Important Scientific, Medical, Legal and Economic Data, Facts and
Evidence by Top Scientists, Medical Doctors, Researchers,
Nobel Laureates, Epidemiologists, and Economists in Relation to the Covid-19
Pandemic of 2020
This web page carefully examines the Scientific,
Medical, Legal and Economic Facts and Evidence by Top
Scientists, Medical Doctors, Researchers, Nobel Epidemiologists, and
Economists in Relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020.
These are acknowledged experts in their fields globally. This
will be a forensic analysis of this catastrophe.
We have included the scientific findings, data, evidence, and
expert analysis from some of the world's top scientists,
medical doctors, epidemiologists, immunologists,
microbiologists, researchers, Professors and academics. Some
of these people have won Nobel Prizes in their fields. These
important facts and evidence need to inform government
policies worldwide.
The covid-19 pandemic has led to political policies and laws
of lockdown, house arrests, martial law, anti Constitutional
measures, a police state, fascism. This lockdown is destroying
many businesses and jobs and whole economies, this is a very
serious matter. This is causing a massive economic downturn
which is projected to lead to a severe financial crash and
worldwide economic depression. It is also adding billions of
euros to the national debt in Ireland and tens or hundreds of
billions of euros to the national debt of other nations. This
is pushing nations further into more national bankruptcy,
more austerity, more taxes, and more recession into the
future.Most top economists, top
businessmen and financial analysts believe that it will be
a depression as bad as the 1930’s or possibly worse.
While workers will lose their jobs and business people lose
their businesses, and bankruptcies increase exponentially,
unemployment and suicides rise, and families lose their homes,
etc. etc. And democracies have been turned into fascist and
communist dictatorships with national lockdowns, censorship of the press and media, mass house arrests, a police state and other
extreme measures which are depriving people of their Constitutional rights,
democratic rights and human rights. Is this worthy of praise
and admiration for politicians ? Are we in the world predicted by George Orwell in his book '1984' ?
This web site is non political. It does not support any political party, any ideology or viewpoint. It presents the scentific and medical facts and evidence and an analysis of it.
Let us examine and analyse the scientific evidence and facts
presented by the top experts and doctors around the world,
including Nobel Laureates, below.
“Flattening the Curve” : The Facts, the Evidence and the Data about Covid19 or Sars-Cov2
Slight Rise in Cases and a Massive Decrease in
Deaths and Hospital admissions in Ireland from June to December 2020
The facts and evidence, in graphs below, show that from June to September 2020 there was very little or no rise in
covid19 cases and from October to December 2020, there was a slight
rise in new cases. Most importantly there was a massive decrease in deaths in
Ireland from June - December 2020. The curve for deaths was flat from June to December 2020. There was a 'flattening of the curve', and this is highly significant in scientific terms. There were no deaths for several days from June to December 2020. In fact deaths for this period were similar to deaths for that period for the previous 10 years. Hospital admissions were very low during this period,
and ICU admissions even lower. In fact, hospitals were
mostly empty during the period June to mid December 2020. The rise in alleged 'covid19 cases' in Winter
has occurred due to increased testing, many false positives,
historical infections, an incubation of the virus caused by lockdowns and social restrictions since March, and some true positives.
The incubation of a virus in prolonged lockdowns and quarantines of whole populations of a country both healthy and ill is a new development in human societies and the consequences of incubating a virus and also other viruses and bacteria is the subject of ongoing scientific research. It may delay and undermine 'community immunity' also known as 'herd immunity', prolong pandemic progression and Gompertz curves, and compromise human health, immunity and stress levels creating conditions which are new to science and unpredictable. Lockdowns on this scale are experiments on humans. December marked the start of Winter and there was an increase in Winter illnesses, accidents, hospitalisations, and deaths as there has been for hundreds of years. Irish hospitals have suffered severe overcrowding and lack of capacity during the Winter seasons for the previous 20 years. For the previous 10 years hospitals in Ireland and Britain were under severe pressure and over-crowding, due to a combination of Winter illnesses, accidents and deaths and the chronic lack of investment in hospitals by governments (bankrupted by bailing out banks, bondholders, developers and speculators). Ireland has approximately 50% of the hospital beds and ICU's and specialist staff necessary for a population of 4.8 milion which is ageing, this will be discussed below.
Deaths from covid19 (Includes those with pre-existing illnesses with covid19, False Positives, and those specifically of covid19)
Source: Note: it includes total daily deaths and weekly average deaths from September 14 2020 onwards. Total daily deaths are preferred for analysis purposes.
Deaths: there was an obvious flattening of the curve from June 2020 to December 2020. In the Winter season 2020 - 21 when there are increased colds, flu's respiratory illnesses, heart disease complications, cancers, complications of old age, suicides and accidents every Winter, there were 6 covid19 deaths on January 4th 2021, and 8 deaths on January 11th 2021, and allegedly 60 deaths on January 20th 2021. This includes all persons with Winter illnesses such as flus, colds, respiratory illnesses, bronchitis, asthma, heart diseases, circulatory disorders, complications of old age, cancers, suicide attempts, and accidents who have tested positive for covid19.
A high percentage of these positive covid19 cases are 'False Positives', as high as 97% according to recent scientific research and published papers, the WHO, NIH, and top scientists and court cases worldwide, see details about this on
. As Irish testing centres and Irish hospitals were mislabelling most people admitted to hospital as 'covid19' through using PCR test cycles of 35 - 45, which give a 97% rate of False Positives, then persons with cancers, heart diseases, copd, bacterial pneumonia, respiratory illnesses, flu's, colds, neurological illnesses, dementia, diabetes, chronic illnesses, accidents were all being called 'covid19' cases. Whole hospital wards are housing False Positive cases who have many different diseases and illnesses, called 'covid wards'. Many different diseases and illnesses all lumped together as 'covid19' cases in hospitals. The pressure on the hospitals every year for the last 20 years, has been repeated in 2020 and 2021 but this time the label of 'covid19' is being used. Also, cold viruses and flu viruses, many of which are coronaviruses, are triggering False Positives for covid19 in the Winter season.
It should also be noted that the lockdowns caused the cancellation of thousands of hospital appointments including screenings, diagnosis and treatments for cancers, heart diseases, copd, respiratory illneses, neurological illnesses,
etc. in 2020 and there are and will be increased deaths from these into 2021, 2022, etc. and many of these are being and will be mislabelled as covid19 deaths in 2021, 2022, 2023, etc.. The lockdowns are causing deaths and will cause more deaths into the future. It is wrong, unethical, unscientific, unlawful and illegal to mislabel all or most of these deaths caused by lockdown as 'covid19'.
This slight rise in deaths happened in the middle of another national lockdown after 2 previous national lockdowns and severe social restrictions since March 2020. We had a full 9 months of lockdowns by January 2021. Lockdowns and social restrictions are obviously not working. Why is this ? Ireland has been badly affected by Winter season illnesses for thousands of years. A third National Lockdown was imposed in Ireland on December 30th and this has not stopped the increase in Winter illnesses which occurs every year and the thousands of people who are dying and will die from cancelled medical appointments due to lockdowns. Total death numbers for 2020 and excess mortality were the same as previous 20 years, in fact excess mortality was slightly lower in 2020. There was no massive increase in deaths in 2020. See more evidence, facts and numbers in sections below.
Cases (Includes Positives and False Positives and Other illnesses mislabelled as covid19)
New Covid19 Cases: There were 5,325 positive tests on January 5th 2021 and 4,926 positive tests on January 11th 2021 and 2,485 positive tests on January 20th 2021. And thousands of positive cases in the days between these dates. Not all positive tests are "cases" according to scientific research findings (see sections below). This includes all persons with Winter illnesses such as flus, colds, respiratory illnesses, bronchitis, asthma, heart diseases, circulatory disorders, complications of old age, cancers, suicide attempts, and accidents who have tested positive for covid19. January is alleged to be the worst month so far for covid19 in Ireland, but the evidence, statistics and data suggests this is not true. A high percentage of these positive cases are 'False Positives', as high as 97% according to recent scientific research and published papers, the WHO, NIH, and top scientists and court cases worldwide, see details about this on ..As Irish testing centres and Irish hospitals were mislabelling most people admitted to hospital as 'covid19' through using PCR test cycles of 35 - 45, which give a 97% rate of False Positives, then persons with cancers, heart diseases, copd, bacterial pneumonia, respiratory illnesses, flu's, colds, neurological illnesses, dementia, diabetes, chronic illnesses, accidents were all being called 'covid19' cases.. Whole hospital wards are housing False Positive cases who have many different diseases and illnesses, called 'covid wards'. Many different diseases and illnesses all lumped together as 'covid19' cases in hospitals. The pressure on the hospitals every year for the last 20 years, has been repeated in 2020 and 2021 but this time the label of 'covid19' is being used. Cold viruses and flu viruses, most of which are coronaviruses, are triggering False Positives for covid19 in the Winter season.
Every person who goes into the hospital for any illness or accident is tested for covid19. The False Positive rate for PCR tests is 97% so most of them are being diagnosed with covid19. There is also the problem of a hospital patient who gets tested 5 or 6 times for covid19 and is positive in all tests and this is counted as 6 new cases or 6 new covid19 patients in the official statistics.
This over inflates the number of cases. This over inflates the daily and total number of cases, including the number of False Positives. This over counting in addition to False Positives can create massive increases in numbers.
It should also be noted that the lockdowns caused the cancellation of thousands of hospital appointments including screenings, diagnosis and treatments for cancers, heart diseases, copd, respiratory illneses, neurological illnesses,
etc. in 2020 and there are and will be increased hospital admissions and ICU admissions for these into 2021, 2022, 2023, etc. and many of these are being mislabelled as covid19 hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths. And again False Positives are playing a role in this.
The high number of False Positives also means that a high percentage of hospital staff tested false positive and had to take time off work, and "quarantine". This reduced hospital staff at a time when hospitals are very busy during the Winter months. This slight rise in deaths happened in the middle of another national lockdown after 2 previous national lockdowns and severe social restrictions since March 2020. We had a full 9 months of lockdowns by January 2021. Lockdowns and social restrictions are obviously not working. Why is this ? Ireland has been badly affected by Winter season illnesses for thousands of years.
Every Winter there is a big increase in hospital admissions due to Winter illnesses and this hospitals under some pressure every year. The years 2018, 2017, 2010 and 2000 were particularly bad. Overall the year 2020 for hospitals was similar to the previous 20 years and 2021 is turning out to be the same.
Cases and Deaths In late December 2020 during the third National Lockdown The figures in this chart do not justify a national lockdown. The high number of cases, most of them false positives and Winter illnesses, did not lead to massive increases in deaths, hospital and ICU admissions for covid19 in December 2020. The evidence provided in sections below show that most of these deaths are from old age and the health complications of such, and from pre-existing illnesses, and Winter deaths from colds, flu's, respiratory illnesses, damp and mold, heart diseases, cancers, etc. which have existed for thousands of years. Official government charts and statistics below clearly show that the total number of deaths is lower in 2020 than previous years and excess mortality is slightly lower.
Source: The Irish Times, January 2021
Chart from NPHET for October 19th 2020 - the date the second National Lockdown became law
The total cases here also include recoveries from covid19. October 19th is the date the Irish government decided to enforce a level 5 national lockdown. The recovery rate for covid19 according to scientific and epidemiological research is 99.7% - 99.9%, this is detailed in sections below.
As of 7pm on October 19th 2020, according to the National Public Health Emergency Team in Ireland there are
298 COVID-19 patients hospitalised, a tiny percentage of all hospital beds and reserves. There is a total of 12,000 hospital beds. There was 22,000 beds in 2008 before the government cutbacks and austerity to bail out bankers, bondholders and speculators. There should be 20,000 hospital beds for Ireland's population in 2020.
32 patients are in ICU, a small percentage of total ICU facilities and reserves. There is a total of 280 ICU beds and this is to be increased by 17. Surge capacity is 375. Government cutbacks since 2009 had reduced the number of ICU's. There should be 700 ICU's in Ireland to cater for a population 4.8 million people.
- No deaths on October 19th 2020 Source: (October 19th, 2020)
Rising cases and falling cases do not mean increasing deaths, October 2020
European deaths from covid19
Excess mortality is at an all time low for Summer to Autumn 2020. Excess mortality is an international standard of measuring the impact of epidemics and pandmeics. The evidence clearly shows that the covid pandemic ended in late June 2020 in Ireland. See chart below.
Hospitals were mostly empty from Summer to Winter 2020. Ex Irish Leader, Leo Varadkar, confirmed this on October 25th 2020
Were the Irish Hospitals overwhelmed and overcrowded and over capacity with a pandemic from March to December 2020 and for 2021 ?
We will look at deaths during the period June to December 2020. The curve on the chart flattened from June to December 2020. This is very significant and marks the period when the covid19 pandemic ended. This can be seen in terms of hospital admissions during this particular period.
Deaths from covid19 (Includes those with pre-existing illnesses with covid19, False Positives, and those specifically of covid19)
The spike in deaths for April 2020 show the effects of the covid19 pandemic in Ireland. Hospitals were under some pressure from late March to May 2020 but there was adequate capacity to deal with this. There was no need for field hospitals and none were built. The building of new emergency hospital facilities in areas of Dublin, Ireland and in Britain were abandoned by the Irish and British governments in Summer 2020. They knew they were not necessary. This provides a clue or indication that the pandemic was not as prolonged and not as deadly as they anticipated. And the evidence below confirms this.
From June to December 2021, the number of covid19 deaths dropped dramatically and there were no deaths for several days. The curve flattens on the chart above for that period. The number of covid19 cases dropped to less than 500 in hospitals and less than 50 people in ICU during that period according to HSE and government statistics -
There are 12,000 hospital beds in Ireland and ICU capacity is 297 with a surge capacity of 375. So there was plenty of hospital capacity and the hospitals were not overwhelmed and overcrowded. These are the facts despite the hysteria in the Irish press and media. Reports from hospital staff around Ireland stated the hospitals were mostly empty during this period. This is the subject of continuing investigations and whistleblower testimonies. Yet the government imposed regional lockdowns, a national lockdown of levels 1 – 3, many social restrictions, travel bans, and mandatory mask wearing during this period including during the Summer months. These measures were Disproportionate.
October 19th 2020 was the date the second national lockdown was announced by the Irish government, according to the National Public Health Emergency Team in Ireland there were:
- 298 COVID-19 patients islabeling, a tiny percentage of all hospital beds and reserves. There is a total of 12,000 hospital beds. There was 22,000 beds in 2008 before the government cutbacks and austerity to bail out bankers, bondholders and speculators.
- 32 patients were in ICU, a small percentage of total ICU facilities and reserves. There is a total of 280 ICU beds and this is to be increased by 17. Surge capacity is 375. Government cutbacks since 2009 had reduced the number of ICU’s. There should be 700 ICU’s in Ireland to cater for a population 4.8 million people which is ageing.
- No deaths on October 19th 2020 Source: (October 19th, 2020)
Prior to and during the second lockdown in October, there was plenty of hospital capacity and the hospitals were not overwhelmed and overcrowded. These are the facts despite the hysteria in the Irish press and media. Reports from hospital staff around Ireland stated the hospitals were mostly empty during this period. This is the subject of continuing investigations and whistleblower testimonies.
The Chart above showing Deaths clearly shows no big increase in deaths from covid in the period October to December 2020. The reasoning for the lockdown was defective and flawed in light of the facts and evidence. One member of the Irish government admitted to these facts in October 2020, see image below.
Hospitals were mostly empty from Summer to Autumn 2020. Ex Irish Leader, Leo Varadkar, confirmed this on October 25th 2020
In December 2020 the Irish Winter begins and there is a big increase in Winter illnesses such as colds. Flu’s bacterial and /or viral pneumonia, and respiratory illnesses and in heart diseases, cancers, complication s of old age, and accidents every year. Hospitals become very busy during this period. This has occurred for hundreds of years in Ireland.
The third national lockdown was enforced on December 26th and this lockdown was further extended in January 2021 and is expected to last until the 5th of March 2021 and for longer.
Analysis of January 2021 in Ireland and Comparison to Previous Years. The Impact of Winter Seasonal Illnesses and Deaths every year.
Comparison of January 2021 to January 2020 and January and Winter of 2017 – 18
First week of 2020 was the ‘worst ever’ for hospital overcrowding. More than 3,000 patients went without beds as trolley numbers hit new record. Some 3,143 patients went without beds during the week, as trolley numbers hit a new daily record of 760 on both Monday and Tuesday, according to figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation. There was no national lockdown imposed for this.
January 2021 Facts
January 11th 2021, one of the ‘worst days’ of the pandemic in Ireland. Deaths remain very low while the number of cases, including False Positives continue to increase and rise to high levels. False Positives from defects in PCR testing have been verified by scientific research and WHO Source:
Source: HSE
The number of people in trolleys in Acute Hospitals in January 2021 is less than in January 2020. Numbers are significantly lower in 2021, by a factor of 3. This provides more evidence that the covid pandemic is over. Winter seasonal illnesses and deaths have returned in January 2021 although they appear less prominent than previous years.
Source: HSE, January 6th 2021
The following statistics are from January 12th 2021. This includes all persons with Winter illnesses such as flus, colds, respiratory illnesses, bronchitis, asthma, heart diseases, circulatory disorders, neurological diseases, dementia, complications of old age, cancers, suicide attempts, and accidents who have tested positive for covid19. It also includes False Positives for covid19 and persons wrongly labelled as covid19.
These numbers are comparable to the Winter season for hospitals for previous 20 years. There is spare capacity in Irish hospitals in January 2021. Lets examine the Hospital data and capacity again. There is a total of 12,000 hospital beds. There is a total of 297 ICU beds. Surge capacity is 375. So there was spare capacity in hospitals in January and February 2021.
Government cutbacks since 2009 had reduced the number of ICU’s. There should be 700 ICU’s in Ireland to cater for a population 4.8 million people. The government has taken over private hospitals (through legal contracts) in Ireland and this has created additional beds and ICU’s since April 2020. This has temporarily increased total hospital capacity for 2020 and 2021
These are the facts despite the hysteria in the Irish press and media. Reports from hospital staff around Ireland in January 2021 stated the hospitals were just as busy as previous years for January and the Winter season of 2021. This is the subject of continuing investigations and whistleblower testimonies. Hospitals are always busy during the Winter season and this has been the case for decades and centuries. Two Galway politicians were contacted in January 2021 by Whistleblowers inside the HSE and Hospitals and they were told that the hospitals were NOT being overwhelmed in Winter 2020 and that the numbers in hospitals were similar to Winters in previous years. And they also informed them that corpses in morgues were being tested for covid19 in order to increase the number of covid cases – there is a video mentioning this at More Whistleblowers are coming forward.
The data, facts and evidence show that January 2020 and the Winter period of 2017 – 2018 were similar to Winter 2020 – 2021 in terms of hospital admissions, ICU’s, hospital overcrowding, people stranded on trolleys, and deaths. And the numbers are quite similar for the last 20 years for the Winter season. Total deaths so far for January 2021 are similar to total deaths in January for the last 20 years.
The hospitals were under severe pressure in 2020 and 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2000, etc. in the same way they were under severe pressure for the previous 20 years in the Winter season. Statistics show that there was some spare capacity in the Winter seasons. Though spare capacity in hospitals is determined by government health policy failures and lack of investment over the previous 10 years. The numbers admitted to hospitals were similar to the previous 20 years. Hospitals generally get very busy in January every year due to Winter illnesses and deaths. December to the end of March is their busiest time every year. As Irish testing centres and Irish hospitals were islabeling most people admitted to hospital as ‘covid19’ through using PCR test cycles of 35 – 45, which give 97% False Positives, then persons with cancers, heart diseases, copd, respiratory illnesses, neurological illnesses, diabetes, chronic illnesses, accidents were all being called ‘covid19’ cases. Whole hospital wards may be housing False Positive cases who have many different diseases and illnesses, called ‘covid wards’. Many diseases and illnesses all lumped together as ‘covid19’.
Every person who goes into the hospital for any illness or accident is tested for covid19. The False Positive rate for PCR tests is 97% so most of them are being diagnosed with covid19. There is also the problem of a hospital patient who gets tested 5 or 6 times for covid19 and is positive in all tests and this is counted as 6 new cases or 6 new covid19 patients in the official statistics. This over inflates the daily and total number of cases, including the number of False Positives. This over counting in addition to False Positives can create massive increases in numbers.
Dr. Tony Holohan, the chief medical officer, made the unusual claim that symptoms of colds and flus and respiratory illnesses were all covid19 in January 2021 9b . This is a ridiculous statement and is not supported by the scientific facts and the statistics over the last 20 years. It is important to emphasise that not all illnesses should be islabe ‘covid19’ and that False Positives for covid19 are playing a role in misdiagnosis and islabeling. The high number of False Positives also means that a high percentage of hospital staff tested false positive and had to take time off work, and “quarantine”. This reduced hospital staff at a time when hospitals are very busy during the Winter months and created additional stress
The deaths in January 2021 are similar to previous years due to Winter illnesses which come very year. The usual rise in deaths in Winter is depicted in the following chart for 2020-21 for Ireland.
Winter Season iIlnesses, Hospitalisations and Deaths over the Years
ICU’s and Hospitals are used more often in the Winter months due to colds, flus, respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, damp and mold in buildings, circulatory disorders, heart diseases, cancer complications, depression and mental illnesses, other illnesses, complications of old age, and accidents. Comparison to previous 20 years and to previous pandemics and epidemics is necessary in all cases and analysis.
Statistics and data over the last 20 years shows the following for Winter Illnesses:
Hospitalisations: 1,000 – 8,000
ICU on a given day: 80 – 240
Waiting in Trolleys per day: 100 – 760 (January 2020 was the worst.)
and per week: 800 – 3,100 (January 2020 was the worst.)
Hospital Beds Capacity: Ireland is among the bottom 3 EU countries in terms of bed capacity, 3 per 1000 of the population as opposed to EU average of 5 per 1000. The Irish government refused to increase the number of hospital beds and ICU’s over the previous 10 years and actually made cutbacks to existing numbers. Court Orders of Performance may be necessary to force the government to resolve this issue.
In summary, the evidence and facts show that the hospitals and ICU’s were not overwhelmed, overcrowded and over capacity in 2020 and 2021. There was spare capacity. After May 2020, there was no stress on the hospitals until late December 2020 when the Winter illnesses returned again as they have done for many years and decades and centuries.
The best strategy for the Irish government would be to increase ICU units to 700 and to increase hospital beds to 20,000 and double A and E capacity and the number of hospital doctors and nurses.
This would serve an existing population of 4.8 million people which will grow to over 5 million in the near future and a growing percentage of this will be people over 66.
Though bankrupting nations with bank and speculator and bondholder bail outs and covid19 lockdowns and bail outs
has increased national debt and budget deficits and severely impacted government revenues for investment in hospitals, healthcare, healthy living, and scientific research and innovation. High Court Orders of Performance will be required to bring about these changes to the Hospitals and Health system as Irish politicians and their "advisors" have proven unreliable and not interested for the last 12 years.
Let us examine the facts and evidence which proves and corroborates all of this, in sections below.
Deaths in Ireland in 2020 and Comparison to previous years. The Data
and Facts
In prior pandemics throughout history there were large rises in total deaths in the year or years of the pandemic and a big rise in excess mortality. And the rise in deaths would be far higher than the previous 10 - 20 years when there was no pandemic. This is a useful tool for measuring a pandemic in terms of its threat to public health, the deployment of resources and government funding for healthcare and hospitals, the need for vaccinations, the need for restrictive measures such as masks, social distancing, lockdowns, travel bans, etc. and comparison to prior pandemics. The evidence and facts show that there was no need for lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.
Deaths in Ireland in 2020 and Comparison to previous years. The Data and Facts
Comparing deaths in 2020 to previous years provides further evidence that the covid19 pandemic ended in mid June 2020.
Deaths in 2020 and Comparison to previous years
Sources: General Registration Office, April 8th 2021. These are accurate up to April 8th 2021 as it takes 3 months to register deaths.
Note: Figures are subject to change as more deaths are registered and do not represent the actual number of deaths which have actually occurred in any month. They are a close approximation as a death can take up to 3 months to be registered with the GRO. The last 3 – 5 months of 2020 will change as more 2020 deaths are registered in 2021.
Total deaths every year hover around 31,000, and this was the case in 2020. So far in April 2021, the number of deaths registered for 2020 is slightly lower than 31,000. There was no excess mortality for the year of 2020. The covid19 pandemic was over by Summer 2020 when deaths dropped significantly and remained low until the Winter season when colds, flu’s and Winter illnesses return every year. Deaths by month in 2020 are significantly less than deaths in previous years with the exception of April 2020. April was the worst month of the covid pandemic but this could be explained by a shifting of the cold and flu season in 2019 – 2020 from December – February to March - April 2020. This has occurred in previous years and decades.
2018 was the period of the Australian Flu which killed many people in Ireland across all age groups. 16,757 people died between January and June 2018 during the period of the Australian Flu while 16,822 people died during this same period in 2020. The numbers are very similar. There was no lockdown for this in 2018. Similar numbers of people have died during this period over the last 10 years and 30 years. We have got flu’s and cold seasons for many years and decades, indeed hundreds of years and we have had no national lockdowns.
Deaths in Ireland from January to May per 1000 of
Sources: Graham Neary, Statistician, and CSO and Deaths Registration, Ireland
No large increase in excess mortality in Ireland and other European countries in 2020 and 2021. Sweden had no lockdowns.
In the USA, Government statistics show that the number of deaths for 2020 was 2.85 million people and is similar to deaths per year for the last 10 years. There was no massive spike in deaths in 2020.
Source: CDC in the USA,
This further confirms the evidence above that the covid19 is
over-hyped and over-stated, and over-reacted to by
comparison to previous years. Total deaths have been the same for the last 10 years.
Excess Mortality, Ireland. Comparison of 2020 to previous years.
The excess mortality for 2020 was the same as for previous years, there was a brief spike in deaths in April 2020 and then the curve returned to the same pattern it has had for the last 10 years. Overall, excess mortality for 2020 is the same as for the previous 10 years.
In light of these important facts and evidence, the lockdowns after May 2020 were disproportionate.
Rising cases does not mean rising deaths.
From June to December 2020, the death rates have
declined to very low numbers and the curve has flattened and there have been no deaths
for several days. Hospital admissions for covid19 have
been low and ICU admissions for covid19 have been low during this period in 2020. Hospitals
were mostly empty from June to mid December 2020. A Pandemic of False Positives and Other Illnesses
The scientific and epidemiological evidence and serological studies / antibody studies from around the world and from WHO detailed in Sections below clearly proves that the cases in the
graph above should be 10 - 50 times higher for February
- Winter 2020. There were 10 - 50 times more people infected and recovered than reported. The Infection Fatality Rate is approx 0.23% or less and 0.05% for people under 70. Some antibody tests and studies, mentioned in sections below, suggest that 20% of the
population have already been infected and recovered by Winter 2020.
The issue of False Postives is one which must be faced up to and addressed by all governments and health authorities. The following points are relevant.
This scientific paper written by 22 top scientists calls for the PCR test for covid19 to be ended as it has too many defects, gives too many False Positives and is not fit for purpose. This means the number of covid19 cases is exagerrated and highly inflated and cannot be trusted. Research now confirms that PCR test cycles of 30 or more leads to a high percentage of False Positives for covid19.
A Portuguese court made a ruling in 2020 on the high rate of False Positives in PCR testing for covid19 and that the test was not fit for purpose and this has set an important Legal Precedent which can be used in courts worldwide. The Portuguese court stated that the number of False Positives could be as high as 97%.
A full report about this is provided in the next section.
In public statements released on December 2020 and January 2021, the World Health Organization finally acknowledged the high percentage of False Positives and that PCR cycles were too high. The WHO owned up to what hundreds of thousands of doctors and medical professionals have been saying for months - the PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 is a hit and miss process with the PCR count far too high and too many false positives. WHO (Finally) Admits PCR Tests Create False Positive and WHO Information Notice for IVD Users and WHO Information Notice, January 20, 2021
Acording to scientific research, PCR cycles of 30 - 34 provide False Positives of 50% or more while cycles of 35 to 40 provide False Positives of 97%. Most developed countries, including Ireland
used cycles of 35 - 45 in 2020 and 2021 and this led to a massive increase in False Positives or covid "cases". Many of these PCR tests were carried out on non symptomatic people. There was fear and paranoia that asymptomatic people were spreaders of covid19. The percentages of False Positives differ significantly from country to country and region to region depending on the cycles used in PCR tests and on seasonal factors such as Winter colds and flu's and respiratory illnesses, and the willingness or incentives to mislabel all colds, flu's, and other diseases and illnesses as covid19. The science now shows that the most accurate number of cycles in a PCR test is 24 for Symptomatic people. Any number above that creates a high risk of False Positives.
In mid-November 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci (NIH) admitted that the PCR Test's high count is misleading:
“What is now sort of evolving into a bit of a standard,” Fauci said, is that “if you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more … the chances of it being replication-confident are minuscule.”
“It’s very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians,” he continued, when “somebody comes in, and they repeat their PCR, and it’s like [a] 37 cycle threshold, but you almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle.”
So, I think if somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you got to say, you know, it’s just dead nucleotides, period.”
See scientific papers and findings and news reports worldwide about False Positives below :
The following video provides a scientific overview of this issue.
Astonishing COVID-19 Testing Fraud Revealed by Dr. Joseph Mercola a medical doctor, Nutritionist and author in the USA. He provides an analysis of scientific papers about the PCR test for covid19 and the antibody test.
The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How To Mislead All Humanity Into Accepting Societal Lock-Downs Dr Pascal Sacré is a physician specialized in critical care, author and renowned public health analyst, Charleroi, Belgium. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
Among thousands of angry doctors arguing PCR tests should not be used is Dr. Pascal Sacré. He wrote that:
“This misuse of RT-PCR technique is used as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society, the degradation of living conditions for a large number of ordinary citizens, under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.”
Mr. Ben Gilroy, a well known and respected Irish businessman, politician, and human rights activist delivered an Official Notice to the Minister for Health in Ireland on January 18th 2021. The video and a link to the Notice is here at OR in video below.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, a medical doctor, professor and top Epidemiologist in Germany has been a strong critic of the PCR test for covid19 and its high rate of False Positives. Video interview in December 2020 below
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and
Dr. Karina Reiss, both top German medical doctors and
Epidemiologists, wrote a book called 'Corona, False
Alarm?: Facts and Figures' and it has become a
bestseller in Germany and in the EU. It exposes the
facts and evidence about covid19. It criticises the PCR
test for covid19 and outlines the defects and inaccuracy
of this test and the high rate of false positives.
Fragments of Covid19
An official British government web site has admitted that fragments of alleged covid19 can remain in a human body for 90 days or more even if a person is non infectious, and this can cause persistent false positives for covid19. Recovered and healthy people can test positive for covid19, accordign to this. See paragraph from government web site below: 6. SARS-CoV-2 re-testing in staff, patients and residents in health and social care settings
Immunocompetent staff, patients and residents who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR should be exempt from routine re-testing by PCR or LFD antigen tests (for example, repeated whole setting screening or screening prior to hospital discharge) within a period of 90 days from their initial illness onset or test (if asymptomatic) unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms. This is because fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory tract samples following infection – long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.
In 2007, A New York Times report titled, “Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t,” clearly showed how scientifically inaccurate PCR tests are, and featured many shocking statements from medical experts and scientists on the use of these tests, clearly laying out how they result in false positives and lead to dangerous exaggerations and false alarms.
Citing Jaafar et al. (2020;), the court concluded that “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is <3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.” The court further notes that the cycle threshold used for the PCR tests currently being made in Portugal is unknown
Citing Surkova et al. (2020)), the court further stated that any diagnostic test must be interpreted in the context of the actual probability of disease as assessed prior to the undertaking of the test itself, and expresses the opinion that “in the current epidemiological landscape of the United Kingdom, the likelihood is increasing that Covid 19 tests are returning false positives, with major implications for individuals, the health system and society.”
“Given how much scientific doubt exists — as voiced by experts, i.e., those who matter — about the reliability of the PCR tests, given the lack of information concerning the tests’ analytical parameters, and in the absence of a physician’s diagnosis supporting the existence of infection or risk, there is no way this court would ever be able to determine whether C was indeed a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or whether A, B and D had been at a high risk of exposure to it.”
Sources: Portuguese court ruling on PCR tests and
3.Mislabelling many other illnesses and deaths as covid19. The need to Differentiate between dying specifically of covid19 and dying of other illnesses with covid19.
People who died of cancers, heart diseases, copd and other respiratory disorders, flu's, diabetes, dementia and neurological illnesses, the complication of old age, non covid19 dieases, accidents, etc. were mislabelled as covid19 deaths in 2020 and into 2021. Pathologists and doctors failed to differentiate between dying specifically of a disease or accident with covid19 as a secondary condition and dying specifically of covid19. In the USA the CDC encouraged doctors to label all deaths as covid19 deaths in 2020.
The following tweet by Leo Varadkar ex Prime Minister of Ireland, pointed out this problem.
In the USA, there is ongoing controversy over the decision of CDC’s National Vital Statistics System to instruct doctors to presume that all or most patients died of covid-19 in Spring, Summer and Winter of 2020 without a definitive test for cause of death. American hospitals also received financial incentives of $30,000 for every covid19 death and $13,000 for every covid19 patient from the government ( There was a strong financial incentive to label all deaths as covid19 in 2020 and 2021. There is also disturbing evidence from whistleblowers in the USA including nurses and other medical professionals about orders from above to implement certain controversial procedures which cost the lives of elderly patients and other patients with covid19. These incentives and changes had the effect of inflating and exagerrating the covid19 numbers. This is the subject of continuing investigations there.
Dr. Dolores Cahill publicly called for all covid19 deaths to be investigated in Ireland to seperate out covid19 deaths from non covid19 deaths. There were legitimate fears that all deaths including non covid19 deaths are being labelled as covid19 deaths This ignored deaths from other causes eg. Cancers, heart attacks, strokes, alzheimers, accidents, etc.. The following video of a Sky News report outlines this problem in Britain and many other countries
Government officials, politicians, and senior medical officials are failing to diferentiate between a Positive Test and an actual Case. This is causing a massive rise in non cases mislabelled as 'cases'. A healthy recovered person with a tiny amount of fragments of the covid virus could test positive and a healthy asymptomatic person could test positive. All of these are wrongly labelled 'Cases'. A Case is a person who is symptomatic with moderate to severe symptoms requiring medical attention or hospitalisation. Vast numbers of people have had the virus and recovered without realising it and some have it and are asymtomatic. The evidence shows high numbers of people already infected and
recovered since February 2020. Many had this coronavirus and other coronaviruses such as colds and flus without realising it, and
fragments of covid19 (and other coronaviruses) remain in a persons blood for
6 - 12 months after recovery. These fragments of covid19 exist in healthy recovered people, and a PCR test will falsely label them as positive (see findings of scientists below). Epidemiological studies
worldwide show the actual numbers infected are 10 -
50 times higher than officially reported, and this
massive number of people who have been infected since
February 2020 are gradually being identified by more and more testing.
The recovery rate is between 99.9% and 99.7% and the scientific evidence for this is presented in sections below.
In addition to this, in the Winter season many colds and flus are caused by different coronaviruses and these can trigger a positive PCR test for covid19. These are mis-labelled as covid19. Several different coronaviruses cause colds and flus, respiratory and lung infections and they are seasonal in nature and have occurred for thousands of years. This year 2020 has seen the lowest number of flus and colds in recorded history according to government reports and WHO and other medical bodies.Are they all being mis-labelled as covid19 ?
The factors above explain the massive number of "Cases" of covid
in Winter 2020 - 2021.
In Winter, flu viruses and cold viruses can trigger False Positives for covid19. The false labelling of flu's, colds, many respiratory illnesses,
heart attacks, strokes, cancers, accidents, etc. as covid19 in communities, clinics, hospitals and ICU's has become a major problem. During the Winter season, there has always been an increase in seasonal illnesses in hospitals for hundreds of years. Mislabelling all of these as 'covid19' led to massive increase in covid 'cases' and to wideapread fear and parnaoia which led to politicians enforcing unnecessary lockdowns.
Dr. Tony Holohan the chief medical officer in Ireland claimed on January 4th 2020 that all cases of flu and colds are covid19. This is an extraordinary statement which goes against science and scientific findings for over 200 years, and provides further proof that all illnesses are being mislabelled as 'covid19' in an attempt to inflate the number of cases. Winter illnesses such as colds and flus and respiratory illneses are being mislabelled as covid18 while people dying of cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, endocrine diseases, neurological diseases, dementia and complications of old age, and accidents are also being mislabelled as 'covid19'. This is being promoted through defective PCR tests which are giving a high rate of False Positives. This is unscientific and unmedical and illegal.
Dr. Ivor Cummins gives an excellent presentation of the scientific and medical facts about Winter seasonal illnesses and deaths which have existed for thousands of years.
4. The
PCR test is sensitive but not specific and has many defects. Many scientists worldwide have expressed
geunine fears about this, and the fact that false positives are vastly inflating
the numbers of infected people. Dr. Christian Drosten the inventor of the PCR test for covid19 in 2020 has openly criticised and condemned the PCR test for covid19 and he has stated that covid19 is not a pandemic as there are no large numbers of people dying from it. See video below.
This False Positive Epidemic is causing unnecessary fear, paranoia and panic and creating a false need for more lockdowns, and more severe lockdowns.
5. The inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kerry Mullis stated publicly that PCR was suitable for lab use and research and should not be used for mass diagnostic testing. The PCR test
is not specific for active covid19 in the body, does not
measure viral load in the body and does not isolate the virus and does not follow Koch's Postulates
in medicine. These have been the basis of medical diagnosis and science for over 150 years.
6. Evidence is emerging around the world that human T cells, NK cells, Memory T cells in addition to antibodies and B cells are killing off and clearing the covid19 from the body. Humans have been combatting coronaviruses for thousands of years and the immune system can recognise coronaviruses. Scientific research shows that Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Vitamin A levels, and Zinc and Selenium levels also play a major role in the immune system and its capabilities. Prior to the covid pandemic in 2020, humans already had innate immunity against coronaviruses. This explains the high recovery rate from covid19 and other coronaviruses. The immune system destroys coronaviruses and leaves fragments of many types of coronaviruses in the human body for many months which can trigger false positives for covid. The "experts" in nphet in Ireland and sage in Britain forgot to include this in their analysis and calculations.
7. If there is a massive rise in covid "cases" and total numbers then why is there is no corresponding massive rise in deaths from covid19 ? Every pandemic for thousands of years has seen a massive rise in cases lead to a massive increase in deaths.
But for covid19 the massive increase in "cases" in Summer, Autumn and Winter 2020 has not led to a massive increase in deaths.
In sections below we have official government statistics and charts which show that deaths for 2020 were similar to deaths in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, etc.. There was no massive increase in deaths in 2020.
8. the number of PCR tests have increased by 400 - 800% in most developed countries since April 2020, thus more positive
cases, including false positives, are being identified in Winter 2020 and this includes the high number of flus and colds and seasonal illnesses.
PCR Tests from March 2020 to end of January 2021. Over 3 million tests by January 2021. The population of Ireland is 4.8 million. Large increase in False Positives for tests using 35 - 45 cycles
Dr. Eric Berg explains this very clearly in the video below
9. Despite the Irish government implementing lockdowns
and other social restrictions and mask wearing from March 2020 to Winter 2020, the number of covid "cases" have increased. The rise in January 2021 in cases including false positives was quite large. This was during a national lockdown and after 8 months of lockdowns and social restrictions. The evidence and facts above and in sections below clearly show that these lockdowns did not work because they were based on defective tests, false positives, mislabelling of other diseases and illnesses as covid19, false numbers and figures, false reasoning, false predictions, false reporting, the spreading of fear and paranoia in the press and media and among the general public, and the wrong political and legal actions which have destroyed the Irish economy and society.
The high numbers of persons infected
worldwide since February 2020 are only now being tested via
PCR or antibody tests / antigen tests. Massive numbers of people have recovered over these months, many were
asymptomatic and never tested but the fragments of covid19 and other coronaviruses remain in their body for 6 - 12 months after infection. The numbers infected and recovered are over 10 times higher
than reported in official government figures. The Irish government (and some other governments) are chasing ghosts. The evidence here and throughout this web page shows that we have a Pandemic of False Positives and Other Illnesses.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi a top German
medical doctor, Epidemiologist and Professor explains this in the video below: Click on the video link below.
We had a previous
Pandemic of False Positives - the Swine Flu in 2009. And it had "second waves" and "third waves", etc. etc. Politicians and governments and some misguided "government advisors" or so called "experts" have not learned the lessons of the past. See Dr. Clare Craig's tweet below. (She is a top pathologist in Britain)
Hard Scientific Data and Facts
The science now shows that the safest number of cycles in a PCR test is between 25 and 28. Any number above that creates a high risk of False Positives. This cycle between 25 and 28 needs to be implemeted in Ireland and in all countries. All PCR tests should state the number of cycles used in a docuemnt given to medical doctors and patients. The most accurate tests are antigen tests and IGA and IGG tests and do not rely on cycles.
According to Dr. Michael Levitt, the covid19 follows
the bell shape curve (on graphs) of all previous epidemics
and pandemics in history. Dr. Michael Levitt's findings are confirmed by the growing
evidence worldwide, see chart below.
The facts show that the R has always started out greater than 2 and tends to settle at the R value for herd immunity, once the epidemic or pandemic has peaked and then burns itself out,
and this
will continue to be the case as it has been for centuries and milennia of
colds and flu seasons. All pandemics, epidemics and outbreaks burn themselves out once herd immunity is reached or effective and safe vaccines are deployed ; this is a fact of human nature for hundreds of years. The R value may be briefly suppressed by a
lockdown but will rise again once lockdowns are eased as humans are social creatures,
they are not robots or automatons to be restricted,
controlled and locked down by governments. A continuous
series of lockdowns may suppress a relatively harmless virus like covid19
but it is destroying businesses, careers and whole
economies. Indeed lockdowns can lead to an incubation of the virus which will keep re-emerging once lockdowns are eased or temporarily stopped - lockdowns will artifically suppress herd immunity among the healthy population and prolong an epidemic or pandemic, creating even more deaths among the elderly and those with pre-existing illnesses. Lockdowns are self-defeating. Starting new lockdowns after a pandemic is finished is crazy. As we seen in the graphs above and the graphs
below, epidemics and pandemics follow a Bell curve or
Gomertz curve, and this been the case for millions of years. For example, cold and flus have killed people with
pre-existing illnesses (or underlying illnesses) and
elderly people for thousands of years. This is the nature
of human existence. Should we have locked down countries
for thousands of years to stop this ?
There is also the problem of False Positives and this has been a major factor in the covid19 pandemic. False Positives produce False R's also termed F(R) leads to a 'Casedemic' where there is a high number of cases, mostly false positives, and a very low death rate and low hospitalisation rate. Though this hospitalisation rate and death rate can be manipulated by mislabelling other illnesses and accidents as 'covid19', so as to invent a higher number of hospitalisations and deaths for covid19. This is particualrly true in Winter when Winter illnesses and deaths can all be labelled 'covid19' and the high rate of False Positives in PCR tests can assist this process. In the USA, hospitals had a financial incentive to mislabel all deaths as covid19 in 2020. And American hospitals received financial incentives of $30,000 for every covid19 death and $13,000 for every covid19 patient from the government ( This pandemic of false positives and mislabelled deaths was observed by scientists and doctors in Ireland and Europe after June 2020.
Further Analysis of Deaths Deaths per age group was extremely important during the covid19 pandemic. By late July 2020 the following statisics had emerged showing that over 91% of deaths were in the over 65 age group in Europe and 80% of were in the over 65 age group in the USA. Most of these were over 75 and had a few pre-existing illnesses.
The mean age of death was 82 and median age of death was 84 for covid19 in Ireland. This is higher than life expectancy in Ireland. Life expectancy is 81.
CSO figures show that 64% of all deaths were in the over 80 age group category. The median age of death is 84 and the mean age of death is 82 both of which are higher than Irish life expectancy, and deaths are highly concentrated in the over 80's who are at increased risk of death from pre-existing illnesses and from all causes, and this has been the case for hundreds of years. This is equivalent to the Winter flu seasons which we have had for hundreds of years. CSO figures for January 2021 included below.
We need to bear in mind that 62% of 1774 covid related deaths were in nursing homes
under the following conditions of neglect .
Residents asked to sign a DNR (Do
Not Resuscitate) waiver .
No PPE provided by the State
(Nursing homes, Community hospitals and Hospices) .
No Oxygen for residents with
Covid .
hydroxychloroquine, AZT, Zinc and other effective
medical treatment given to nursing home residents
Only one positive test was
allowed in a nursing home and after that no other
testing was allowed Because of this residents could
not be segregated and quarantined effectively further
enabling the spread of the virus and thereby putting
residents and staff at an increased risk
No replacement staff were sent in to replace ill staff
Government and HSE ignored all pleas for help from March to July 2020
A resident with Covid or
suspected Covid was not given the option to go to a
hospital for treatment
Residents were not permitted to
have family visit them .
Many residents did not have the
last rites given to them and many died alone
The total who died in Nursing Homes
with Covid amounts to 1100 patients. .
In a recent statistical analysis done by Dr. Dolores
Cahill she explained that on average those who died with
covid had their lives shortened by approx. 3 Weeks.
Also: .
- 78% of deaths were people of 75 years old or older
(HIQA July 3rd)
- 80 people have died in Intensive Care
- 20 people under 44 have died from covid19 from March to mid October 2020
- over 90% of those who died in March - May 2020 were too old and ill to be put into ICU (Dr. Ivor Cummins)
July 2020
Internationally the percentage of covid19 deaths in nursing homes and care homes ranges from 60 - 80%. The following statistics show this.
The Imperial College London criteria which was used by governments to implement lockdowns worldwide
The Imperial College London criteria was the criteria used
by the Irish government, British government and most governents worldwide to justify national lockdowns and local
lockdowns in Spring 2020 and again in Autumn and Winter 2020. This Imperial College London criteria has been proven to be wrong by
scientists and published research papers and by the facts
and evidence in 2020. It was wrong by several orders of
magnitude - it over-estimated deaths, hospitalisations, ICU
admissions by 10 - 20 times. It was one of the biggest blunders and mistakes in scientific history. This is discussed in the next
section below. The recovery rate from covid19 is between
99.9% - 99.7% according to international scientific
research cited below. This is the same in all
other European countries and in most countries around the
world. Yet despite all the facts
and data mentioned above and on this web page, the Irish
government has threatened the Irish people with more
national lockdowns. This threat was unreasonable,
illogical, irrational and disproportionate by the
government. The Irish press and media continued to spread
hysteria and paranoia about the slight rise in the number
of cases, but neglected, forgot or ignored the massive
decrease in deaths and the large decrease in hospital
admissions and ICU for covid19 from June - December 2020.
Scientific and epidemiological findings from around the world confirm an Infection Fatality Rate of 0.23%, and a rate of 0.05% for those under 70. Though WHO figures showing 10% of populations were already infected by mid October 2020, giving an Infection Fatality Rate of approx. 0.14%. The rise in cases in Autumn and Winter reflects the fact that significant percentages of populations have already been infected and recovered since March 2020, and colds and flu viruses include other coronaviruses which can cause positive PCR test results for covid19. The Mean age of death is 82, and most covid deaths occurred in nursing homes due to government failures. This infection is the same as a flu season, and less than a bad flu season. Covid has proved less deadly than previous influenza seasons – there were 50,100 flu deaths from December 2017 to March 2018 in England and Wales. There were 80,000 flu deaths in 1969. To date they have circa 42,000 covid related deaths in the UK. Scientists are divided over the high rate of false positives in PCR tests for covid19. Due to this, the number of covid19 cases may be over-inflated and inaccurate. NPHET and its lockdown in Ireland are following the Imperial College London model of Ferguson which has been proven to be wrong and is discredited in the scientific world.
Lies and Deception
A prominent newspaper in Belgium, De Tijd, discussed how the government announced that some three thousand elderly people had died of covid-19. Partly because of these figures, the entire country was placed in an extreme lockdown, with horrifying destruction as a result. However, further research showed that only 3% of the deceased had been tested.
This means that not 3,000 but only 90 elderly had covid-19.
President John Magufuli of Tanzania questioned the covid-19 numbers of his country. There were more than 400 cases and 16 deaths. He accused the National Medical Laboratory of lying. To substantiate his suspicions, he sent two samples that supposedly belonged to people to have them tested. The samples, however, came from a papaya fruit and a goat. As he suspected, they came back... with positive results for covid19: 'These people are infected with covid-19.' This is how he unmasked the deception
The fact is covid19 is not as deadly as
the Spanish Flu of 1918 - 1920, despite many Irish and European and American journalists,
politicians and government advisors lying and falsely claiming that
it was as bad as the Spanish Flu. We have witnessed a
pandemic of fear, paranoia, propaganda and lies by the
press and media in relation to covid19.
The following chart shows the big difference between the Spanish flu and covid19.
In the Spanish flu of 1918 - 20, over 50 - 70 million people died, across all age groups out of a world population of 1.8 billion then. Today there is a world population of 7.5 billion, and covid19 has allegedly killed 900,000 people. To equal the Spanish flu, covid19 would have to kill 200 million people.
Covid19 is NOT the Spanish flu. In fact covid19 is equivalent to a bad flu season which we have had every 10 to 15 years for thousands of years. And this year 60 million people will die worldwide of many causes. And should we lock down countries and the world to prevent these deaths ?
Covid19 and Comparison to Previous Pandemics and Epidemics in History
The evidence clearly shows that covid19 is a minor pandemic and not as serious as previous pandemics and epidemics in history. See the chart below for Sweden. Other European countries had the same pandemics as Sweden in the past.
Yet several governments have imposed national lockdowns for covid19 which were not imposed in previous pandemics. These lockdowns are completely out of proportion to the threat and did not reduce the "cases" and caused unnecessary massive damage to their economies and societies. Sweden did not implement a national lockdown but did impose minor social restrictions and it had the same mortality rate as most other western countries during the covid19 pandemic. The chart clearly shows that the covid19 was a minor pandemic and that many governments over-reacted to it.
An analysis of this is provided by Dr. Ivor Cummins here.
Evidence from the British Government On March 19th, 2020 the British Government officially announced that covid19 was not a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID). High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) are the most serious type of infectious diseases, comparable to the Spanish Flu of 1918 - 20 and Ebola outbreaks. Normally a government imposes social restrictions and lockdowns for High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID), and as covid19 is not a HCID then the lockdown in Britain was medically and legally unjustifiable. In Law, the lockdowns in Britain (and other European countries) were disproportionate as covid19 was NOT classified as a HCID by the British Government. This was particualrly true for the second and third national lockdowns in Autumn and Winter 2020. The following are screenshots from the official British Government web site at
Comparison with Flu
We will compare covid19 to many other illnesses in other sections of this page. Here we compare it to the flu.
Covid has proved less deadly than previous influenza seasons – there were 50,100 flu deaths from December 2017 to March 2018 in England and Wales. There were 80,000 flu deaths in 1969. To date they have circa 42,000 covid related deaths in the UK. Between 01 November and 31 March, there was worldwide - 860,000 cases and 40,000 deaths of covid19 while the flu in the same period of 5 months infects, on average 420 million people and kills 270,000. Every year, the flu infects approximately 1 billion people and kills approximately 650,000. The flu occurs every year and some years it can be very severe such as the 2017 - 2018 season (the Australian flu) which caused bed shortages and a serious crisis in hospitals and the need to build tent hospitals in western countries. Flu kills all age groups, and the flu can be transmitted by asymptomatic people, yet there were no national lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face masks for the flu.
In the global flu pandemic of 2017 – 2018 (also called ‘Australian Flu), according to the CDC, over 45 million Americans got the flu and most suffered badly, losing from 5 days – 2 weeks of work, and resulted in 1 million hospitalizations and 80,000 deaths in the USA, according to NIH in USA. Worldwide, 1.5 million people died of this virus. The mortality rate was approximately 0.18% - 0.25%. The important point here is that 45 million people were found to be infected by the CDC, NIH and health authorities. If there had been a low number of people tested in 2017-2018 (such as in the covid19 pandemic, 2020) then this would have provided a false mortality rate of 5% or higher and public panic and hysteria and calls for national lockdown. New York Times report in September 2018
Yet there was no national lockdown, no social distancing, no police state or fascism imposed and no hysteria in the press and media during the global flu epidemic of 2017 – 2018 (also called ‘Australian Flu).
Lockdowns have killed and will kill thousands of people in Ireland and in many other European countries. This may constitute murder or mansalughter by politicians and "advisors" and senior civil servants. The evidence, the data and facts show that hospitals were mostly empty
during the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter of 2020 and into 2021. Many thousands of hospital appointments, clinic appointments and doctor appointments were cancelled in 2020 due to covid19. According to leading
doctors and healthcare staff, thousands of appointments, screenings, diagnosis, treatments and surgeries for
heart diseases
neurological diseases and and dementia
respiratory illnesses
chronic infections
gastrointestinal damage and
endocrine diseases
mental illnesses including those at increased risk of suicide
chronic diseases
were cancelled in 2020 and into 2021 due to covid19. This was true for all age groups, including the most vulnerable. This was due to the lockdowns and other social restrictions in 2020.
This will cause an increase
in deaths from these illnesses, diseases and
injuries over 2020 and 2021 and 2022. More people will die
from missing these medical appointments and treatments for these diseases than from
covid19. Though False Positves for covid 19 may be used to mislabel these deaths. The data and the scientific evidence supports this. Covid Recovery - A Scientific Approach group formed in Ireland in November 2020, and includes 67 doctors and 100 scientists. They published a White Paper detailing deaths from the lockdown itself, see paper below COVID-19 Alternative Strategy – A Case for Health and Socioeconomic Wellbeing
More people will die as a result of the lockdowns. Many housands of people with cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, neurological diseases, dementia diseases, respiratory diseases, smoking related diseases, suicides, chronic infections, gastro-intestinal diseases, and endocrine diseases have been left in a limbo in 2020 and they will die as a result of these cancelled screenings, diagnostics, operations and treatments. These additional thousands of deaths will be due to the lockdowns.
The front page of the
Irish Independent newspaper on August 6th 2020 had a
headline and article about the thousands of screenings,
diagnostics and treatments for cancers, heart diseases,
lung diseases, neurological diseases and other diseases
and illnessess which were cancelled from March to August
2020 in Ireland. This has vastly increased waiting lists,
waiting times and caused a worsening of diseases and
illnesses across Ireland. This will lead to many deaths.
See article below.
Irish Independent newspaper, August 6th 2020
Scientific experts calculate that the equivalent of 560,000 lives will be lost as a result of the lockdowns in Britain. This will be the result of a fall in GDP of 9% or more, a deep recession, more bankruptcies of businesses and individuals, higher unemployment levels, higher suicide levels, higher poverty levels and worsening health for many more millions of people, cutbacks to healthcate and hospitals as a result of massive national debt levels and declining tax revenues, and thousands of cancelled appointments in hospitals due to lockdowns which will lead to many thousands of deaths. There are several news articles about this.
In a major expose on 20 October, the Daily Mail audited 130 studies to reveal that an extra 25,000 people had died at home in the UK during the pandemic because they didn’t get to hospital, cancer deaths had risen by 30 per cent, organ transplant operations had fallen by two-thirds while those dying on waiting lists had doubled, treatment for strokes had plummeted by 45 per cent, excess deaths from heart diseases topped 2,000, 50,000 surgeries for children had been postponed, and calls to child abuse helplines had rocketed.
How do covid-19 deaths compare to deaths from heart
attacks, cancers, respiratory illnesses, neurological and dementia diseases, accidents,
cerebrovascular diseases and alzheimers disease for 2020 ?
are all of these now being labelled covid19 deaths ?
People are dying all the time, every day, from smoking related illnesses, cancers, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, chronic diseases, chronic infections, neurological and dementia diseases, car accidents, etc. and they are dying in greater numbers than from covid19. Should we lock down the country to prevent deaths from smoking related illnesses, cancers, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, gastro-intestinal diseases, chronic infections,neurological and dementia diseases, car accidents, etc ? The Infection Fatality Rate for covid19 is stated above and is equivalent to a flu season. In fact, deaths in 2020 are less than previous years, as seen in charts above. The chart above for Britain is similar for Ireland and for other European countries.
The lockdown is causing a massive
increase in and a worsening of:
- mental illnesses
- depression
- suicides and suicide ideation
- unemployment and its side effects. There are several
hundred (or thousand in big countries) suicides for every 1%
increase in unemployment
- isolation and loneliness of elderly and those with
disabilities leading to new types of illnesses
- social distancing which promotes discrimination,
intolerance, prejudices, hatreds, stigma and human conflict
- domestic abuse, which is badly affecting women and
- a worsening of alcoholism and addictions which are
destroying families and individuals
- public order crimes involving threats, violence and
abusive behaviour which has worsened due to higher stress
levels. Police have been too busy with checkpoints and
patrolling in cars stopping and harassing law abiding
citizens, while many criminals are not being investigated,
arrested, prosecuted and jailed.
- threats to global food supply chains combined with
increasing poverty which is projected to lead to the deaths
of millions of people ; over 250 million people are at risk
of starvation from food scarcity due to covid19, increased
poverty, invasions of locusts and continuing environmental
disasters. Far more deaths than from covid19
All countries need government and independent investigations
into this scandal. Legal cases and court cases may be
News Interviews with Dr. John Lee, a top Pathologist in Britain explains the failure of lockdowns and the political mistakes made. Lockdowns are killing people.
"Covid is a true killer. So far it’s killed the flu, cancer, heart disease - it killed the ability to think, logic & common sense. It killed the economy, the working class, & millions of jobs. It killed millions of businesses, human connection, love and compassion."
Jeff Nelson
Collateral Damage caused by Lockdowns in many countries
This has been compiled by medical doctors, professors, scientists, immunologists, epidemiologists, statisticians, economists, lawyers and academics. It includes the thousands of cancelled appointments, diagnostics, screenings, treatments, and operations for cancers, heart diseases, endocrine diseases, gastro-intestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, chronic infections, dementia diseases, etc. and the increase in suicides. It also includes the financial and economic damage to busineses, industries, workers and families, and economies and to students in schools and colleges.
ICU's and Hospitals in Ireland - Government should be Blamed
Due to Irish government policies including massive cutbacks in healthcare spending and hospitals and ICU's and ventilators since 2009 Ireland has one of the lowest ICU's per population and lowest hospital beds per population and lowest hospital specialists per population in Europe and in the developed world. The Irish government cut hospital beds from 22,000 to under 12,000 in period 2008 - 2012, so they could bail out the banks and bondholders and speculators at a cost of over 120 billion euros after 2008. The government made vicious cutbacks to hospitals, ICU's, medical personnel, and closed down wards and hospitals. Ireland's healthcare system is equivalent to that of a third world country. In 2020, Ireland had less than half of the number of ICU's and hospital beds necessary to deal with bad flu seasons, the rising cancer and heart disease cases, and epidemics and pandemics. For example, there are 400,000 people on hospital waiting lists prior to the covid19 crisis (out of a population of 4 million people). These are serious failures of the existing Irish government and previous Irish governments going back to 2009. Yet the Irish government blames the ordinary Irish people for the covid19 crisis.
There are 12,000 hospital beds in Ireland
for a population of 4.8 million. There should be 20,000 beds for such a population especially as it is an ageing population. There are 375 ICU units including surge capacity. There should be 700 ICU's in Ireland for such a population especially as it is an ageing population. In Northern Ireland the figures are worse due to government cutbacks and no proper investment in hospitals and ICU's for over 25 years.
Casedemic not a Pandemic
By mid June 2020 we had reached the end of the pandemic
and this has been proven in falling death rates, zero
deaths for several days, falling hospital admissions,
mostly empty hospitals, and very low ICU admissions. We
had reached the end of the Bell curve or Gompertz curve. We
are now in a Casedemic not a Pandemic. Dr. Ivor
Cummins discusses the above chart and the Casedemic
which means increased cases of covid19 but a large
decrease in deaths and hospital admissions and ICU
admissions from June 2020 to the present. Hospitals are
mostly empty. And hospital appointements for cancer
screenings, heart diseases, respiratory diseases,
endocrine diseases, alzheimers, and operations and
surgeries, etc. have been cancelled (which will result in
more people dying of these diseases this year and next
year). Increased testing of covid19 is leading to more
cases being identified. For example, Britain increased its
testing from 12,000 per day in April 2020 to 250,000 per
day by October 2020. In October, a computer error claimed
that 23,000 new cases of covid19 had been identified in
one day in Britain and this caused panic and hysteria and
calls for a new national lockdown and curfews. This
hysteria and paranoia is typical of a Casedemic.
This Casedemic is happening in most countries worldwide.
It is being classified as a "Casedemic". The following
videos explain what a Casedemic is.
The Failure of Lockdowns - Scientific Analysis of Lockdowns
Scientific Papers about Ineffectiveness of Lockdowns
for covid19
There was no lockdown in Sweden, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Florida and a few states in the USA, Cambodia, Burundi, East Timor, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Malawi, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Ururguay and a few states in Brazil, and they experienced similar or less rates of death than countries in lockdown.
COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink,
by Ari R Joffe MD, FRCPC
Affiliation: Department of Pediatrics, Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Alberta and Stollery Children’s Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; John Dossetor Health Ethics Center, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
The WHO recommendations for pandemics in 2019 did not recommend the lockdown of countries
The failure of lockdowns is further reinforced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) themselves in their report 'Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza, National and Community Measures' from 2006, which is on the official American Government Health website, the writers of which include current members of SAGE, Government 'advisors'. This report criticises forced isolation and quarantine branding these measures "ineffective and impractical". It also states that "Legal authority and procedures for implementing interventions should be understood in advance and should respect cultural differences and human rights." Cruicially the report states that at Phase 6 of a Pandemic, when a Pandemic is officially declared (WHO declared it to be a Pandemic on 11th March 2020), measures such as tracing and quarantine should not be attempted. This means that according to the WHO themselves neither the UK or the rest of the world should have been put in 'lockdown'. It states "Patient isolation and tracing and quarantine of contacts should cease, as such measures will no longer be feasible or useful."
The WHO document is available at
The following video by Dr. Ivor Cummins, a scientist based in Ireland shows the difference between lockdowns and no lockdowns or Focussed Protection proposed by the Great Barrington Declaration.
Countries which did not lock down such as Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Belarus have all done significantly better than us in terms of percentage of population deaths. A scientific paper recently published in the Lancet states that lockdowns are ineffective and useless - “However, in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality”. The WHO in October 2020 criticised lockdowns as a means to control covid19 cases, and does not recommend lockdowns.
Citing Jaafar et al. (2020;), the court concluded that “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is <3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.” The court further notes that the cycle threshold used for the PCR tests currently being made in Portugal is unknown
Citing Surkova et al. (2020)), the court further stated that any diagnostic test must be interpreted in the context of the actual probability of disease as assessed prior to the undertaking of the test itself, and expresses the opinion that “in the current epidemiological landscape of the United Kingdom, the likelihood is increasing that Covid 19 tests are returning false positives, with major implications for individuals, the health system and society.”
“Given how much scientific doubt exists — as voiced by experts, i.e., those who matter — about the reliability of the PCR tests, given the lack of information concerning the tests’ analytical parameters, and in the absence of a physician’s diagnosis supporting the existence of infection or risk, there is no way this court would ever be able to determine whether C was indeed a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or whether A, B and D had been at a high risk of exposure to it.”
Sources: Portuguese court ruling on PCR tests and
Dr. Clare Craig a consultant pathologist in London in Britain has criticised the high percentage of false positives in PCR tests and the fear, paranoia and lockdowns resulting from this. She has called it a 'False Positive Psedu-Epidemic'. This is supported by many scientists and medical doctors listed in sections below.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and
Dr. Karina Reiss, both top German medical doctors and
Epidemiologists, wrote a book called 'Corona, False
Alarm?: Facts and Figures' and it has become a
bestseller in Germany and in the EU. It exposes the
facts and evidence about covid19. It criticises the PCR
test for covid19 and outlines the defects and inaccuracy
of this test and the high rate of false positives . It shows covid19 to be a greatly
exagerrated pandemic, a fraud designed to create
hysteria and panic worldwide, business closures and
desperation, and a profiteering opportunity to sell more
vaccines. It should be required reading for all doctors
and scientists and politicians worldwide.
Colds and Flu Seasonevery year for thousands of years
Viral infections such as colds, flu, covid19, norovirues, etc. are seasonal. They increase in late Autumn and last through the Winter until late Spring such as the month of April. In Summer and early Autumn the viruses are not as deadly.
This has been a fact for thousands of years. Scientists beleive this is due to low temperatures, lack of Vitamin D, lack of sunlight, more indoor living, and higher humidity. The same applies in southern hemishphere where our winter is their summer. Medical and scientific books verify this. In 2020, the flu has mysteriously disappeared, which is unique and unprecedented in human history.
cold viuses and influenza viruses may be
mistinterpreted or mis-labelled as covid19 infection. This would mean that the flu and colds would mysteriously disappear. Other respiratory illnesses may be labelled as covid19. Scientific studies show the PCR test for covid19 is not
accurate as it tests for fragments of coronaviruses. Many
different coronaviruses cause colds and flu and respiratory illnesses. The PCR does not test for a full covid virus or a
live virus. These covid19 fragments could be the result
of an immune system which has destroyed covid19 in the
body and fragments of covid19 are circulating in the
body, and the person has fully recovered. Or it could be fragments of other
coronaviruses in the body such as colds, flu,
mistakenly interpreted as covid19. Perfectly
healthy people with no live covid19 infection but with
fragments of a dead coronavirus(es) could test positive
in these tests. This has occurred in Korea in 2020 where
false positives among healthy people caused unnecessary
panic. There are many cases of false positives. This is
skewing the test results internationally. The PCR test
is not specific for active covid19 in the body, does not
measure viral load and does not follow Koch's Postulates
in medicine.
If a new virus emerges or new bacteria emerges or is released in Winter
2020 this may start a new pandemic. It may appear as a "mutation". This may also be
mistinterpreted or mis-labelled as a "second wave" for covid19. And there could be third waves and fourth waves and fifth waves of this covid19.
A well known German trial
lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, is working with other
lawyers to bring charges of 'crimes against humanity'
and 'malfeasance' and 'loss of income' against
politicians and their "advisors" and state officials.
They are using top medical doctors, scientists, and
epidemiologists as expert witnesses in these legal
cases. Class action cases and criminal cases are being
prepared. In this video he explains the defects and
inaccuracy of the PCR test for covid19 and the legal
issues involved. See video below.
Fatality Rate or Death Rate. The
actual numbers infected and recovered are 10 - 50 times higher than
In September, 2020 the CDC in the USA published the
following survival rates and infection fatality rates
for covid19 infection for different age groups
A medical doctor in USA, Dr. David Samadi, put up a
tweet about this in September 2020. The high survival
rates means the lockdowns are unnecessary and the
mandatory masks and vaccines are unnecessary.
Research by Dr. John Ionnadis of Stanford University one of the top
Epidemiologists in the world has confirmed this low Infection Fatality Rate. His research has revealed an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.23%. For under 70's the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.05% or below. This was accepted by WHO and many other scientists and organisations worldwide in mid October 2020. This fatality rate is less than a bad flu season. Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data
John P A Ioannidis, Stanford University, one of the top Epidemiologists in the world
Some charts depicting Infection Fatality Rates around the world
from this research paper. These rates will differ according to season in country, percentage of old people, genetic and immunological characteristics of a race, the stage of the pandemic and position on the Bell curve or Gompertz curve, hospitals and healthcare and access to this, nutrition and vitamin status, and sunshine and vitamin D status.
A new Epidemiological study by Stanford University
shows that the covid19 infections may be over 60 times
higher than reported at present. Large scale antibody
tests have revealed that most people got infected and
recovered, often without realizing it (or demanding
tests for it). Antibody tests are showing large
numbers of infected and recovered people and a
fatality rate of between 0.1% – 0.3%, comparable to
previous influenza seasons ; this will be discussed
below. The fact that so many people recovered and have
antibodies to it reduces the need for vaccine
hysteria, WHO/Gates hysteria, and national lockdowns,
The University of Southern California and L.A. County
Department of Public Health published research on
April 20 2020 showing the number of infections of
covid19 was 40 to 50 times higher than reported.
Another scientific study ‘ Severe underestimation of
COVID-19 case numbers: effect of epidemic growth rate
and test restrictions’ published by Peter Richterich
in late April 2020 states that numbers infected are 50
– 100 times higher than reported.
An antibody study was conducted in late April 2020 in
New York City and found that 1 in 5 (21.2%) of
residents have already been infected with the
coronavirus. There are 8.5 million people in New York
City, so that would mean 1.8 million New Yorkers have
had the virus. This is over 20 times higher than
officially reported in the news at the time.
The CDC estimated in late July 2020
that 10 times more people than reported have been infected
by covid19. Coronavirus may have infected 10 times more
Americans than reported, CDC says
New US government reports estimated that 10% of
Americans had been infected by September 23 2020. That
is 33 million Americans. Approximately 200,000 had
died. This gaves a fatality rate of 0.6%.
Research conducted In Kenya by the
Wellcome Trust and the Kenya Medical Research
Institute in Spring and Summer 2020 and published in
September 2020 showed that 2.7 million had been
infected with covid19 and 4,000 people had died. This
gives a mortality rate of 0.14%.
The CDC in the USA estimated the infection fatality rate
to be less than 0.1%
In late May
2020, the CDC estimated the overall death rate for
COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the
number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality
rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35%
rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which
drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to
just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford
University researchers pegged it a month ago. Source: and
Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH has
recently downgraded the covid-19 pandemic to that of a bad
flu season similar to 2017 - 2018, 1968 with a mortality
rate of 0.1% - 0.4%. Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted ?
Fauci et. al, 2020
Does this justify national lockdowns and martial law ? Studies in Germany compiled by CEBM in Oxford,
England in September 2020 show that both the infection
fatality rate and case fatality rate was decreasing for
all age groups up to September 2020. Overall it is
moving below 1%. Covid19 is following a predictable Bell
curve pattern, as all pandemics have followed in the
Emeritus Professor of Immunology, Dr. Beda Stadler
published an interesting paper on herd immunity or
community immunity in relation to covid19. Herd immunity
can often be achieved by infection of a small percentage
of the population, and large sections of the population
already had innate immunity against covid19 and many
other coronaviruses. Read paper below. Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong
There are massive numbers of
people already infected and recovered, often without
realizing it, and most people who are asymptomatic who
will go on to recover. These numbers range from 30 to 80
times the actual number of cases reported. This means the fatality rate is very low, between
0.1% - 0.3%. And the recovery rate is between 99.9% -
99.7%And over 90% of deaths are in
the over 70's with two or more pre-existing illnesses.
We need antibody tests to reveal total numbers infected,
total recovered and the fatality rate in Ireland all
countries !
Are there Alternatives to Lockdowns ?
Scientists and Epidemiologists have openly opposed
Lockdowns, curfews, mandatory mask wearing, mandatory
vaccines and other social and legal restrictions
Great Barrington Declaration of October 4th 2020 authored by medical Professors from the Universities of Oxford, Harvard and Stanford and
signed by over 35,000 medical doctors and over 12,000
scientists and epidemiologists. This proposes "Focussed Protection". This "Focussed Protection" is based on the scientific evidence and facts. The authors are Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford
Important video by these three medical doctors and professors presenting the medical and scientific facts and economic
and social facts about covid19 and lockdowns. They authored The Great Barrington Declaration of
October 4th 2020.
This Focussed Protection would involve:
- locking down nursing homes, care homes and hospitals where the most vulnerable people are. These people would be quarantined or cocooned. Care workers and nurses would wear PPE such as masks and gloves and the facilities would be decontaminated at least once a day. Social distancing and hand washing would be vigorously enforced.
- all new arrivals to nursing homes, care homes and hospitals would be tested and quarantined until the results of the test are known. If positive they would be quarantined until they are recovered from covid19
- effective and safe anti covid19 medicines would be prioritised for nursing homes, care homes and hospitals and those people over 70 with one of more pre-existing conditions. These medications are listed in sections below.
- high levels of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium would be given to all residents of nursing homes and hospitals so as to build up immunity and protect them from covid19, colds and flus during the colds and flu season.
- the rest of the population would continue as normal. Businesses would re-open, international travel would resume, bars and restaurants would go back to normal, and the economy would function as normal. The government would implement debt write downs, grants and other financial assistance under a New Deal programme to save businesses and save jobs from the daamging effects of the covid19 lockdowns.
WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE - An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.
These Irish based doctors and scientists include:
Dr. Martin Feeley, Dr. Jack Lambert, Dr. Alan Farrell, Mr. John Curran, Dr. Vincent O’Carroll, Dr. James McDaid, Dr. William Ralph, Dr. David Walsh, Dr. Stephen Frohlich, Mr. Maurice Collins, Dr. Donal Collins, Dr. Andrew Rynne, Dr. Ann McCloskey, Dr. Wilma Lourens, Dr Marcus De Brun, Dr. Gearoid O’Laoi, Dr. Ailin Becker, Dr. Sara Hunt, Dr. Edgar Mocanu, Dr. Arthur Cummings, Mr. Mihai Vioreanu, Dr. Ursula Nusgen, Dr. Nigel Price, Dr. Asem Hamdy, Dr Neville Wilson, Dr Akke Vellinga, Dr Pat Morrissey, Dr Gordon Pate, Dr Padraig Sweeney, Dr. Rosemary Coleman, Dr. Michael McConville
Covid Recovery Ireland
Covid Recovery Ireland is a new Youtube Channel which supports this new group and consists of medical doctors, scientists, epidemiologists, medical professionals, journalists and broadcasters focussed on covid19 issues and lockdowns and accompanying crisis. The link is here at
A scientific paper recently published in the Lancet states that lockdowns are ineffective and useless - “However, in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality”.
Dr. Ivor Cummins, a well known scientist in Ireland has put up a recent video detailing the failures of imposing lockdowns after the pandemic is finished.
America's Fronline Doctors Group - Medical Doctors
standing up for Truth
This video has been illegally censored and banned on Youtube
and other social media, as it exposes the truth and the
facts spoken by medical doctors on the front line in the
USA. Web site of America's Frontline Doctors
Research by Dr. John Ionnadis of Stanford University one of the top Epidemiologists in the world has confirmed this low Infection Fatality Rate. His research has revealed an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.23%. For under 70's the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.05% or below. This was accepted by WHO and many other scientists and organisations worldwide in mid October 2020. This fatality rate is less than a bad flu season. Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data
John P A Ioannidis, Stanford University, one of the top Epidemiologists in the world Dr. John Ionnadis one of the
top Epidemiologists in the world and he opposes lockdowns
Dr. Sucharit Bhakti, top
German medical doctor, Epidemiologist, Professor and scientific
researcher has condemned the lockdowns.
“Implementation of the current draconian measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally dangerous virus is threatening us. Do any scientifically sound data exist to support this contention for COVID-19? I assert that the answer is simply, no.”
~ Dr. Bhakdi, top German Professor, Doctor and Epidemiologist
Dr. Clare Craig a consultant pathologist in London in Britain has criticised the high percentage of false positives in PCR tests and the fear, paranoia and lockdowns resulting from this. She has called it a 'False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic'. This is supported by many scientists and medical doctors listed in sections below.
Collateral Damage caused by Lockdowns in many countries
This has been compiled by medical doctors, professors, scientists, immunologists, epidemiologists, statisticians, economists, lawyers and academics. It includes the thousands of cancelled appointments, diagnostics, screenings, treatments, and operations for cancers, heart diseases, endocrine diseases, gastro-intestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, chronic infections, dementia diseases, etc. and the increase in suicides. It also includes the financial and economic damage to busineses, industries, workers and families, and economies and to students in schools and colleges.
Citing Jaafar et al. (2020;), the court concluded that “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is <3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.” The court further notes that the cycle threshold used for the PCR tests currently being made in Portugal is unknown
Citing Surkova et al. (2020)), the court further stated that any diagnostic test must be interpreted in the context of the actual probability of disease as assessed prior to the undertaking of the test itself, and expresses the opinion that “in the current epidemiological landscape of the United Kingdom, the likelihood is increasing that Covid 19 tests are returning false positives, with major implications for individuals, the health system and society.”
“Given how much scientific doubt exists — as voiced by experts, i.e., those who matter — about the reliability of the PCR tests, given the lack of information concerning the tests’ analytical parameters, and in the absence of a physician’s diagnosis supporting the existence of infection or risk, there is no way this court would ever be able to determine whether C was indeed a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or whether A, B and D had been at a high risk of exposure to it.”
Sources: Portuguese court ruling on PCR tests and
In October 2020, WHO advised governments against lockdowns. This was based on the scientific evidence and the evidence of enormous economic damage to nations. For most nations the pandemic, in terms of deaths, and hospital and ICU admissions, had ended by June 2020.
Countries which did not lock down such as Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Belarus have all done significantly better than Ireland and UK in terms of percentage of population deaths.
The Covid Recovery Group was set up by 50 elected members of the Conservative party to oppose the lockdowns in the UK in November 2020.
Top Doctors and Scientists
against the Lockdowns
Many leading medical doctors,
virologists and scientists have publicly stated that
this covid19 pandemic is similar to a bad flu season,
and there was no need for lockdowns, this includes
Professor Michael Levitt the Nobel prize winner, Dr. Luc
Montagnier another Nobel prize winner, Dr. Rashid Buttar
and hundreds of his medical doctor friends in the USA,
Dr. John Oxford, Dr. Joel Hay, Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt,
Dr. Erich Bendavid, Dr. Yanis Roussel, Dr. Beda Stadler,
Dr. Yoram Lass, Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr. Dolores Cahill,
Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Marcus De Brun, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg,
Dr. Karin Molling, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Yannis
Roussel, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Knut Wittkowski,
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor Johan Giesecke,
Professor Alexander Kekulé, Dr. Clare Craig, Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery,
Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Martin Kulldorf, Dr. David Katz, Dr. Simone Gold,
Dr. Michael Osterhold, Dr. Peter Goetzsche, Professor
Erich Bendavid, Dr. Pietro Vernanzza, Professor John
Ionnadis, Dr. Gerhard Krause, Professor Maria Gita
Gismondo, Dr. Karina Reiss, Dr. Karl Probst, Dr. Heiko Schonning, Dr
Michael Yeadon, Dr.
Martin Haditsch, Dr. Harold Lesch, Professor Dr. Giulio Tarro, Professor Sam Vaknin, Professor Stefan
Hockerz, Professor Hendrik Streek, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Carten
Scheler, Dr. Carl Henaghan and researchers at the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine in Oxford, England. They all disagree with the Imperial College
London model and the need for national lockdowns.
These medical doctors, scientists
and epidemiologists are correct, the covid19 has
followed a predictable bell curve pattern similar to
the flu each seasons and bad flu seasons in the past
and previous epidemics and pandmeics, but the
mortality rate is equivalent to a bad flu season.
Wrong Figures for covid19.
Dying with Covid19 OR dying specifically of Covid19
An Irish Government report and statistics Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Ireland released
in September 2020 showed that 100 people died specifically
of covid19 in Ireland. And 1,677 died of pre-existing
illnesses and medical conditions with coivd19. These people
would have died this year of heart disease, cancers, old
age, liver failure, lung diseases, alzheimers, etc. Out of
1,777 covid related deaths, only 100 people
died of covid19 only in Ireland.This 100
people is a tiny percentage of the total infected. The
following passage is from the Report
Professor Dolores Cahill of UCD and others are encouraging
the families of dead relatives to contact the coroners in
each county and the FOI ofifice to get actual cause of
deaths and details of medicines given or not given. Many so
called "covid19 deaths" were deaths from other causes eg.
heart attacks, cancers, alzheimers, accidents, etc.
Statistics released by the Irish
government and HIQA show that deaths for covid19 were
over-estimated by at least 419 by July 2020. These reveal
many people died with covid19 but not specifically of
covid19. These people would have died this year of heart
disease, cancers, old age, liver failure, lung diseases,
alzheimers, etc. and should not have been included as
covid19 deaths. Analysis of excess
all-cause mortality in Ireland during the COVID-19
The mean age for death from covid19 is 82 years old and
the median age is 84 years old. This is higher than life expectancy in Ireland. This shows that most of
the deaths have been in the over 70 years old category and
most of these had two or more pre-existing illnesses.
Studies also show that over 90% of those who died were too
aged or old to be given ICU in hospitals (Dr. Ivor
Cummins, October 2020). Many would have died this year
2020 or the next year if there was no covid19. A tiny
percentage of people under 50 years old have died of
covid19. Less people under 50 died of it than from colds,
flus, heart attacks, smoking and cancers. This is vitally
important, when one considers that governments enforcement
of national lockdowns and mass destruction of businesses,
jobs, careers, and national economies.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi teaches medicine and
epidemiology in Universities in Germany, and is also a
medical doctor and scientific researcher, and he has
publicly stated that there is a big difference between
dying of covid19 and dying with covid19.
Dying of covid19 means that covid19 was the cause of
death. Dying with covid19 means that a person died of
another illness eg. cancer, heart attack, stroke,
alzheimers, accidents, etc. and may have been infected
with covid19 shortly prior to death or shortly after
death, but it did not cause the death. And he states that
many patients are dying from other coronaviruses which are
separate and very different to covid19. He wrote an open
letter to the German government about this in May 2020.
And many other leading medical doctors, researchers and
Epidemiologists agree with Professor Sucharit Bhakdi about
Important Data from the CDC
in the USA On August 26th 2020, the CDC in the USA stated that 6%
of the total covid19 deaths in the USA were solely due
to covid19. Only 6% of patients died of covid19.
Most of the total deaths, 94%, had several other
co-existing illnesses and were elderly and many would have
died of these illnesses this year. This is a very
important finding. Should countries and economies have
been shut down and destroyed for this ?
Note that the 6% figure is simiar to the figure
for Ireland and some other countries.
We would encourage Epidemiologists and scientists in all
countries to carry out a similar analysis for covid19 in
their countries.
Comparison with Flu
We will compare covid19 to many other illnesses in other
sections of this page. Here we compare it to the flu.
Covid has proved less deadly than previous influenza seasons – there were 50,100 flu deaths from December 2017 to March 2018 in England and Wales. There were 80,000 flu deaths in 1969. To date they have circa 42,000 covid related deaths in the UK.
Between 01 November and 31 March, there was worldwide -
860,000 cases and 40,000 deaths of covid19 while the flu in
the same period of 5 months infects, on average 420 million
people and kills 270,000. Every year, the flu infects
approximately 1 billion people and kills approximately
650,000. The flu occurs every year and some years it can be
very severe such as the 2017 - 2018 season (the Australian
flu) which caused bed shortages and a serious crisis in
hospitals and the need to build tent hospitals in western
countries. Flu kills all age groups, and the flu can be
transmitted by asymptomatic people, yet there were no
national lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face
masks for the flu.
In the global flu pandemic of 2017 –
2018 (also called ‘Australian Flu), according to the CDC,
over 45 million Americans got the flu and most suffered
badly, losing from 5 days – 2 weeks of work, and
resulted in 1 million hospitalizations and 80,000
deaths in the USA, according to NIH in USA.
Worldwide, 1.5 million people died of this virus. The mortality rate was approximately 0.18% - 0.25%.
The important point here is that 45 million people were
found to be infected by the CDC, NIH and health
authorities. If there had been a low number of people
tested in 2017-2018 (such as in the covid19 pandemic,
2020) then this would have provided a false mortality rate
of 5% or higher and public panic and hysteria and calls
for national lockdown. New York Times report in September
Yet there was no national lockdown, no social distancing,
no police state or fascism imposed and no hysteria in the
press and media during the global flu epidemic of 2017 –
2018 (also called ‘Australian Flu).
Transmission by Children
The issue of transmission of cvoid19 by children is analysed on the following web site and scientific research findings and papers are listed
Effective and
Successful Medical Treatments for covid19
Hydroxychloroquine and
Azithromycin and Zinc- Effective and
Successful Medical Treatments for covid19
Medical doctors and scientists have had great success with
combining 2 medical drugs Hydroxychloroquine and
Azithromycin in several countries. Some
doctors are adding a zinc supplement to
this medical protocol, and having great success with it ;
one medical doctor, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, in New York, USA
successfully cured 699 covid-19 patients with this medical
protocol. A study of 932 covid19 patients hospitalised in
New York between March and April 2020 confirmed these
findings. These medicines were rated highly effective in
treating covid19 and saving lives in a global survey of
thousands of medical doctors -
The esteemed professor Paolo Zanotto, from the University of
Sao Paulo, has released a list of 50 scientific references
supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. Scientific Researach Papers -
These medicines are effective and can save millions of lives
worldwide. There is no excuse for not using them. Are they
being used in Ireland and other EU countries ? Medical and
Scientific findings about this below:
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
Virol J. 2005; 2: 69.
Published online 2005 Aug 22. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69
This paper states 'Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture.
Harvey Risch, MD, PhD heads the Yale University School of Epidemiology. He authored “The Key to Defeating Covid-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It” which was published in Newsweek Magazine July 23rd, 2020.
America's Fronline Doctors Group - Medical Doctors
standing up for Truth
This video has been illegally censored and banned on Youtube
and other social media, as it exposes the truth and the
facts spoken by medical doctors on the front line in the
USA. Web site of America's Frontline Doctors
Hypoxia Treatments by Hospital
Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell who works in a hospital in New York,
USA has found that the covid19 virus is blocking the uptake
of iron and oxygen in blood cells and this is leading to
hypoxia. He is seeing many covid19 patients who are
suffering hypoxia. A research paper from China confirms
this ‘COVID-19: Attacks the 1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and
Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Human Heme Metabolism’
Liu et al 2020. This is serious and can lead to hypoxic
organ failure. Ventilators have been found to be ineffective
and counter-productive in many cases according to this
medical doctor and other doctors. Hyberbaric oxygen
treatment is being used successfully in China for covid19
patients, and is highly effective. More and more hospitals
in the USA and Europe are successfully using Hyberbaric
oxygen treatment and various of other types of Oxygen
treatments to treat covid19 patients ; this has proven
highly effective for treating covid19 and can save lives. This
hypoxia and hypoxic injury and accompanying treatment is
being confirmed by doctors in hospitals throughout America
and the world. This new type of treatment needs to be
used in all hospitals immediately. Dietary changes to
improve oxygen levels in the blood and lungs are also
important. These treatments can save millions of lives
The SARS virus and MERS virus also caused hypoxia and
hypoxic injury and they belong to the same class of viruses
as covid19. This is the subject of ongoing medical research
worldwide. This may also explain the effectiveness of
Hydroxychloroquine, an anti malarial drug which protects
iron and oxygen levels in blood cells.
Dangers of ARDS Treatment
From the poignant media images of the ARDS (acute
respiratory distress syndrome) where people in agony choked
and were ventilated, we now know that this was caused by an
exaggerated immune response with intravascular coagulation
in the lung blood vessels. Administration of blood thinners
and dexamethasone and the avoidance of artificial
respiration, which turned out to lead to additional damage
to the lung tissue, means that this dreaded complication
also almost no longer leads to death.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, successfully treated over 500 Covid-19 patients with a 100% succes rate, using an well known asthma medicine Budesonide. This is also used in Taiwan, Japan and Iceland, where a very small number of people have died from Covid-19, in populations of tens of millions of people
Antibody Treatment
Doctors have had success treating patients with the blood
plasma and antibodies of recovered patients who developed
strong antibodies and resistance to the disease. THis is
known as antibody treatment. The FDA in USA has authorised
emergency supplies for hospitals and medical doctors.
Recoveries are very important as each recovery can donate
their blood and antibodies to save the lives of 5 - 6
other people who are seriously ill. This treatment is well
known and accepted by top medical doctors and scientists
and could save millions of lives worldwide.
In October 2020, President Trump was diagnosed and
hospitalised with covid19 and he was given an antibody
treatment known as Regeneron and he recovered inside a few
days. Regeneron is an antibody treatment for covid19 and
is proving to be highly effective in treating it. Many
governments and hospitals are stockpiling antibody
Biotech companies in Europe and the USA are developing new
monoclonal antibodies for covid19 and these should be
fully ready by Winter 2020. This is a safe and effective
form of treatment. Stockpiles of antibodies need to be built up in every
ACE inhibitors and Statins
increase risk of death
Dr. Zach Bush in USA and many other doctors and scientists
have found ACE inhibitors and Statins increase the risk of
death from covid19. These drugs up-regulate the ACE 2
receptors and worsen the covid19 infection. Some doctors
have taken patients off these medicines for the duration of
the pandemic. Thousands of lives could have been saved if
these measures had been taken at the start of the pandemic
according to Dr. Zach Bush.
Medical protocols in all countries need to change to
accommodate these new findings.
Vitamin D and Zinc and Risk of Covid19 and other
Chinese scientists and doctors and other scientists in other
countries have discovered that Vitamin D levels are
essential to protect the immune system from the covid19
virus and other viruses. And that Vitamin D combined with
Vitamin C (3g or more) and Vitamin A, Zinc, and Selenium are
important in building a strong immune system to resist all
viruses, including covid19 and the flu and cold viruses. The
Vitamin D dosage per day needs to be 100 mcg - 150 mcg (4000
iu - 6000 iu) for adequate protection. This will require
vitamin supplementation and eating foods high in Vitamin D.
This is very important during the Autumn and Winter.
This has become vital in the modern world. A recent
scientific study by Harvard University Professor JoAnn
Manson has confirmed that Vitamin D status is a major factor
in preventing serious covid19 infection and in preventing
severe complications from such infections
‘Does Vitamin D protect against covid19?’ Professor JoAnn
Manson, 2020.
There are dozens of other published scientific studies
showing that Vitamin D protects a person from viral
infections and the complications caused by viral infections,
including covid19 virus. Dr. John Campbell, a well known
British medical doctor, teacher and researcher presents new
scientific findings about covid19 and Vitamin D in videos
Levels of Zinc in the body are linked to risk of viral infections and covid19 infection, complications and death. Dr. John
Campbell provides an analysis of this in the video below. Zinc dosage should be 50mg - 100mg per day.
In the west this scientific research is completely ignored by “experts”
and those people with links to Big Pharma. Its highly profitable
to keep the masses of people ignorant about this, poorly nourished,
vitamin deficient and sick.
Most People Have Innate Immunity and T-Cell Cross Reactivity and Cross Immunization against covid19
The body fights covid19 via antibodies, NK cells, Memory T cells and T cells. The scientific research and papers on T cells and covid19 and other coronviruses are on
Stress Reduction to Improve Immune System Functions against covid19 and other viruses
Many scientific studies show a relationship between
high stress levels and weak or weakened immune systems which make people more at risk of getting severe virus infections and other infections and dying from such. This includes getting infected with, severe illness from and death from covid19. Stress also increases one's risk of heart attacks, diabetes and cancers. Many medical doctors are including anti stress treatments as part of their medical treatment for patients. Every person should have a daily anti stress program.
CRISPR technology
CRISPR technology can be used to destroy covid19. The AIDS
virus has been destroyed via this technology. Many viruses
and bacteria including latent forms of viruses and bacteria
are completely destroyed by CRISPR technology.
Interferon Gamma
Interferon gamma has powerful immune enhancement abilities and
enables persons to quickly develop immunity and antibodies
against all types of infections. Interferon gamma should have
been extracted, modified and reconfigured to defeat covid-19
and other pathogens?
Nursing Homes
There has been disturbing evidence that : (a) the safe and highly effective medication listed on this web
site was not used in nursing homes in
Ireland, New York, some states in the USA and several
western countries in 2020 and 2021. This contributed to the higher
death rates in these institutions in Ireland other countries. These medicines were blocked and banned and lied about by Tony Fauci and others in positions of authority including in Ireland. This deprivation of medicines to save lives was deliberate on the part of senior government advistors and politicians and HSE and senior medical officials some of whom had conflicts of interest. The plan all along was to sell experimental vaccines and make massive profits. (b) Nursing homes in Ireland and
some other countries did not have mandatory tests for
covid19, face masks and gloves for all staff and for
residents at the start of and during the covid19 pandemic. (c) Covid Tests for nursing home residents were
cancelled in March and April 2020, according to Dr. Marcus
De Brun (d) many people in hospitals were moved into nursing homes from March 2020 onwards to make more room in hospitals. These people infected old people with covid19 and other illnesses in nursing homes. Old people were admitted to nursing
homes without being tested for covid19. There was no quarantine
of nursing homes. (e) the government and state bodies and HSE
refused to help out nursing homes when they cried out for
help during the covid19 pandemic's worst period of March - early June 2020. Cries for PPE, covid19
tests, replacement staff, quarantine units, decontamination
work, effective medicines and other treatments for covid19,
and medical equipment were ignored and fobbed off. There is evidence emerging of Do Not Resucitate (DNR) orders been given in nursing homes from March 2020 and into 2021. (f) nursing home residents and elderly in hospitals were given dangerous medicines such as Midazalom in 2020 and 2021 which killed some residents and these deaths were mislabelled as "covid19". And Remdesivir which can cause severe damage to the kidneys and lungs and death was also adminisered in nursing homes and in hospitals. Many of these deaths from Midazalom and Remdesivir were mislabelled as "covid19". (g) there is evidence emerging of neglect
of older people in nursing homes during the pandemic and
many being left to die in isolation and pain and misery. (h) no regulation of private nursing homes,
no enforcement of laws for nursing homes, no oversight body
for nursing homes, no investigations, no strategic pandemic
plans for nursing homes, no standard operating procedures
for dealing with these type of emergenices. Too much
government and state body incompetence and lack of action,
and over-payment for this incompetence. (i) In May 2020, it was revealed by the
Sunday Business Post that Nursing homes told to withhold information on
Covid-19 outbreaks from families (j) In Ireland 62% of all covid19 deaths
were in nursing homes (k) Statistics in many countries show that
50% - 70% of all deaths were in nursing homes. There was a slaughter of old people in nursing homes. (l) Dr. Marcus De Brun, a medical doctor
and scientific researcher in Ireland has written about this
and presented his findings in reports and videos online - Covid-19 Mismanagement in Ireland and He has offered
to meet with the Irish government and Irish parliamentary
committees to discuss this matter publicly. See link below.
The treatment of elderly people in nursing homes has been
deficient, negligent and flawed and this will be referenced
throughout this document. People need to be made
accountable for this.
This is important as the majority of covid19 deaths happened
in nursing homes and residential facilities and among those
over 70 years of age. And these failures are being cynically
used to create panic and hysteria and to lock down entire
countries and healthy populations.
Antibody tests
these should have taken place by late May 2020, 8 weeks into
the pandemic in order to establish total infections and
mortality rate and the number of recovered people who could
contribute antibodies to build up antibody stocks.
Professor Dolores Cahill is a well known
international scientific researcher, Immunologist,
Professor, and intellectual and she has presented her
findings, facts and evidence in relation to covid19 which
align with the facts presented in this paper. This is a
radio interview from September 2020. Youtube are illegally censoring videos at present, and this is creating controversey and legal challenges in the courts.
Strategic Deployments
Has there been strategic deployments of ICU’s,
hydroxychloroquine, azt, zinc, hyerbaric facilities, oxygen
treatments, CRISPR technologies, and the medical drugs
mentioned above from hospitals and clinics and storage
facilities with surpluses to those hospitals, nursing homes,
residential facilities and clinics with a desperate need for
such, across a nation and across nations ? This applies to
all healthcare both private and public. Is this being
tracked in real time 24/7 via Information technologies ?
Nationalism VS Globalism
What medical drugs, medical supplies, PPE, decontamination
supplies, quarantine units, medical tests, antibodies, etc.
can be mass produced via automated production (24/7) and 3D
print production within our country for use here and within
individual countries in our trading bloc for use in the
trading bloc ? how can we reduce national dependency on far
eastern countries and long time lags ?
Has too many billions and trillions of euros and dollars
been wasted every year on Globalisation and slave labour
abroad and the maximisation of short term profits through
speculation in asset prices and derivatives ?
There is some evidence to suggest that
covid19 is a recombinant virus and that it may have been lab
created. See Causes and Origins section below. If this is
true, then the genetic material and gain of function of the
virus will have to closely studied and analysed. How does it
differ from SARS and MERS and other coronaviruses ? This
will require forensic analysis of the covid19 virus.
Synthetic antibodies should be developed
for it. It is possible to develop universal synthetic
antibodies for many diseases. And it is possible to fully
automate the production of synthetic antibodies so that we
can deal with this type of epidemic or pandemic.
Epigenetics, including diet, vitamins, herbs, and lifestyle
should be studied and used to destroy the covid19
infection and other types of infection.The western diet which is full of too much sugar, saturated fat and hydrogenated fat, additives and toxins in food, fluoride in water, refined foods, alcohol, and drugs and these are causing the depletion of human immune systems and many illnesses and diseases. And lack of exercise is also a big factor.
UV Light
What are the wider applications of UV light, Ultrasound, and other Electromagnetic waves
in destroying viruses in the human body and the surfaces
of objects ? Can they provide a cheaper and more cost
effective means of diagnosing and treating viral and bacteria diseases in people and on the surfaces of objects ?
Anti Virals
developed over thousands of years
Can scientists synthetise anti viral chemicals from plants
and herbs which could be developed into new medical drugs
to target and stop this virus ? important medicines have
been developed from these in the past
The key variables for governments, health services, medical authorities are not Cases or False Positives with no symptoms and no medical evidence of illness, they are:
Deaths This includes total deaths, deaths per million, per 100,000, and deaths per age group, deaths per population age, deaths per obese population eg. the percentage of persons over 70 and those over 70 with two or more pre-existing illnesses. And deaths from covid19 and no other cause.
Comparison to previous 20 years and to previous pandemics and epidemics
This provides data for comparison within countries and between countries.
Excess Mortality Figures
Comparison to mortality figures in previous years such as 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, etc. Break them down into different illness groups and primary causes of death NOT secondary causes or factors. Deaths by month and full year for previous 20 years. This will show up excess mortality and allow comparisons to previous flu and colds seasons, seasons of high death rates from cancers / heart diseases / respiratory diseases / neurological diseases and various epidemics. Also see point 3 below.
Mislabelling many other illnesses as covid19. The need to Differentiate between dying specifically of a disease or accident with covid19 or a False Positive test of such AND dying specifically of covid19.
For example many cancer cases where people died of cancer and also had covid19 were labelled as covid19 deaths despite cancer being the main cause of death. People dying of heart disease and other diseases were mislabelled as covid19. At present a person who gets killed in a car accident can be labelled a covid19 death if he / she tested positive for covid19 in the past or after death. Evidence is emerging in many countries that death certificates and causes of death were falsified to make non covid19 deaths appear as covid19 deaths. This fraud was widespread in 2020. This greatly exagerrated the number of covid19 deaths. It is a criminal offence to do this in Ireland and many other countries.
ICU admissions and Overall Capacity
ICU's are used more often in the Winter months due to colds, flus, heart diseases, cancer complications, other illnesses, and accidents. Politicial / government willingness to increase capacity.
Comparison to previous 20 years
and to previous pandemics and epidemics
Hospital admissions and Persons waiting on trolleys for covid19 (or some other pandemic pathogen or illness) and total capacity. Are hospitals empty or mostly empty ? if they are mostly empty then why implement lockdowns ? Hospitals are used more often in the Winter months due to seasonal illnesses such as colds, flus, heart diseases, cancer complications, other illnesses, complications of old age, and accidents. Politicial / government willingness to increase capacity.
Comparison to previous 20 years and to previous pandemics and epidemics
Availability of Effective Medicines
The use of effective medicines such as hydroxychloroquine, azt and zinc, Budesonide, Dexamethasone, Hypoxia treatments, ARDS treatment, Antibody treatment, PPE, Vitamin D, etc. for covid19. These medical treatments are over 90% effective. Are these treatments being denied to patients by doctors or governments or their advisors who may have conflicts of interest ?
The precision and accuracy of Tests suchas PCR tests, Antibody Tests, IGA tests or other tests.
The incidence of False Positives. This is of great concern to medical doctors and scientists. True Positives VS False Positives (the science for this is included in sections below). In 2020, PCR cycles of 35 to 45 were used to diagnose covid19 in Ireland and many other countries. This number of cycles has a False Positive rate of 97%. PCR test cycles of 25 to 28 should have been used. Any cycles above that run the risk of False Positives. A high percentage of False Positives can lead to mass panic, fear and paranoia and to wrong figures for total infections, fatality rates, recovery rates, etc.
Diferentiate between a Positive Test and a Case using PCR. A healthy recovered person with a tiny amount of fragments of virus from aprevious infection could test positive and a healthy asymptomatic person could test positive. All of these are wrongly labelled 'Cases'. A Case is a person who is symptomatic with moderate to severe symptoms requiring medical attention or hospitalisation. Vast numbers of people have had the virus and recovered without realising it and some have it and are asymtomatic and will recover with no symptoms.
Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) established through several and repeated serological studies and antibody studies and memory T-cell studies in a country. This is very important and gives us an overview of risk and risk to resources allocation and the position on the Gompertz curve or Bell curve. According to the latest scientific research, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for covid19 is 0.23% or less and for those under 70 it is 0.05%. The recovery rate for covid19 is 99.77% and 99.95%. This is the same as a bad flu season, which we have almost every year. The Infection Fatality Rate for covid19 in a country is determined by: a) total serological tests, antibody tests, PCR tests, and memory T-cell tests for most of the population or a significant percentage of the population (30% or more) of a country and does this represent an accurate measure of infections ? b) the mislabelling of an illness. If many other illnesses and diseases are mislabelled as
a particular illness (covid19) due to False Positives this can adversely impact the IFR. This can give a false estimate. c) Is it Summer or Winter ?
Winter deaths from colds, flus and other illnesses occur every year. Severity of Winters affect mortality rates for all illnesses, in regions, states and countries. d) the stage of the pandemic and the present position on the Gompertz curve. e) the use of effective medicines such as hydroxychloroquine, azt and zinc, Dexamethasone, Hypoxia treatments, ARDS treatment, Antibody treatment, PPE, etc. per population, per patient. Are these treatments being denied to patients by doctors or governments or their advisors who may have conflcits of interest ? f) the percentage of its population over 70 g) the percentage of its population over 70 with 2 or more pre-existing illnesses h) the susceptibility of different age groups to severe illness and death i) Vitamin D levels, Vitamin C levels and Zinc levels in the general population. These are essential for effective immunity against viruses j) the state of the healthcare system such as hospital beds per population and ICU's per population
and doctors / specialists per population. k) natural anti inflammatory and immune regulatory factors in diet and lifestyle, eg. Africa's low rate of death during covid19
This differs from country to country, meaning the Infection Fatality Rate differs.
Total number of recovered cases. Just publishing cases alone and deaths alone is misleading and can lead to panic and hysteria. One must also publicly publish the numbers of people recovered.
Clinical Diagnosis by a medical doctor
A medical doctor examination and Medical Evidence of symptoms and illness and incapacity for all suspected Cases or positive tests. Not Positive tests alone.
Accurate Diagnostic Tests
The use of highly accurate tests such as Antigen tests and IGA and IGG tests. These tend to be more accurate than PCR.
Seasonality. Cold and flus including coronavirus infections naturally rise in late Autumn and Winter and fall during late Spring and Summer.
The rise in cases in Autumn and Winter 2020 reflects the fact that tests have increased over 500% since April 2020, and positive tests do not mean cases or severely ill people ; in many cases people had covid months ago or or have fragments of covid or are asymptomatic. And colds and flu viruses include other coronaviruses which can cause positive PCR test results for covid19, especially in Winter.
Total cases. Do serological studies and antibody studies and T-cell studies show a significant percentage of the population have already been infected and recovered ? this would include symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, and un-diagnosed individuals. Is it 5 times or 10 times or 15 times or 20 times higher than officially reported ? Scientific studies and WHO data by October 2020 showed that 10% of populations had already been infected with covid19. This means the real figures for covid infection are 10 - 20 times higher than officially reported. If a high number of people have already been infected and recovered then the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is very low and there is no need for lockdowns, fear and paranoia.
The level of community immunity (or herd immunity) achieved. This would be based on scientific and medical evidence and reports within a country and adjoining countries / global regions and worldwide
The position we are in on the Bell Curve or Gompertz curve. The lack of correlation between Cases and Deaths show that we have reached the end of a pandemic or epidmeic and the end of the Gompertz curve.
The Model used for pandemics and epidemics to justify lockdowns. Failed Predictions and their Consequences Dr. Sam McConkey predicted 80,000 to 120,000 deaths from covid19 in March 2020. This prediction proved to be wrong by several orders of magnitude. Approximately 1,900 people (November 2020) died from covid19, though new figures released by the HSE show that 100 deaths were specifically from covid19 and the rest involved pre-existing illnesses and old age combined with covid19. Mean age of death was 82 and median age was 84. In 2020, during the covid19 pandemic, over 90% of those who died at the peak of it in Ireland were too old, ill and infirm to be admitted into ICU (Dr. Ivor Cummins and HSE). NPHET in Ireland and similar bodies in other countries used the Imperial College London model of Ferguson. This model was proven to be wrong and defective and is now discredited in the scientific world. It was wrong by several orders of magnitude - it over-estimated deaths, hospitalisations, ICU admissions by 10 - 40 times. Ferguson was wrong about other pandemics and epidemics in the past. Many countries have refused to use this model after its failure in 2020. Yet, some countries such as Ireland and the UK rely on this failed model.
Governments need to do a detailed analysis of the failed predictions, failed models, wrong forecasting, wrong numbers, mistakes, contradictions, false information, and fear mongering of persons working for NPHET in Ireland, SAGE in Britain and similar bodies in other countries and dismiss or fire certain people from these bodies. And employ more professional and honest individuals to replace them, and also set up an independent panel of top experts in medicine, science, epidemiology, ethics, and law to monitor, oversee and review these type of organisations to ensure accuracy, honesty, impartiality, accountability, public transparency, and no conflicts of interest.
Mean age of death and median age of death during a pandemic / epidemic. The mean age of death was 82 and median age of death was 84 for covid19 in Ireland. This is higher than life expectancy in Ireland.
In 2020, during the covid19 pandemic, over 90% of those who died at the peak of it in Ireland were too old, ill and infirm to be admitted into ICU (Dr. Ivor Cummins and HSE). This is an important, but neglected and overlooked factor.
What percentage of those who died at the peak of a pandemic were too old and ill to be put into ICU in hospitals ? this is an important statistic as it seperates those who were on the verge of dying from healthier persons in a similar age category and in other age categories. It also provides for meaningful death statistics which factor in old age and illnesses and risk of death from all causes.
Conflicts of Interest
Has the government checked for conflicts of interest among nphet members (sage members in Britain) ? do any of them or their families have shareholdings and other interests in Big Pharma ? did they receive research grants or other financial rewards or promises of such which are dependent on the views they express to the government and the general public about covid19 ? Has the government got advice from more qualified doctors, scientists and epidemiologists, many of them listed on ? would the government take the advice of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration who are medical professors at Oxford, Stanford and Harvard Universities and the thousands of medical doctors and scientists who have signed this declaration and supported it ?
Conflicts of Interest have been identified in sage which is advising the UK government and
Have government advisors such as nphet (sage in UK, NIH in USA) been wrong about forecasts, predictions, policies, and vaccines in the past ?
- the cervical check scandal
- the injuries, Narcolepsy and other illnesses caused by the swine flu vaccine in the years 2009 - 2011
- the thalidomide babies scandal
- the Hepatitis C scandal
- the vaccine experiments in mother and baby homes, industrial schools and orphanages
- the Dr. Michael Neary scandal
- Leah Cross Scandal
- Susie Long scandal
In 2020, an important new variable was introduced for pandemics. This being admitting infected older people from hospitals and private homes into nursing homes without testing them and not quarantining them and exposing residents in nursing homes to a virus or pathogen. And not testing residents in nursing homes, and not locking down nursing homes and not using PPE and decontamination in nursing homes. And not using hydroxychloroquine, azt, zinc and other successful medications to save lives in nursing homes. And not deploying extra personnel (with PPE and personal test results) to nursing homes to cope with increased workloads at these times. Similar mistakes were made in hospitals. This new variable can greatly increase the death rate, as seen in 2020.
Origin of the Virus (or other pathogens). Has the virus been isolated and studied ? Is it natural or man made in a laboratory ? is the virus very different from other viruses in the same family of viruses ? has the virus got gain of functions and what exactly are they ? and if so how can this be explained ? does this gain of function explain its virulence, pathogenicity, ability to evade immune systems, latency, persistence, and mutation capabilities ? What are the national security implications for Ireland and for other countries ?
Deaths caused by Lockdowns
The number of deaths from cancers / heart diseases / respiratory diseases / gastro-intestinal diseases / endocrine diseases / suicides / dementia and neurological diseases as a result of cancelled diagnosis, screenings, treatments, operations due to covid19 and the lockdowns and accompanying restrictions.
the ratio of people dying from cancelled medical appointments and hospital appointments for other diseases and illnesses to the number of people dying of covid19 (or some other pandemic virus / bacteria). This ratio is important when one considers that cancellations of screenings, diagnostics, surgeries and treatments for these other illnesses were cancelled during the covid19 lockdowns and other restrictions, and that deaths from these may be many times greater than that for covid19.
Detailed Cost - Benefit analysis for this.
Costs should include deaths.
The Open Letter To the Irish Government by top medical doctors, on October 19th 2020 provides important variables and policy changes for government and senior health service personnel.
Total government investment in hospitals and healthcare is an important variable, including
hospital beds per population. Hospital beds per population over 70 years old.
ICU's and ventilators per population. ICU beds per population over 70 years old.
hospital doctors / nurses per population. Hospital doctors / nurses per population over 70 years old.
- operating theatres, operations and operations waiting times per population
medical treatment drugs for a serious disease per population
This determines total capacity and reserves for dealing with bad flu seasons, epidemics, pandemics and natural disasters. This investment in the health system must be measured against total government expenditure on bank bail outs and tax cuts for very wealthy and corporate welfare policies
and accompanying national debt. This is a very important variable as the older population, those over 70, can outstrip the capacity of a bankrupt government to provide basic healthcare for them in epidemics and pandemics. Italy and Belgium being excellent examples.
It is not cases alone which matter. As we shall see on this web page, the above variables are the key ones and they should be determining political decisions and medical decisions.
For example, in late
September 2020 the UK had 5,000 new cases identified in
one day due to a massive increase in testing. And there
were only 266 hospital admissions for covid19 and there
were only 13 deaths in all of Britain. The fact is
that the curve has flattened for deaths, hospital admissions
and ICU admissions by October 2020
The following video raises important questions about the covid19 pandemic.
Idiots and Lunatics during the covid19 Lockdowns
The lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 must have had an adverse effect on the mental health and well being of some scientists and television producers. The following video of a television show on RTE shows people behaving like idiots and lunatics on live television.
Picture of televised event
The standard of television broadcasting needs to improve. The Irish people and nation deserve better.
"Covid is a true killer. So far it’s killed the flu, cancer, heart disease - it killed the ability to think, logic & common sense. It killed the economy, the working class, & millions of jobs. It killed millions of businesses, human connection, love and compassion."
Jeff Nelson