and sex)
mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8%).
1 in 35 recipients (2.8%) had vaccine-associated myocardial injury
Very high rates of mRNA vaccine-induced myocardial injury with every dose

Two recently published scientific papers from top scientists and medical doctors which are being peer reviewed shows a shocking relationship between autopsy findings and the covid19 vaccinations. This will be supplied to the Supreme Court.

A prospective study on myocardial injury after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 fourth dose vaccination in healthy persons
Levi et al. 2023

Dr. John Campbell in the UK provided an excellent lecture about thse scientific findings at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd_RTf_ForA and Dr. Mobeen Syed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrHZxmk6S7Q

This reinforces the points above and the fact that NO Informed Consent was given for the covid19 vaccines.

The following legal documents are sworn affidavits given to the High Court, and gives one an insight into the important issues raised in this High Court case which involve lack of Informed Consent for these vaccinations and the Public Interest and the Common Good in Ireland.


Our Evidence for the Court showing Excess Mortality after mass covid19 vaccinations
Official government statistics from many countries and from Eurostat and Euromomo showing a large rise in Excess Mortality after and during mass covid19 vaccinations was provided to the High Court. A combination of mass covid19 vaccinations and thousands / millions of cancelled medical appointments during the unnecessary lockdowns are responsible for this massive rise in excess mortality. Imbeciles and idiots in governments, nphet, and healthcare bodies falsedly presumed that covid19 was more deadly than cancers, heart and cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, liver or kidney diseases, and other deadly diseases. And judges and courts have been too afraid and timid to address this issue in courts. There are no legal provisions and Irish Constitutional provisions to turn a "blind eye" to all this evidence or "'sweep it under the carpet". The Judge did not give time in the High Court for these official statistics to be presented to the court. This is another ground for our appeal to the Supreme Court.

The large rise in excess mortality after mass covid19 vaccinations from June 2021 to the present has been felt in every family and community around Ireland. Everybody knows somebody who was previously healthy who got ill or developed disability or "died suddenly" after getting the covid19 vaccine and boosters. This includes young, fit and healthy people. These mass deaths and mass illnesses and disabilities should be properly investigated in Ireland but are not. Other highly vaccinated countries have experienced a similar large increase in excess mortality after mass covid19 vaccinations from July 2021 to the present.

The large increase in Deaths and Loss of Life in Ireland and in other highly vaccianted countries should have been addressed in the High Court judgment, but was not, and this will be the subject of our appeal to the Supreme Court. The courts normally take deaths very seriously.

Misleading the High Court
Some people including one defendant misled the High Court and alleged that this court case was about Bill Gates and depopulation. The facts and evidence and legal documents we filed in the court clearly showed that this court case was about a conditional Injunction until such time as full Informed Consent for these vaccines could be given by parents and guardians. And it also involved facts and evidence showing the deprivation of full Informed Consent for parents and guardians. And prima facie evidence from official government bodies worldwide and top scientists and medical doctors and scientific reports and published scientific studies was used by us to back up our case in court. All of this was ignored, blocked and not heard in full court hearings on the Injunction and Informed Consent due to this illegal and unlawful and unethical misleading of the High Court.

This deliberate misleading of the High Court was professional misconduct and it completely misdirected the High Court. This meant the court hearings for an Injunction and Informed Consent could not be heard, and were blocked, and this led to a mistrial. This is the basis of our appeal to the Supreme Court.

Bill Gates was NOT the subject of this court case. Bill Gates was well known as a promoter of the covid19 vaccines and encouraged people worldwide to get them. Evidence from the WHO itself and publicly available financial records show that Bill Gates along with Big Pharma control the WHO and they used this to promote the covid19 vaccines worldwide. Evidence in the public domain clearly shows that many governments, including the Irish, obeyed and prostrated themselves to the WHO. But in Spring 2023, Bill Gates publicly admitted that he was disappointed with the covid19 vaccines as they were proving to be ineffective. The vaccines were becoming completely ineffective within 4 to 5 months according to many scientific studies. That was after he made 500 million euros in profits from the vaccines. Bill Gates has openly promoted depopulation for several years and he is proud of this fact. He has NOT specified exactly which races and which social classes he wishes to depopulate. Maybe he could clarify these matters in courts in the USA and Ireland and in India and African countries which have brought court cases against him.

The disgraced RTE presenter Ryan Tubridy also promoted the covid19 vaccines on live television and on radio.

Tubridy even encouraged small children to get the covid19 vaccines on the Late Late Show and used a small child for that purpose on live television at Christmas time. Ryan Tubridy was not medically qualified to recommend covid19 vaccines to small children, and to encourage and/or manipulate them into getting them. Tubridy was not in a position to assess, evaluate and publicly state that the covid19 vaccines were safe for children. Tubridy has failed to reveal to the Dail (Parliament ) committe how much money he and RTE received for promoting the covid19 vaccines on live television and radio. Perhaps criminal court cases and Supreme court cases will be required to reveal this to the general public ?
News article about this at https://rumble.com/v3al4my-rt-dg-kevin-bakhurst-on-the-ryan-tubridy-undeclared-payments-affair.html

The actions of Tubridy and RTE had an adverse and prejudicial effect on our High Court case as it brainwashed children and young adults (minors) and their parents and also brainwashed judges in the Irish courts. All of the facts and evidence about the covid19 vaccines was NOT presented by Tubridy and RTE to the Irish public, including court judges.

' Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive '
Sir Walter Scott

Our Evidence for the Court showing Massive Waste of Taxpayers money
The massive rise in covid19 vaccine injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths from July 2021 to the present (2023) has put enormous pressure on Irish hospitals, doctor's clinics and practices. The Winter of 2022 - 2023 was the worst ever for Irish hospitals, ill people stranded on trolleys and hospital waiting times, and the covid19 vaccine injuries and harms played a major role in this. The harms caused by the covid19 vaccines to many thousands of Irish people has led to massive hospital costs and healthcare costs and a massive waste of taxpayer's money. Judge Michael Twomey ignored this massive wastage of taxpayers money. Yet this judge in his judgment presumed to accuse us, the Plaintiffs, of wasting taxpayers money by bringing this important matter to the attention of the court and to the attention of the Irish public. In summary, Judge Michael Twomey ignored the massive wastage of taxpayers money caused by covid19 vaccines and the harms it imposed on many thousands of Irish people and on the healthcare system. The Supreme Court will address this issue.

Two Types of Science

When people say "Follow the Science", they must specify precisely and exactly what science they are following. All courts, tribunals, judges and juries everywhere in the world and all governments and elected politicians everywhere in the world and all public officials and civil servants everyhere in the world need to be made aware of and fully informed that there are two types of science, and two types of experts, this is detailed below.


Honest Science which has no conflicts of interest and is subject to the Honest Scientific Method and Honest Peer Review and Replications and to the Falsification Principle as proposed by Dr. Karl Popper and relies on objective scientific evidence and data.

Experts who support this including scientists, medical doctors and medical professionals. This is important for all court cases.

Dishonest Science which has conflicts of interest and is not subject to the Honest Scientific Method and not subject to Honest Peer Review and Replications and to the Falsification Principle as proposed by Dr. Karl Popper and does not rely on objective scientific evidence and data

Experts who support this including scientists, medical doctors and medical professionals
. This is important for all court cases.

Science with No conflicts of interest

All conflicts of interest declared. Removal of people with conflicts of interest from decision making, trials, peer reviews, approvals, authoristations, etc.

Science dominated by conflicts of interest. The conflicts of interest determine the science and the scientific findings and what is published. These conflicts of interest are often hidden and concealed. Conflicts of interest by the following:

- Scientists including those involved in scientific trials and peer reviews. The conflcts of interest in Drosten's paper for covid19 PCR test in 2020
A PCR test with over 90% false positives and wrongly diagnosed many people as having covid19 when they did not.

- Scientific Journal Publishers
“Journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry”, wrote Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, in March 2004

- Regulators. Most of their funding comes from Big Pharma companies.

Source: Institutional Corruption' Permeates Drug Regulators Globally
Dr Sheena Meredith
From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?
Maryanne Demasi
BMJ, 2022
' Industry money saturates the globe’s leading regulators. The BMJ found that the majority of regulators’ budget—particularly the portion focused on drugs—is derived from industry fees '
Dr. John Campbell provides some expert analysis of this at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-kbeYdL1ng

- There is considerable job transfers and 'revolving doors' between Regulators and Big Pharma. Many press and media reports about this.

'In the US, 9 of 10 FDA commissioners between 2006 and 2019 went on to secure roles linked with pharmaceutical companies'
Institutional Corruption' Permeates Drug Regulators Globally
Dr Sheena Meredith

- Government health bodies. For example, some senior staff at the NIH in the USA received $400 million in 2022 - 2023 from Moderna for use of patents used in the covid19 vaccines. This created a conflict of interest as the NIH was responsible for recommending and authorising these vaccines and officially promoting these vaccines for use by the general public. This included Tony Fauci of the NIH who has a beneficiary of this pay out. And this conflict of interest affected other bodies outside the NIH which followed the example of the NIH such as the EMA in the European Union, the HPRA in Ireland and the TGA in Australia, etc. etc.

- The WHO is an organisation funded and dominated by Big Pharma companies and patent and profit interests, and major investors in Big Pharma such as the Gates Foundation. Over 80% of funding for the WHO comes from Big Pharma, big Foundations with links to Big Pharma and special interests.

- Government scientific advisors and medical officers with conflicts of interest. And there is considerable job transfers and 'revolving doors' between these government advisor positions and Big Pharma. Many press and media reports about this. The Van Tam case in Britain being the most high profile.

- Scientific bodies and medical bodies with the power to cause loss of licence to practise or work for doctors and scientists

- Hospital boards with the power to fire medical doctors, nurses and medical professionals

- contracts to build factories in certain countries to manufacture mRNA vaccines as an inducement to politicians

No censorship in scientific journals and publications Relies on censorship in scientific journals and publications. Honest scientific research papers and findings are regularly refused in scientific journals and publications
Use of the scientific method and reliance on the scientific method. Rigorously controlled scientific trials including double blind placebo controlled trials and honesty, integrity, transparency and full accountability in the trials. Replication of studies and testing and Peer Reviews. Reliance on Precision and on Objective evidence and facts. Abuse of the scientific method. Use of a corrupted scientific method. Use of fraud, deception, methodological errors, manipulation of the trial, the trial data, the trial parameters and placebos, and bad practises in scientific trials. Removal or non use of important social or illness groupings. And publication of inaccurate or fraudulent findings in scientific journals and publications. Reliance on imprecision and the subjectivity of the scientists and their funders or backers. The famous scientist Dr. John Ioannidis, a Professor at Stanford University has written about this and published papers on it..
No Regulatory Capture
Honest, accountable and transparent Regulators who fully independent of Big Pharma and companies and businesses. Thorough testing of new vaccines, drugs and medicla procedures by many independent scientists.
Regulatory Capture
This enables and facilitates corruption and dishonest and corrupt science. This corruption is part of their business model. Regulators receive most of their funding from Big Pharma companies, and there are many cases of ex Regulator staff getting lucrative jobs in Big Pharma and vice versa.
No need for Scientific Journals Capture Scientific Journals Capture. And blocking honest scientific papers from being published. This corruption is part of their business model.

No Scandals

A commitment to ethics, morality, integrity, and best international practises and to full accountability, and commitment to the truth, the facts and the evidence. Structures of Accountability to oversee, monitor and enforce this.

No bribery and corruption of Regulators, elected politicians or medical doctors or medical bodies or professional orgnaisations or Universties or press and media or scientific journals.

Scandals which place many lives at risk

No ethics, no morality, no integrity, non use of best international practises and no accountability, no truth, no facts and no evidence. No Structures of Accountability. Scandals and chaos which are ignored so as to maximise revenues and profits.

Court cases in the USA, Europe and other countries showing Big Pharma companies used bribes and pay offs and inducements to the Regulators, medical doctors, professional medical and scientific bodies, scientists, medical councils, academics and Universities, elected politicians and governments and the press and media, and have been fined by courts and forced to pay fines of many billions of euros.

Some Sources: Institutional Corruption' Permeates Drug Regulators Globally
Dr Sheena Meredith
From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?
Maryanne Demasi
BMJ, 2022
' Industry money saturates the globe’s leading regulators. The BMJ found that the majority of regulators’ budget—particularly the portion focused on drugs—is derived from industry fees '
Dr. John Campbell provides some expert analysis of this at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-kbeYdL1ng

Publication of adverse events, including injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by a vaccine or medical drug or medical procedures in a country and around the world for the public to see. Providing this information to the people receiving vaccines or medical drugs or medical procedures. This enables people to give their full Informed Consent.for vaccines or medical drugs or medical procedures.
Ensuring the Regulators do their job in this area and that many structures of accountability are in place to monitor this.
Hiding adverse events including injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by a vaccine or medical drug or medical procedures from the general public and using the Regulators to assist in this. This deprives people of full Informed Consent for vaccines or medical drugs or medical procedures
Informed Consent
Informed Consent for new vaccines and new medical drugs. Regular updates to the public about adverse events, illnesses and deaths caused by a new medical drug or vaccine. Use of the criminal courts and civil courts and prosecutors and the police to enforce this. Fraud, non disclosure, misrepresentation corruption used as grounds for removing all indemnities and protections
No informed Consent
No informed Consent for new vaccines and new medical drugs. Use of deception, fraud, and non disclosure to get informed consent from the general public, and the causing of injuries, illnesses, disabilities and premature deaths to many thousands of people. Refusal of the courts, the prosecutors and the police to prosecute these crimes and protect the general public.
Removal of dangerous vaccines or medical drugs or medical procedures from the market No removal of dangerous vaccines or drugs or medical procedures from the market. Parroting and Over-using the "safe and effective" message to keep dangerous vaccines or drugs on the market.
No Indemnity required
No need for Indemnity for vaccines or medical drugs as they have been proven to be safe through honest science and medicine.
Indemnity required
Indemnity required as vaccine companies know that vaccines can cause injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths to people. In the past they were sued and some were bankrupted. From the late 1980's to the present, they got indemnities from governments which means the taxpayers pay for all injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by the vaccines. Lies and hypocrisy about "safe and effective" vaccines or medical drugs exposed by official statistics especially vaccine injury and death statistics, excess mortality statistics and excess disability statistics and by the fact that they demand an Indemnity for vaccines or medical drugs so they cannot be sued in courts.
Safety Tests
Many double blind placebo controlled safety tests and peer reviews carried out on new vaccines and new drugs, including
- toxicity studies
- genotoxicity studies
- reproductive toxicity studies
- cardio toxicity studies
- autoimmunity studies
- juvenile paediatric studies
- immuno toxicology studies
- fully published pregnancy studies with full findings
- carcinogenic studies and tumorgenicity studies
- studies on animal viruses present in the vaccines
Safety Tests
No double blind placebo controlled safety tests and peer reviews carried out on new vaccines and new drugs. For example, for covid19 vaccines there were
- No toxicity studies
- No genotoxicity studies
- No reproductive toxicity studies
- No cardio toxicity studies
- No autoimmunity studies. No autoimmunity and autoimmune reactions studies for mRNA vaccines. Evidence is emerging that mRNA vaccines can cause autoimmune reactions and autoimmunity.
- No juvenile paediatric studies
- No immuno toxicology studies
- No fully published pregnancy studies with full findings
- No carcinogenic studies and no tumorgenicity studies
- No studies on animal viruses present in the vaccines

No double blind placebo safety studies on most of the vaccines given to children and adults over the last 40 years, since the 1970's. And no peer reviews of such. Placebo controlled trial for Pfizer covid19 vaccine was fatally compromised and became invalid when placebos got the vaccine during the trial. Many frauds committed in covid19 vaccine trials. No double blind placebo safety studies for humans for covid19 boosters.
Sources: Aaron Siri, lawyer in USA and Robert Kennedy jnr. lawyer in USA and
News interview with Aaron Siri about the dangers of vaccines

covid19 vaccines falsely declared to be "safe and effective" by corrupted government bodies and politicians

Use of safe and effective re-purposed medicines and generic medicines to save lives
This is especially the case during epidemics and pandemics. A focus on saving lives. Honest Regulators with no conflicts of interest.
A ban or block on the use of safe and effective re-purposed medicines and generic medicines which could save lives
This banning or blocking can occur during epidemics and pandemics. There is done for profit reasons, to develop new patents and vaccines for massive profits NOT saving lives with existing, effective medical drugs. Legally, this amounts to killing people. The FDA and Dept of Health and medical bodies in the USA and Regulators in Australia and several other countries did this during the covid19 pandemic and this led to the loss of many lives. The press and media were used to support this banning or blocking of these effective medical drugs.
The book titled 'War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic' by Dr. Pierre Kory explains this corruption.
Isolation of viruses or bacteria or other pathogens according to Koch's Postulates and identification of its genome and it's mode of infection before developing diagnostic tests. The development of high precision diagnostic tests from this which are peer reviewed through many sources. No false positives or a tiny percentage of false positives in diagnostic tests. NO isolation of viruses or bacteria or other pathogens according to Koch's Postulates and NO identification of its genome and it's mode of infection before developing diagnostic tests. The development of imprecise or fake diagnostic tests from this which are NOT peer reviewed through many sources. High percentage of False Positives in Diagnostic tests. The spreading of fear, panic and paranoia to the general public.

Antibody dependent enhancement and immune priming
Avoids antibody dependent enhancement and immune priming by NOT vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic or epidemic. Uses safe and effective medical drugs, including re-purposed drugs, and safe medical equipment and natural human immunity. Boosts natural human immunity via healthy diet, exercise, sunshine, vitamins and minerals, herbs and detoxification.

This has been verified in many published scientific studies.

Antibody dependent enhancement and immune priming
Promotes antibody dependent enhancement and immune priming by vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic or epidemic for massive profits. This enables viruses to mutate to evade the vaccine and evade the altered immune system. These virus mutations create new variants which are resistant to vaccines and immune systems. This makes the variants more contagious and deadlier..

This has been verified in many published scientific studies. Dr. Geert VanDen Bossche a scientist and vaccine developer for decades has confirmed this.

Decision making. No Mandates and other forms of coercion necessary.
Uses data and evidence and scientific studies and many forms of verfication and structures of accountability to make fully informed decisions. And amend these decisions over time as new data and evidence beocmes available.

Does not impose mandates and vaccine passports and other totalitarian measures.


Decision making. Use of Mandates and other forms of coercion.
Does NOT use the data and evidence when making decisions. The main decisions are governed by conflicts of interest and by profit motives and by personal gain by those people at the top of organisations, government bodies, governments, businesses and social and religious organisations. And enforcing this on the people below in organisations, government bodies, governments, businesses and social and religious organisations.

Examples include Mandatory masks, vaccine passports, forcing employees in businesses, corporations, state bodies, hospitals, government employment, Universities etc. to get vaccinated. One good example is mandatory masks, download scientific chart of scientific studies showing that masks did not work and don't work.

In fact a new scientific study in March 2023 shows that masks are toxic and can cause harm. See scientific study here at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37057051/

Honest clinical medicine not finance based medicine Replacing clinical medicine with finance based medicine
Teams of lawyers and barristers ready to defend honest, transparent and accountable science Teams of lawyers and barristers ready to defend this corrupt science and mislead and misdirect courts, judges and juries
Honest, open, transparent and accountable communications based on honest science and on honest evidence and facts. Being honest with the general public. Use of confidential or secret emails to coordinate lies, frauds, corruption, perjuries, illegal scientific studies, fake science, and cover ups. Denial of this to parliaments, congresses, tribunals and courts, and the deliberate misleading of them.
Honest Statistics and Honest Models which are accurate
Use of honest statistics and statistical analysis which is peer reviewed including honest excess mortality statistics.

Publication of these statistics in the mainstream press and media. Live radio debates and television debates about these statistics.
False Statistics and False Modelling to manufacture crises
Use of manipulated, distorted or corrupted statistics and fake models. Best example were the failed models of Niall Ferguson during the covid19 pandemic and for previous outbreaks in the years prior to that. Governments, scientific advisors and state bodies relied on Niall Ferguson and these false and failed models.

Fake and false models are the means by which fake science is promoted and crises manufactured and and panic and paranoia caused to the general public. The evidence suggests that conflicts of interest and the profit motive and greed are the reasons for this. The bodies delivering these false models and statistics have got many millions of euros from Big Pharma and big Foundations which promote and profit from new vaccines.

Constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression, a free press, and scientific freedom
Free debates on the science where both sides or several sides debate the science and the issues invovled at public meetings and on television and radio and live chats online and live video transmissions over the Internet

No censorship of the press and media

No censorship of Universities and academia.No firings of Professors and Lecturers from Universities and colleges for having the wrong views or being supportive of honest and accountable Science

NO threats against medical doctors to remove their licences and destroy their careers and families and livelihoods.

Denial of Constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression, a free press, and scientific freedom
No free debates allowed on the science. Use of their narrative, based on fake science, to control the press and media. Censorship of Science in the press and media and on the Internet.

Censorship of the press and media. Use of grants and advertising and state financial assistance to do this. Use of the Trusted News Initiative to censor the press and media and also censor social media and the Internet. Evidence has emerged in the USA that the White House actively censored social media in the period 2021 to 2023.

Censorship of Universities and academia. Firings of Professors and Lecturers who do not comply.

Threats against medical doctors to remove their licences and destroy their careers and families and livelihoods.

No slandering, defamation, insulting and gaslighting of honest scientists, medical doctors, medical professionals, pathologists, researchers, and University professors in the press and media and on the Internet and in public. The slandering, defamation, insulting and gaslighting of honest scientists, medical doctors, medical professionals, pathologists, researchers, and University professors in the press and media and on the Internet and in public.
NO Reliance on the WHO which is an organisation funded and dominated by Big Pharma and patent and profit interests, and major investors in Big Pharma such as the Gates Foundation.
Reliance on honest governments and parliaments / congresses and honest and accountable Regulators and many structures of accountability.
Reliance on the WHO which is an organisation funded and dominated by Big Pharma and patent and profit interests, and major investors in Big Pharma such as the Gates Foundation
Post mortems and Autopsies
Carries out post mortems and autopsies of those people who die shortly after getting a new vaccine or after mass vaccinations or a new medical drug and people who die during pandemics or epidemics.
Post mortems and Autopsies
Does NOT carry out post mortems or autopsies of those people who die shortly after getting a new vaccine or medical drug and people who die during pandemics or epidemics. Refusal to use best practise and up to date Protocols in post mortems and autopsies eg. the Burkhardt Protocols from Germany

Medical Councils
Medical Councils which are not controlled by vested interests and conflicts of interest, and rely on honest and objective data and evidence. And have respect for medical doctors.
Medical councils which are committed to honest science and honest medicine, free of conflicts of interest and to freedom of speech and scientific inquiry.

Medical Councils
Medical Councils which are completely controlled by vested interests and people with conflicts of interest and by misinformation, deception and fraud, and which ruthlessly enforce their agenda on everybody. Use of threats against medical doctors or medical professionals to ensure obedience.
Use of medical councils and professional medical associations to enforce compliance and punish any honest medical doctors or scientists who disagree with the corruption and lies


No fines imposed for honesty and integrity Big Pharma caught many times and made accountable in courts. Fines of billions of euros or dollars paid in US courts and European courts, and courts around the world. Criminal cases pending against many Big Pharma companies and individuals.
No Gain of Function studies
No risky gain of function performed to make pathogens more deadly and/or infectious
Gain of Function studies
Risky gain of function performed to make pathogens more deadly and/or infectious for profit purposes. International subcontracting of this. Denial of this to the public and to governments and parliaments.

No Pandemics of Corruption
No Pandemics of Corruption for financial gain, for massive profits for Big Pharma corporations, for captured politicians, scientific "advisors", scientists, doctors, academics and others.



Pandemics of Corruption which use mass fear and paranoia and mass formation techniques
Pandemics of Corruption for financial gain, for massive profits for Big Pharma corporations, for captured politicians, government "scientific advisors", scientists, doctors, academics and others. Gain of function studies on viruses and other pathogens to make them deadlier and development of new patents and vaccines for massive profit.
Making sick societies even sicker for profit. The Sickness Business Model.

“ We need to increase public understanding of the need for Medical Countermeasures (MCM) such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. ”
Peter Daszak
Source: Workshop on Rapid MCM Response to Infectious Diseases was co-convened by the National Academies of Sciences with three national fora in Washington, DC on 26 and 27 March 2015.

Two brilliant books published in 2022 and 2023 expose this corruption:

The first book titled 'The Real Anthony Fauci' by Robert F Kennedy, a top American lawyer and son of Bobby Kennedy and nephew of President Kennedy, which presents the facts and evidence about Anthony Fauci, vaccines and corruption in the NIH and corruption of science and medicine. This played a major role in the development of the sars-cov2 virus, the covid19 pandemic and the massive rise in vaccine injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths, including excess deaths from 2021 to the present.


The second book is a book by Dr. Angus Dalgleish a top British medical doctor and Oncologist, which is titled 'The Death of Science: The Retreat from Reason in the Post-Modern World'


Chronic illnesses
Chronic illnesses caused by vaccines and /or medical drugs properly diagnosed, treated and resolved through standard medical procedures and detoxifixication therapies and alternative medicines and vitamins and healthy diet and lifestyle. This includes ME and CFS and Chronic Lyme, Fibromyalgia, and many autoimmune illnesses, autism type illnesses, and thousands of other illnesses linked to vaccines.

Chronic illnesses
Chronic illnesses caused by vaccines and /or medical drugs ignored, not diagnosed, neglected and patients insulted, mocked, neglected, gaslighted and pushed to commit suicide.

This includes autoimmune illnesses, ME, CFS, neurological illnesses, endocrine illnesses, HPA axis disorders, chronic infections, disorders of the liver, the kidneys and other organs, lung illnesses, circulation disorders, heart disorders, and sudden cancers.

Optimisation of the Immune System and Strenghtening Natural Immunity
Use of healthy foods, vitamins, probiotics, exercise, saunas, herbs and detoxification to optimise the immune systems of people.
Ignoring the Immune System and Natural Immunity and the over use of chemicals
Medical doctors, nurses and medical professionals ignore and refuse to promote healthy foods, vitamins, probiotics, exercise, saunas, herbs and detoxification to optimise the immune systems of people. They tolerate, facilitiate, aid and abet, and promote unhealthy foods and lifestyles. They also promote chemicals and pharmaceuticals as treatments for unhealthy people made ill by their unhealthy and destructive lifestyles.
Dignity for honest medical doctors and scientists
Respect and dignity for honest scientists and medical doctors and medical professionals and for honest objective data, facts and evidence.
No Dignity for honest medical doctors and scientists
Use of slanders, defamation, gaslighting, and insults such as the term "conspiracy theorist" and "conspiracy theories to deny scientific facts and evidence and undermine and destroy honest scientists and medical doctors, medical professionals, litigants in courts and members of the public.
Innovation and creativity driven by honesty and objective scientific evidence and facts Innovation stifled and often blocked so as to increase the profits and patents and market dominance of the big companies
Accepts that Science is Evolutionary and that our knowledge of science and scientific truths is evolving over time. Many aspects of science are still NOT understood such as dark matter, dark energy, quantum mechanics, the sub-quantum world, quantum gravity, how the warping of spacetime occurs and if it can be replicated by humans, wormholes, how the brain works, consciousnesss, the complex and multi-faceted processes of life, accessing and using limitless energy at the quantum levels and subatomic levels, multiverses, the big bang, etc. Rejects that Science is Evolutionary and that our knowledge of science and scientific truths is evolving over time. Many aspects of science are still NOT understood such as dark matter, dark energy, quantum mechanics, the sub-quantum world, quantum gravity, how the warping of spacetime occurs and if it can be replicated by humans, wormholes, how the brain works, consciousnesss, the complex and multi-faceted processes of life, accessing and using limitless energy at the quantum levels and subatomic levels, multiverses, the big bang, etc. They see Science as fixed and unchanging by their own narrow "consenus" and by their "experts" who have conflicts of interest and profit motives. And they impose their own narrow opinions or "consensus" via censorship in the scientific and medical journals, the medical associations and professional bodies, and the press and media and through manipulation of elected politicians.
No need to use criminals or criminality to block or destroy radical new technologies which are safe and benefit mankind, including new energy systems. Use of criminals or criminality to block or destroy radical new technologies which are safe and benefit mankind, including new energy systems.
No Politicization of Science and Politicization of Medicine. Politicization of Science and Politicization of Medicine. This has completely undermined and destroyed science and objectivity.
Use of Rationality to encourage freedom in science, new discoveries and innovations in science, honesty and integrity in science, honest scientific research and publication of this research in scientific journals Misuse of so called "Rationality" to justify dishonesty, fraud, conflicts of interest, and fake science
Science and medicine with ethics, morals, law, integrity and honesty and is reliable and trustworthy Science and medicine with NO ethics, morals, law, integrity and honesty
Use of technology companies and social media to encourage free speech, integrity, accountability and honest science Use of technology companies and social media to censor users and deplatform honest people and honest science and honest medical doctors, medical profesionals and scientists and destroy free speech
The teaching of critical thinking skills, critical analysis skills, and deep analytical skills in schools. And the teaching of Constitutional rights, legal rights and Human Rights in schools. The dumbing down of students in schools and turning them into unthinking, obedient and compliant robots. Unable to think critically and to analyse.

A Healthy Living and Life Business Model

In terms of hospitals and healthcare in Ireland and all western countries the problem is much worse than people realise. And the solutions more radical and urgent. Stopping the poisoning of peoples needs to be combined with hospitals using natural medicines and detoxification therapies and use of organic foods will be required to treat over 50% of the population. The following 2 videos outline the situation at present

A Healthy Living and Life Business Model which enhances human health in physical terms, and emotional, psychological, spiritual and social terms and profits from healthy people and healthy societies

Removal of pollution from the environment. Reliance on organic foods not poisoned foods. Clean water.

Government bodies including "institutes of health" promote this via their own research and research grants to Univeristies, labs, and companies.

Sickness Business Model
A Sickness Business Model to profiteer from making more people sicker and societies sicker and sicker. The more poisons delivered by unsafe vaccines into human bodies and unsafe medical drugs into human bodies, the more sick people become and more sick customers created and more sales and profits are made. And polluted environments add to this. Its all for profit and wealth accumulation.

High numbers of untested vaccines (untested for safety) for small babies aged 6 months or older and infants 1 - 7 years old ensures a constant new supply of sick customers. These sick children who become sick adults ensure massive profits for all types of drugs and new vaccines into the future.

Manufacturing new crises and spreading fear and panic among the general public to set up another round of new vaccines.

Corrupt government bodies including "institutes of health" promote this sick society by
- refusing to research and investigate the root causes of these sicknesses and illnesses and by refusing to develop or allow medicines including alternative medicines to treat the root causes of these illnesses
- ignoring the toxic effects of some medical drugs and vaccines and polluted environments
- maintaining / overseeing the continued posioning of people and societies.
And provide grants and contracts worth many billions of dollars and euros to companies and researchers involved in this poisoning of people and the environment.

Healthy Societies which promore Health and Responsibility

Science and Government and Universities and Medical bodies and Insurance companies which support the use of healthy diets, vitamins, minerals and herbs every day and exercise every day, meditation and social / human networking, personal, family and community connections and solidarity every day, and body detoxification every few months. And supports more scientific research funding for this.

A healthier society, and hospitals and healthcare which are NOT overcrowded and are effective and efficent and focussed on healthy living and illness prevention. Precision medicine including alternative medicine which is individualised and highly effective.

Accepts functional medicine and alternative medicine. Tests for
- vitamin and mineral deficiencies and enzyme deficiencies including live enzymes from raw foods
- fitness levels, including VO2 levels tests
- test for exercise every day or not ?
- test for antioxidant status, mitochondria status, the level of blood vessel blockages, and cancer detoxification enzymes and processes in the body
- test for the level of toxins and heavy metals in the body and vaccine toxicities including autoimmunity
- testing of the status of detoxification pathways and processes in the body
- test for reactivation of latent viruses in the body which can cause chronic illnesses
- test for excessive sugar and fat consumption and insulin resistance and BMI abnormalities.

Rectifies these deficiencies.

Sick Societies resulting from the Sickness Business Model and Overcrowded hospitals and bankrupted healthcare systems and families
Sick societies, which are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually sick. Rejects the importance of healthy diets, vitamins, minerals and herbs every day and exercise every day, meditation most days and social / human networking, personal, family and community connections and solidarity every day, and body detoxification every few months. Governments and businesses refuse to fund scientific research for this. Funds research for chemical based medicines and risky new vaccines, and creates more polluted environments, and more sickness, more patents and more profit.

Sick societies and their overcrowded hospitals, long waiting times in hospitals, long waiting lists for hospitals and a constant hospital crisis and healthcare crisis lasting for many decades.

Rejects functional medicine and alternative medicine. This includes:
- No testing for vitamin and mineral deficiencies and enzyme deficiencies including live enzymes from raw foods
- No fitness levels, including VO2 levels tests
- No test for exercise every day or not ?
- No test for antioxidant status, mitochondria status, the level of blood vessel blockages, and cancer detoxification enzymes and processes in the body
- No test for the level of toxins and heavy metals in the body and vaccine toxicities including autoimmunity
- No testing of the status of detoxification pathways and processes in the body
- No test for reactivation of latent viruses in the body which can cause chronic illnesses
- No test for excessive sugar and fat consumption and insulin resistance and BMI abnormalities.

No knowledge of the health status of human bodies. Over-medication with chemical drugs and vaccines, which further poisons people.

A healthare system and economic and social system which helps disabled people and enables them to improve and optimise their health through many means including healthy living, and empowers them to live normal and fulfilling lives These sick societies create more and more disabilities and chronic illnesses, and ignores disabled people and socially excludes them and pushes many of them to suicide.

Individual Responsibility and Group Responsibility

Individuals learn to take responsibility for their health and for their lives at an early age. This affects groups and encourages groups to act responsibly.

No Individual Responsibility and No Group Responsibility

Individuals never learn to take responsibility for their health and for their lives. Total dependency on the corrupt state, on corrupt politicians, on corrupt scientists and doctors, on dangeorus chemicals and unsafe vaccines all which are controlled by conflicts of interest and vested interests. This creates groups which are totally irresponsible.

Protection of National Sovereignty

Nations and governments protect their national sovereignty and develop their own pandemic plans and epidemic plans and the development of their own healthcare systems in line with their own national needs and requirements and with independent evidence and facts which are free of conflicts of interest. Use of structures of accountability. Full accountability to the people of a nation and the national Constitution.

Loss of National Sovereignty

New international treaties and laws to make the WHO superior to national Constitutions, national laws and international human rights laws. Nations surrender their sovereignty to the WHO and its many conflicts of interest. This makes the people of nations servants and slaves of the WHO and Big Pharma. Use of gain of function studies to create super viruses and super bacteria. The creation of new pandemics and new epidemics and new patents for new vaccines for profit.

Use of false modelling, fake statistics and actors on television and corrupted and fraudulent "scientific" studies with conflicts of interest to create mass fear, panic and paranoia so as to lock down countries and sell new vaccines or drugs for massive profits. No accountability to the people of a nation and the national Constitution.

The bankrupting of nations to enrich Big Pharma and other special interests.

Support for democratic governments and freedom and protection of Constitutional rights and human rights especially informed consent and the right to bodily integrity and right to life. Support for authoritarian governments of the left wing and the right wing and globalist wing and state over-reach. Top down control of societies. This is necesary to faciilitate corruption and lies.
Honesty and integrity and presentation of prima facie evidence, expert witnesses and witnesses in honest courts and tribunals The blocking, banning or non admission of prima facie evidence, expert witnesses and witnesses in courts and tribunals
No need for dishonest fact checkers and disinformation agents and campaigns. Accountability and truth enforced through many structures of accountability and corroborations of truth, facts and evidence Use of dishonest fact checkers with conflcts of interest and fake disinformation campaigns to censor honest science.
No need for the Mass Formation techniques, described by Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet in Belgium, to control people and society and impose totalitarianism. See the scientific studies and books of Dr. Mattias Desmet. Use of the Mass Formation techniques, described by Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet in Belgium, to control people and society, and impose totalitarianism, including brainwashing of the police, the prosecutors, members of juries, the judges in courts and the general public. This has completely undermined justice and the courts, the Rule of Law, Constitutions and Human Rights.

For members of the public, ordinary people, who have been brainwashed by corrupt science and its "experts" there is a complete closing down of the mind by them. They resist all attempts to open their mind up and they reject people who try. They also live in constant distraction and seek to be distracted from uncomfortable facts and evidence. Thus they are incapable of introspection and of deeper analysis.

Structures of Accountability to investigate, audit, monitor, question all government and state body activities and big corporates and banks
Accountability and Transparency. Many Structures of Accountability. Corruption exposed and removed from the Science and from Medicine and from Politics and from the Public Service / Civil Service.

No Structures of Accountability
No Accountability and Transparency. No structures of accountability. Corruption determines and defines the Science. Corruption dominates Science and Medicine and Politics and the Public Service / Civil Service.

The research and court cases and victories and the recent book by Robert F Kennedy was also presented to the High Court. This includes the book titled 'The Real Anthony Fauci' by Robert F Kennedy which presents the facts and evidence about Anthony Fauci, vaccines and corruption in the NIH and corruption of science and medicine. This played a major role in the development of the sars-cov2 virus, the covid19 pandemic and the massive rise in vaccine injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths, including excess deaths from 2021 to the present.


Robert F Kennedy is the son of Senator Bobby Kennedy and a nephew of President John F Kennedy. In 2023, Robert F Kennedy anounced he was running in the 2024 Presidential election in the USA.


Recusal and Costs
Costs are not normally charged for Public Interest court cases like ours which involve Constitutional rights of Informed Consent, the right to bodily integrity and the right to life, Constitutional breaches and Human Rights breaches and Environmental protection breaches which adversely affect the Common Good but the judge has gone against court rules, laws and precedents, and imposed costs. In fact, costs have been imposed without a full hearing of the court case that being a conditional Injunction until such time as full Informed Consent can be given by parents and guardians. Informed Consent being a Constitutional right, a fundamental right and an un-enumerated right closely linked to bodily integrity and the right to life which are also Constittutional rights and the basis of our High Court case and our appeal to the Supreme Court. The judge has set a dangerous new precedent for the courts, that being costs can be imposed without full court hearings and without an event. This is a dangeorus new precedent. This dangerous new precedent will be examined and adjudicated on in the Supreme Court, during the appeal.

There was a refusal of the Judge to recuse himself on grounds of objective bias, confirmation bias, questions over judicial independence and inaccuracies in the costs judgment. On the issue of the costs judgment, we presented facts and evidence showing we are in the Constitutional High Court under article 34 of the Irish Constitution of 1937 not the Statutory High Court and evidence showing the following :

  • the state, the government and court service have not provided and cannot provide an original of Commencment order number 1 of the Courts of Justice Act 1924 and of all of the commencement orders for the Courts of Justice Act 1924 which were signed and sealed in 1924. The originals containing a seal which were signed and sealed in 1924 and done before September 12th 1924. This has not been provided to us in this court case and to Patrick Clohessy in his High Court case and Supreme Court case.
  • the evidence we have presented to the High Court and will present to the Supreme Court shows that the Courts of Justice Act 1924 was not commenced in 1924, not sealed in 1924, not signed in 1924, the original signed and sealed commencement orders not published in Irish Oifiguil in 1924, and not presented to both Houses of the Oireachtas in 1924 as required by law and the Act expired on the 12th September 1924. If there is evidence to disprove this, we ask the state, the government and the courts service to provide this to the Supreme Court.
  • The Chief Justice Frank Clarke stated in the Supreme Court in 2018
    "I appreciate if there isn't a Commencement Order, then the Act isn't enforced"
    Source: Clohessy case
    And there is a letter from the Attorney General of Ireland from June 24th 2021 confirming no Courts of Justice Act 1924 enactment order exists. Copy of this letter is to be presented to the Supreme Court. Patrick Clohessy and others also have copies of this letter.
  • Falsification of official 1924 Courts of Justice Act Commencemnt Orders (numbers 2 to 4) and draft of commencement order number 1 was accomplished by back dating and "SEALING" after the 12th March 1926, which is the day that the Executive Council Seal was received from the UK Royal Mint. The Ministers' Seals  arrived between December 1924 to March 1926 and the Executive Government Seal arrived on March 12th  1924 according to records in the Royal mint and Irish government files. Our Exhibits shows this.  This is long after September 12th 1924 the expiry date for the Courts of Justice Act, 1924. Patrick Clohessy can be subpoenaed to the Supreme Court to provide evidence and testimony of this fact.
  • To make matters worse the Supreme Court office of the Chief Justice at Dublin Castle was aware of this fraudulent administrative irregularity during 1924-1926 time frame, up to dates in 1938, and even before the Statutory Instruments Act 1947 became law. Patrick Clohessy can be subpoenaed to the Supreme Court to provide evidence and testimony of this fact.
  • Fatal Infection of the Courts Supplemental Provisions Act 1961
    The Courts of Justice Act 1924 was never commenced on 5th June 1924, and it was never re-enacted on the 16th August 1961 by the Courts Supplemental Provisions Act 1961, because section 21 of Interpretation Act 1937, and section 27 of the Interpretation Act 2005, confirm " Where an Act of the Oireachtas repeals the whole or a potion of a previous statute, then, unless the contrary intention appears, such repeal shall not ___ (a) revive anything not in force or not existing immediately before such repeal takes effect ".
  • non commencement of the Courts of Justice Act in 1924. This means the statutory courts have been invalid and unlawful and legally non existent since 1924. Section 58 of the Irish Constitution of 1937 could not and did not inherit and pass on invalid and unlawful and legally non existent statutory courts.
  • the existence of a draft of commencment order numer 1 with retrospective seal and wrong dates not the original commencement order. Publications such as Iris Oifiguil were and are legally obliged to publish a copy of the original order not a copy of the draft which was retrospectively sealed and signed after 1924.
  • Retrospective sealing and dating was and still is a criminal offence and a civil offence. Documentary evidence proves that the "Executive Council Seal" was not in the possession of the Secretary to President Cosgrave until 13th March 1926.
  • non presentation of it to both Houses of the Oireachtas in 1924. No proof that it was presented has been provided.
  • non publication of it in Iris Oifiguil in 1924
  • corroboration of these facts by official Irish government and civil servant letters and letters from senior British government officials at the time. The evidence from that time shows the Chief Justice’s office was in correspondence from early June 1924 until dates in 1925 about "when are we getting Seals" because legality Issues were bombarding the office from different Ministers. All this administrative irregularity was nothing less than fraud.
  • the Courts of Justice Act in 1924 expired on the 12th September 1924 unsigned and unsealed and un-presented to both houses of the Oireachtas and un-commenced.

These were Breaches of the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924, the Courts of Justice Act 1924, the Documentary Evidence Act 1925 and the Forgery Act 1913. Judge Michael Twomey erred in fact, in law and in precedent in his judgment of July 12th 2023. The Judge has yet to provide the evidence listed above to substantiate his claims in his judgment of July 12th 2023. Judge Michael Twomey has attempted to override and nullify the Chief Justice and the Supreme Court, and he may be accusing the Chief Justice of being in error or possibly lying in court. The Chief Justice Frank Clarke stated in the Supreme Court in 2018
"I appreciate if there isn't a Commencement Order, then the Act isn't enforced"
Source: The Clohessy case

Judge Michael Twomey is also contradicting the Attorney General of Ireland. There is a letter from the Attorney General of Ireland from June 24th 2021 confirming no Courts of Justice Act 1924 enactment order exists. Copy of this letter is to be presented to the Supreme Court. Patrick Clohessy and others also have copies of this letter.

This reinforced our statement to Judge Twomey that we the Plaintiffs were in the Constitutional High Court and that this was stated in our court papers from the start of legal proceedings in 2022, and that we are invoking article 34 of the Irish Constitution of 1937. There was and is no provision for costs in the Constitutional High Court and the Constitution of 1937. The legal term 'costs follow the event' did not apply for this reason and for an additional reason, the event such as court hearings on Informed Consent and the Injunction were not heard in court and cannot be heard in court due to prejudicing and prejudging of them in the costs judgment. There was no 'event' as the event never took place, that is the court hearings for an Injunction based on deprivation of Informed Consent. The costs rule for the superior courts relies on the un-commenced and invalid Courts Of Justice 1924 and the laws passed in the 1930's and in 1961 which rely on the the un-commenced and invalid Courts Of Justice 1924. Judge Michael Twomey erred in fact, in law and in precedent in his judgment of July 12th 2023. The laws passed in the 1930's and in 1961 were infected by the fatal defects in the un-commenced and invalid Courts Of Justice 1924. I cite the costs rule below:

' S.I. No. 551 of 2008
We, the Superior Courts Rules Committee, constituted pursuant to the pro-visions of the Courts of Justice Act 1936, section 67, by virtue of the powers conferred upon us by the Courts of Justice Act 1924, section 36, and the Courtsof Justice Act 1936, section 68 (as applied by the Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act, 1961 section 48), and the Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act 1961, section 14, and of all other powers enabling us in this behalf, do hereby make the following Rules of Court .'

Costs are invalidated on the legal grounds stated above. The 1961 Courts Establishment Act inherited fatal defects from the 1924 Act and attempted to amend an un-commenced, invalid and void law. The Constitution of 1937 at article 58 had failed to inherit and pass on an uncommenced, invalid and void law. The following document Exhibit - 1961 explains this.

The Judge in his final judgment decided to not read, not assess, not evaluate, and to ignore the aforementioned evidence and the evidence and pleadings showing non commencement of the Courts of Justice Act 1924, and the matter is now to be presented in appeal to the Supreme Court in Ireland. All of these facts materially affect the Rule of Law in Ireland and the EU Commission, EU Parliament and EU authorities have been put on notice of this fact and may join our Supreme Court proceedings. Furthermore, the breaches of human rights in respect of the 21,000 people in Ireland whose full informed consent was not given for these experimental vaccines and were injured, made ill, disabled or died or lost loved ones from the covid19 vaccines and the breaches of our human rights as Plaintiffs means human rights bodies in Ireland and abroad have been put on notice and will join our Supreme Court proceedings..

All of this had an adverse effect on High Court proceedings. There was a denial of the right to 'audi alteram partem' and to due process, equality of arms, fair proceedings, and the presentation of prima facie evidence, expert witnesses and witnesses, and this fatally affected the outcome of the High Court case. These were serious breaches of the Irish Constitution of 1937 and national and international human rights laws and this is the subject of our appeal to the Supreme Court.

News Broadcasts

Interview with Sharon Browne, Plaintiff, outside the High Court in Dublin, Ireland. July 12th 2023

Court Hearing in the High Court in Dublin, Ireland on March 10th 2023

Press Release of hearing in High Court on March 10th 2023

The High Court was told that "Ireland has many thousands of people who were injured, made ill and disabled and some even killed by the covid19 vaccines and boosters but there is no State Compensation Program. There has never been a State Compensation Program for the vaccine injured, ill and disabled and those killed by vaccines, and this is a disgrace and a national scandal. Most of them cannot afford medical tests and treatments. Many thousands of seriously ill people in Ireland are being left in a limbo and have massive medical costs".

Donations web page


Legal Grounds for court case and Legal Arguments on behalf of Parents and the People of Ireland as defined in the Irish Constitution of 1937

Protective Costs Order

Documents for Full Hearings in Court. Refused and Blocked in the High Court but to be presented in the Supreme Court. Release of documents to the general public as this is a Public Interest case and affects the Common Good according to the Irish Constitution of 1937.

Court Case Facts

Sharon Browne  is a mother and grandmother of children, an ordinary working class woman, whose own mother was killed by the covid19 vaccine in 2021. And her ex husband and father of her children was killed by the vaccine in 2022. Emmanuel Lavery, the second Plaintiff is the father of 3 young children in the age bracket 5 -11 years old. He is worried about his children, and the scientific and medical evidence worldwide showing serious harms and damage caused to children by these vacicnes and boosters. He joined the legal team in November 2022. Sharon and David lodged legal papers with the High Court and began legal proceedings to stop the vaccinations of children in Ireland on April 11, 2022. The legal grounds is Lack of Informed Consent. Parents including the general public have not been informed about the injuries, illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by the covid vaccines. This prevents informed decisions by parents and prevents Informed Consent. Yet, Informed Consent is required under law and under the Constitution and Human Rights laws. The actions of the state and vaccine promoters is UnConstitutional, unlawful and illegal. The actions of the state and vaccine promoters is UnConstitutional, unlawful and illegal. The following video depicts the damage done to children by these dangerous covid19 vaccines.


The High Court proceedings began on November 14th 2022 and there was another hearing on December 16th 2022 and more hearings are scheduled for 2023

Video from Court

Lodged Court documents below

page 1
page 2
page 3
page 4
page 5

Some Evidence for case
Reckless Endangerment of Children - High Court case and criminal court case